𝕚𝕧. Tom Riddle, Free Fall

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status: availabletitle: free fall*love interest: tom riddleoc name: wilhelm* frisch*house: non bc muggleblood status: muggletimeline: either 1949 or much later, you'll see why in the notes au: ski jumping, no voldy

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status: available
title: free fall*
love interest: tom riddle
oc name: wilhelm* frisch*
house: non bc muggle
blood status: muggle
timeline: either 1949 or much later, you'll see why in the notes
au: ski jumping, no voldy

status: availabletitle: free fall*love interest: tom riddleoc name: wilhelm* frisch*house: non bc muggleblood status: muggletimeline: either 1949 or much later, you'll see why in the notes au: ski jumping, no voldy

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wilhelm frisch: jeremy dufour*
tom riddle: tom hughes*

wilhelm frisch: jeremy dufour*tom riddle: tom hughes*

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Flying has always been an action reserved for immortals, gods and angels and demons. Still, it's been on the human mind for as long as we can recall, Icarus and Daedalus being the prime example.

Icarus has been punished for it, for the naivety to think that he could fly with carefree mind, just like a god. He's been punished and his penalty has been death.

However, they don't punish Tom Riddle for floating through the air. Maybe they know that he's one of them, that there's ichor running through his veins but even if they'd decide that Aeolus should let him fall, it wouldn't affect Tom too much.

In contrary to Icarus, Tom knows how to land.

Every ski jumper does but there aren't many who are better in landing safely than Tom. In fact, there are only a few, who're better than Tom in general but he's ready to proof that he's the best and if his body and results should say otherwise, he still has magic. He's a Slytherin after all and as long as nobody catches you, you don't deceive.

But Tom isn't in need of his wand, his jumps are extraordinarily good even without muttered spells and he catches the attention of the audience who wants to know more about the attractive prodigy who's come out of nowhere.

That's, when Wilhelm enters the game, charmingly smiling, his pencil already between his fingers but not visible for his opposite - how should he get all details, if they'd actually think before talk? He might have lost a leg but not his brain.

And this is probably the reason why Wilhelm immediately knows that Tom's hiding a big, dirty story. Nobody can possibly be this perfect in his opinion.

And he is right.


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¬i actually love the concept so much, like
¬wilhelm is a sports reporter and there's like this ski jumping tournament and he has to interview ppl ofc
¬tom's come out of nowhere but he's a ski jumping prodigy and everybody is so curious abt his background? like, who is this guy?!
¬if it is past 1949, tom also looks a lot like a ski jumping legend, who's actually him and ppl go like, just like xy (the legend) (he hasn't participated under his own name) 
¬tom had learnt how to ski jump when being on holidays with the malfoys in austria bc all children have been building ski jumps to have fun and jump and abraxas has been like, yo, tom, let's ski jump with austrian kiddies and in the end tom has been a prodigy even though he hasn't wanted to do it in the beginning
¬wilhelm is very likely to be austrian bc let me tell you one thing: every family sits in front of the tv every winter to watch ski jumping and ski races and everything ski related bc skiing is the austrians fav sport, fvck football
¬if he's no austrian, he's german 
¬his family is so proud that he's working in this field bc, like, SKIING, and because wilhelm is only having one leg (if it's 1949 bc he's been in war, if it's past bc of diabetes or smt) this is the best what could have happened to him, he's actually wanted to be a professional ski jumper but then he's lost his leg, you see (conversations between tom and wilhelm abt wilhelm's former skiing skills, i beg u)
¬lemme now explain you the thing with the time line bc it's crucial for the plot:
*1949: wilhelm has been fighting in the war even though he hasn't been believing in the beliefs of the nazis (include flashbacks and stuff); the idea of the Vierschanzentournee has been born in Partenkirchen while it hasn't been a thing in rl until 1953 bc of ww2 consequences this is an au so we have the tournament in 1949, also, great britian is obviously participating and wilhelm doesn't find out abt tom's immortality (just bc he isn't voldy, it doesn't mean he isn't an immortal killer)
*much later: dunno if you want to make it the 70s or nowadays or something else, the only important thing then is, that tom has already been participating in the competition and he's been a legend since then bc he's been jumping extraordinarily, also, tom is immortal but not aging much
¬now, the plot
¬wilhelm interviews tom and stuff and they come closer bc wilhelm is a cheeky bi man, who's fallen for this cold ski jumper (i'm looking forward to comparisons of tom and snow, just wanted to say it subtly)
¬tom uses wilhelm to get to know the other jumpers' weaknesses and stuff, not that it would help much, but you know
¬wilhelm looks through tom's stuff bc he's a curious reporter, okay? and he finds letters and maybe pics and is like wtf, really
¬if it's 1949, wilhelm just finds out abt the wizarding world, if it's later, he finds out abt both the wizarding world and tom's immortality and tom being this legendary ski jumper
¬ofc wilhelm wants to release an article abt it, he's a journalist after all and apparently quite a bad human but tom finds out and kills him
¬wilhelm's surname, frisch, means both "fresh" and "cool" in the sense of "cold", it would be really fitting, but if you want to change it, go ahead

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