I have too many ideas but I'm lazy, so please make something out of them.
/a-na-ga-pe-sis/ n. (English)
¬no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved
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status: available title: latest news* love interest: rita skeeter oc name: rhea* selwyn* house: slytherin blood status: pureblood timeline: marauders era
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rhea selwyn: thalia mercier*
rita skeeter: anya taylor-joy*
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Being born into the pure (purely dark for that matter) family of the Selwyn, Rhea knows her place and usually she's good at maintaining it. Satisfying marks, proper looks, the right circle of friends. She isn't the loudest when it comes to taunting others but she's not the quietest either, she does just enough to still be regarded a good enough daughter.
A good girl in the eyes of the Selwyn family.
So snogging a muggleborn girl in a broom closet after curfew definitely isn't like Rhea at all. Maybe she should have drunk a firewhsikey less or not have taken such a show-off drag of the joint that's been making the round. Otherwise she certainly would have thought twice about making out in a broom closet out of all places. After all people somehow always managed to get caught when hiding away in them.
But why had it to be Rita Skeeter to open that damn closet? Rhea certainly could not have this story in the school newspaper.
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¬soooooo, i'm not dead? but i can't find the old divider anymore, so i used that funky cow instead lel ¬this plot isn't the highest quality i am just putting studying latin and sleeping off, but i wanted to do smt so here we go: if u change rheas surname make sure that she still belongs to one of the sacred 28 families bc her issue is that she's born into a strict pureblood family and therefor has a very tough upbringing and will also have to marry some sacred 28 homie - and she will!! the romance with rita won't stop her from fulfilling her family's expectations ¬rhea's pan btw ¬rita's a raging lesbian ¬and a slytherin ¬both of them are in their 7th year, also they're in the same year as bellatrix and rhea and bella are bros even tho bella's views on blood purity are too extreme in rhea's opinion ¬rita writes a school newspaper with gilderoy lockhart and her articles are just as we know them so rhea's fear of getting that incident published is nont irrational at all ¬rita and rhea aren't close bc rita's not one of the 28 but after rita was in search of a story and randomly opening broom closets, rhea comes to her and they talk and stuff and in the end rita recruits rhea to be her information supplier regarding pureblood gossip bc the circles of the 28 aren't within rita's realm but she craves to write abt stuff going on there too so there's that ¬rhea becomes kind of a spy for rita and after some time they actually get friends and they love gossipping, rhea loves how nosy and witty rita is and rita is enamored by rhea's earnestness and poise ¬bellatrix wants to find out how all of these secrets suddenly appear in the newspaper and she wants rhea to investigate that matter with her, so there's that ¬in general it's having a rather light feel to it, especially rita's and gilderoy's relationship as well as rita's and rhea's relationship later on but there still is rhea's restricting homelife, bella's extreme believes and rhea simply wanting to fit her family's expectations with doing as little as possible ¬rita's articles abt the marauders r probably pinned to sirius' bed ngl