I have too many ideas but I'm lazy, so please make something out of them.
/a-na-ga-pe-sis/ n. (English)
¬no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved
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Sometimes one hears whispers about a goddess in the old castle of Hogwarts, of a deity that heals obstacles not even Madame Pomfrey should know about. It's complicated magic and it has its price but if you're ready to step into the realms of the abandoned classroom on the fifth floor and bring your offering with you, Isis Shafiq will most certainly fulfill your pleadings.
Though only a goddess by name, Isis indeed is silently worshipped as one, hushed whispers passing from house to house, offerings filing in from the kitchens, the Black Lake, the Forbidden Forest. The tooth of a selkie is cradled in the dip of her collarbones, eyes of still-born acromantulas adorn her ears. The shadows bend where she walks and the winds stop howling when she inhales.
Or so they say.
However, when Draco Malfoy passes through the veils that obscure her deigned temple on the fifth floor, he doesn't know what surprises him more: That Isis Shafiq is stitting enthroned on a pile of purple pillows like some kind of princess, claiming she'd read of his arrival in her just finished cup of tea or that Zacharias Smith is cartwheeling through the room, proclaiming to be her treasurer.
Not that it matters. Draco really needs to get rid of these scars.
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¬okidoki, so we're going for a kind of soft draco here, ergo the soft blond cast bc do u see adut akech's doll-like beauty? that's like the vibe we need for that one. soft, doll-like beauty
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¬i see a scene where draco makes here a flower crown, okay? okay ¬so now to the actual plot: isis is born into a family of the sacred 28, her mother is a cursebreaker, her father a healer and she has been highly trained in both fields early on. due to her knowledge and wit she is able to combine these two branches of magic and is despite her young age already fairly specialised in healing magic that is directed at curses, especially dark ones ¬marietta edgecomb actually came to her after she snitched on the da and isis actually lifted the curse before reapplying it bc u have to keep ur secrets and vows, isis is very just and neutral in this aspect, she doesn't care on which side smb is as long as they keep their word and she totally feels to be in the position to reinforce her opinion - and she kinda is, after all there is this kind of cult formed around her in school, it's not an obvious cult but especially younger students truly think she's some kind of goddess: her magic is flawless, her beauty seems otherworldly and she emits some air of mystery ¬draco turns to her after harry sectumsempraed him. the curse left scars all over his torso and neither madame pomfrey nor the healers from st mungo could get rid of them. however, draco feels like it's important for him to be unscarred again, after all the stress he's enduring with voldemort's task rn he can't take this additional stress factor too - all his life he's been drilled on looking flawless, so this rlly weighs on his mind ¬isis is very interested in his scars bc she doesn't know this curse so it's smt new and she loves riddles, she's a ravenclaw after all ¬she needs time to come up with possible solutions for the treatment of the scars, so they meet quite often, bonding time, bla bla, zacharias isn't allowed to stay with them in the beginning bc draco and isis r very secretive abt this, even tho isis knows that zacharias would never tell anyone anything, after all he firstly doesn't like anyone but her and secondly he wouldn't be her treasurerer if he didn't know when to shut up ¬isis is in her fifth year and thus in the same year as ginny, luna and zacharias, this only underlines how desperate draco is bc he is pretty proud and asking for help from a younger student from a different house? pretty desperate for good ol' draco if u ask me ¬however, he's heard rumours abt her accomplishments and she cured crabbe's dyslexia, so he rlly has his hopes up ¬isis is very studious and soft-spoken with lots of patience but she's also kind of arrogant and feels entiteled to let justice prevail. however, besides her own set of morals she's truly neutral. she doesn't rlly give a shit when draco has to show her the dark mark when revealing his sectum sempra scars, the shafiq family stayed neutral in the first wizarding war and they plan on doing the same thing again ¬they're dynamic is just rlly interesting bc they're both proud and like such purebloods but draco is a softie deep down and just a scared boy who's on a suicide squad and isis floats through the world in the believe that she holds some kind of power in the world but together they are just so soft and go picknicking and make flower crowns and they are just like, light academia and cottage core and then u still have family trauma bc of their upbringing and ahhh, it's just bittersweet ¬also, isis is rlly good at divination, she also uses it out of the classroom and most of her predictions come true, she's a very intuitive person but not impulsive at all ¬just two kinda sad, soft pureblood heirs that will be swallowed by the war