I have too many ideas but I'm lazy, so please make something out of them.
/a-na-ga-pe-sis/ n. (English)
¬no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved
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status: available title: till death do us part* love interest: geneviève zabini oc name: pantaleon* malfoy house: slytherin blood status: pureblood timeline: bit past marauders era
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pantaleon malfoy: oliver stummvoll* geneviève zabini: andrea bordeaux*
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Pantaleon hasn't thought much about it when he's gone clubbing with his mates, entering the pub with Lestrange and Carrow to his left, Selwyn and Bullstrode on his right, he himself in the middle like a king guarded by gods, their usual formation. They've looked as good as always, shaved and coiffed, bathed in parfum, but nobody's been more dressed up than Pantaleon.
And that's been the mistake.
Because the next morning he wakes up with one ring more than he's worn on the previous day and that alone wouldn't be a problem, sometimes Pantaleon just grabs stuff and then it's his, it's like shopping but with adrenaline and it's quick, a reaction, he can't do anything against it, really, he's (never) tried to.
However, when Pantaleon undresses to wash off the remains of the last night he just can't get rid of this ring, it's like glued to his skin - and it's not even looking good, the heavy gold hue isn't working with his pale, pale skin at all, why hasn't he taken a silver one when he already had to... steal one?
In the end, Pantaleon showers with the ring on because Saturday just isn't the right day of the week to rip off your skin by pulling on jewellery.
It also isn't the right day of the week to find out you've married your one-night stand while being drunk.
But that doesn't stop Geneviève Zabini from entering the room while Pantaleon's still glaring at this not very pretty ring - without clothes on off course, just for the flair, you know - and greeting him with loving words.
"You better have enough money to pay for the wedding dress you ripped. It's only been lend, you idiot."
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¬istg, oliver stummvoll is so beautiful and he looks like a really good malfoy? why does nobody ever cast austrians??? include austria in general? is it because hirscher isn't skiing professionally anymore? HM? look at him
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i actually wanted to take this pic for the beginning of the chapter before but it's so biiiiiig, also the first one fits the flair of pantaleon being a dumb alcohol fan ¬pantaleon is lucius' brother, he's three years younger and also a slytherin, however, he's really into looking good and partying and hooking up, he's fun to be with but you have to get along with his arrogance and occurring harshness ¬he's also cleptomanic but he doesn't see it as a problem ¬he's a bit like a dragon stealing together like a hoard of his own?? ¬abt ms zabini: she's blaises' mother, just in case you didn't notice yet, i called her geneviève bc the name is rlly pretty and it's also the name of king arthur's wife and u know, the prestige ¬ms zabini is 23, pantaleon is 21 ¬ms zabini's coming from an impoverishing pureblood family, she hasn't been risen to work one day and she honestly also doesn't want to, she wants to live an easy life and seducing men to marry her and kill them afterwards isn't hard for her - she's a bit like pantaleon in that point except what she steals are hearts and her hoard consists of corpses and stolen money ¬pantaleon is the first man she marrys and kills afterwards therefor, she hasn't really planned it: she's spots him, identifies him as a malfoy (it's all too obvious) and it just clicks: marry that rich man. she isn't planning on killing him at first but she just has to build her hoard ¬also, the sexual tension between the two is immaculate i tell u ¬u remember how i said i crafted "our hollow chests" in half an hour? i didn't even take so much time for that one, that's why the quality is low lol ¬ah, also the ring is hexed that it can't be removed until they're not married anymore (till death parts them)