I have too many ideas but I'm lazy, so please make something out of them.
/a-na-ga-pe-sis/ n. (English)
¬no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved
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status: available title: our hollow chests or the doppelganger love interest: tom riddle oc name: vincent hollow house: non blood status: muggle timeline: tom riddle era
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vincent hollow: ethan plewes* tom riddle: tom hughes*
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The reason, Tom's eyes are ugly, isn't because they're brown but because of this certain hue in them - they're the colour of heartbreak over and over again.
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Love is something beautiful, it's glistening like the first sheen of ice on a forest lake or a freshly painted masterpiece - and just as easy to destroy. You dip your finger in the water and cracks are everywhere on the water as if painted by a ghost's hand, you trace the petite lines and shapes with your cold finger and smudge the paint, stroking the canvas until there are no colours anymore but a hideous, sick brown.
It's so easy to destroy love, one wrong word, one false gesture, you touch the cold surface and wet canvas. But how should you recreate it? Nobody ever tells you how to mend the ice and separate the colours - your heart stays broken and soaked in dirty brown.
Sometimes, people manage to heal the damage but much more often, former lovers aren't blessed by Aphrodite and while one leaves with a sledge, the other one stays, their fragile, little heart to their feet, bleeding, in pieces all over the floor.
In Vincent Hollow's case, he is both, the one with the hammer and the shredded heart. But his hammer is blood-stained and his love dead.
it's not my fault it's not my fault it's not my fault it's my fault it's my fault my fault
Vince whinces; his chest is hollow, so are his cheeks, his eyes as red as his hands have been - his whole body has been - I love you - I LOVE YOU, DO YOU HEAR ME - I LOVE YOU
i love you i loveyou iloveyouiloveyou
Vincent's heart will never be mended, in fact, it's dead. His actions have been so vice that Aphrodite has noticed this plain mortal, screaming in utter agony - because this isn't the love she's intended. The goddess doesn't decide to bless him, kissing his splintered heart with her pink lips but to rip it apart - and to give it it's own live so it will punish Vincent his whole, godforsaken life long.
But maybe Aphrodite wouldn't have cursed him, if she'd known that Tom Riddle will cross Vincent Hollow's path. Because being interfered with this creature truly is worse than hell.
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¬so, i made this up in thirty minutes, twenty of them being spent staring into the distance bc i didn't know how to start it, so pls forgive, that it's so messy ¬it's heavily inspired by heinrich heine's poem "der doppelgänger", i've put schubert's art song to it at the top, i've found this piece today and i can't get over it, i listened to it and was immideately like "i need a fiction to this, oh my godddd" (there r also english translations, but i'm too lazy to google one, sorry) ¬vincent has killed his love, when she said no to his proposal and stated that she's engaged with some other guy and he couldn't live with the knowledge that she loves somebody who isn't he ¬the murder has changed him, he isn't sane anymore ¬he always seas his doppelganger in front of her house, where he cries and whines and it's like right in the heart and whenever he sees him, it's driving him even crazier ¬the victim's neighbours are so disturbed by vincent's doppelganger, especially because he always vanishes, when they want to get rid of him ¬that's the reason, tom actually thinks, that vincent is a wizard at first tom meets vincent in the village near malfoy manor, where he is while break or it's already when he starts building up his reign, u decide, however, he takes a cruel interest in him bc he's never seen such magic and wants to get to know how vincent does it - when he finds out, that vince is a muggle, he is in fact even more intrigued but he also has his fun manipulating vince, who gets more lunatic every day ¬vince is kind of a homeless now, bc he doesn't want to go back to his family, bc he thinks that they'll see that he's the murderer who's searched for ¬tom is vincent's alibi: when tom meets vincent he finds out that he's a crazy murderer relatively quickly and bc he's seen his doppelganger vanish before, he makes a deal with him (vince should teach him how to produce a doppelganger or smt and he'll say that he was in malfoy manor when the crime happened, convincing the malfoys to do so too) ¬the police can't do anything against vincent bc the malfoys r a major influence and mighty and stuff ¬vince is living at the malfoy manor now, tom is manipulating him heavily ¬sometimes, vincent wakes up from his nightmares, screaming "i love you" over and over again ¬abraxas is afraid of vince tbh ¬in the end, tom has gotten vince to kill himself and write a letter to the police, in which he confesses
fck it, here u get the poem (translated by richard wigmore)
The night is still, the streets are at rest; in this house lived my sweetheart. She has long since left the town, but the house still stands on the selfsame spot. A man stands there too, staring up, and wringing his hands in anguish; I shudder when I see his face – the moon shows me my own form! You wraith, pallid companion, why do you ape the pain of my love which tormented me on this very spot, so many a night, in days long past?
¬btw, just bc Vince is dead, his doppelganger still haunts the street to cry in front of the house of his love :))))