I have too many ideas but I'm lazy, so please make something out of them.
/a-na-ga-pe-sis/ n. (English)
¬no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved
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status: available title: tacenda* love interest: percy weasley oc name: peach shacklebolt house: slytherin blood status: halfblood time line: golden era, poa
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peach shacklebolt: soouizz* percy weasley: kevin thompson*
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Names are having a certain power nobody really seems to acknowledge but this isn't lessening the truth. Alone the aversion - no, fear - of speaking out, of even thinking Lord Voldemort's name is supporting this fact and additionally to this, everybody's nursing prejudices about nearly every name.
And while some names are imprinted in people's heads in a pleasant way, awarding them with flower crowns and caking them in golden glitter, others are ugly wounds, ripped by monstrous claws and connected with blood and destruction and so, so much agony and pain.
Not to mention that a name's meaning either is the best thing in one's life or the worst - and it can fit totally with the imprinted picture or definitely not, like, there's no in between. While Aimee's "the beloved" is going all too well with her rose-tinted, smiling lips and idly sparkling eyes and her shimmering tears, glistening in the dying light of the sun break like nobody else's, crystals rolling over freckled cheeks, Dragslav definitely doesn't. Because a male named Dragoslav just has to be some kind of criminal or at least posess some kind of threatening aura - and the meaning's just destroying the prejudice.
𝓐𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓮 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝒹
𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓰𝓸𝓼𝓵𝓪𝓿 𝑔𝓁𝑜𝓇𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝒹
Peach knows that names are powerful, that there's a reason some are feared and negelcted after all he speaks out of first hand experience because his name is just awful. After years of muggle school, or to phrase it better, him trying to learn whilst being constantly teased, his abhorrent name being the prior reason, Peach has just decided to make up a completely new, completely fabulous and most important, completely positive name.
And that's how Peach Preach Shacklebolt's been born.
Nobody could possibly have anything against peaches, they're the most delicious and beautiful fruit after all and everybody loves fruits because they're nutritious but sweet, right? And "preach" is just rhyming with it, 9-year-old Peach has thought that consequently it has to be a fantastic idea to choose the verb as second name.
Unfortunately, his new name hasn't improved Peach's situation at all but he's still felt better when being teased because now he's been the one to fuck up and not his dad - and this kinda felt like an improvement because Peach just couldn't live with the thought that his dad's made a mistake. Kingsley Shacklebolt is the perfect human in his son's eyes, and even though the fact that his abilities to name children seem to be shit haven't destroyed Peach's image of him, it's still been slightly disturbing it.
To prevent people from calling him by the name given to him after birth, Peach's just asked them politely to refer to him as Peach and even though it's often ended in contempuous sneers or belittling gazes, Peach is much happier with his name now and to be honest, the reactions to his name are now much subtler than they've been before he's gone by Peach.
And because of tgis, little - actually big - 11-year-old Peach's gone straight to Professor McGonagall when she's announced that she'll read the names.
"My name's Peach Shacklebolt now", he's explained. "Peach Preach Shacklebolt, if this is very official and uptight but not this... monstrositiy."
The woman's nodded, asking no further questions, just announcing the boy's name in the right way later.
For the inhabitants o Hogwarts, Peach's name has always been a mystery, forbidden knowledge, a secret not even passed in silence out of the simple fact that it can't be passed when nobody knows it.
And even though people don't really acknowledge it - just as the power of names - Percy Weasley isn't just studying for good grades but also because he's fucking curious and he definitely can't graduate without knowing what name could be so immensely ugly that such a tolerant person like Peach Preach Shacklebolt is anything but eager to call it theirs.
Not that he'd tell anybody about it.
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¬this story is one giant fluffy slowburn, like- ¬tacenda are "things better left unsaid, matters to be passed over in silence" ¬i think, peach's birth name should be smt rlly bad like Detlef-Adolf (i can totally see his mama jokingly say: "let's name him Detlef-Adolf" and kingsley being like that's actually so gorgeousssssss and his wife being like wtf no and kingsley is stubborn af and that's why peach has this name) ¬peach is a halfblood bc his mama is a muggle ¬you decide if his mama is still alive or what's up with her ¬peach is this adorable slytherin nobody thinks to be a slytherin bc he's having a dozen hufflepuff friends and ppl r like r u kidding, u r no snake th ¬he still is ¬that's it tbh, i still love it