I have too many ideas but I'm lazy, so please make something out of them.
/a-na-ga-pe-sis/ n. (English)
¬no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved
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status: available title: in our blood* love interest: marcus flint oc name: lamiya house: gryffindor* blood status: hag timeline: cos
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lamiya: nisrina sbia*
marcus flint: akash kumar*
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Everybody knows that hags are ugly creatures with as many warts as there are stars in the sky, four toes on every feet and the rotting meet of children between their splintered, yellow teeth, their old body rapped in raddled clothe.
It's so widely known that even Gilderoy Lockhart is certain of it - so guess how surprised he is, when meeting a pretty, young girl, who's snacking raw liver like others tend to do it with chocolate frogs, stating that she's a hag but a young one, deal with it, old man.
Gilderoy returns from his holiday (of course you can already buy Holiday with Hags, support our beloved gentleman!) with more than just a stolen story.
how fortunate that Gilderoy is so skilled when it comes to spells regarding memory and that hags don't live in hoards. But he underestimates the young hag and the magic she possesses - just because it is rudimentary it is still black. And Lamiya truly doesn't like the fact that this blond idiot has kidnapped her.
She would have gone voluntarily with him, what the heck. After all he's famous and probably the first person to ever be nice to her - the kidnapping and memory manipulating's just been unnecessary.
When Gilderoy takes Lamiya with him to Hogwarts, she is meant to show off - she's a pretty hag with not so rudimentary magic after all. But hags aren't predestined for wands and especially not for wizarding schools with their lucious children and unimportant knowledge - she's meant to fail.
She does.
Well, not totally, but Lamiya finds herself relatively fast in tutoring next to Marcus Flint who seems to be just as dumb as her when it comes to sutdies and maybe the troll blood is the reason for this - just like it might be the reason for their attraction to each other.
Because monsters are drawn to monsters.
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¬lamiya means "the one who tears to pieces" but also "the one with the beautiful lips", "shining" and "radiant" ¬lamiya is 16, so is marcus, they're both in their 6th year ¬lamiya rlly can't do magic with a wand, it's impossible to her and she fails all her classes in which u have to use it but hags actually use their magic to brew potions and guess for what subject u don't need ur wand (*coughs* potionsssss) ¬lamiya is always hungry, the main reason is that there r so many children around her and hags eat children, even young hags- ¬she rlly tries not to eat any students ¬gilderoy and her r the enthusiastic, arrogant friend and the sarcastic, uninterested friend ¬percy weasley is actually the tutor who teaches her and marcus how not to fail completely ¬you can decide, if she eventually eats a student ¬the students r afraid and disgusted by her and she doesn't rlly do anything to convince them, that she isn't a children-eating monster (hrrrmpf) ¬the flint family takes lamiya after gilderoy is in st. mungos ¬both her and marcus become deatheaters even though she's not a full one bc she's no witch and we know that voldy is a racist ¬she slowly grows uglier and uglier but this isn't mattering for marcus but it does for her ¬she dies in the war, marcus does not