I have too many ideas but I'm lazy, so please make something out of them.
/a-na-ga-pe-sis/ n. (English)
¬no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved
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Unlike most humans, Justine Prewett loves people, she loves getting to know them, their motivations and passions and dreams, their fears and pet peeves and nightmares, she loves spotting their small and bigger imperfections and habits - and you can only guess how pleasantly surprised she's been when her father's finally slipped because he somehow has some aversion against his relatives so Justine hasn't ever heard much about them, don't even think about meetings.
So when her dad's accidentally spilled where the Weasleys live, it's just been a question of time until Justine's been sitting in a bust heading to the middle of nowhere, running around headlessly in the pampa until she's finally spotted the weirdest and most enamouring house she's ever laid her eyes on.
And while she's thought that she's starting to hallucinate because of glee, the closer Justine comes, the clearer it gets: There really are flying brooms with people on them. How cool!
Her unhealthy level of happiness is probably the reason that she yells: "Hi relatives, bloody hell, are you cool!"
Somebody hit her please.
Especially because she's jump scared Hermione Granger, who's been forced to play quiddit, so much that she falls off her broom - Justine wants to get to know new people and not to nearly kill them with her enthusiasm, damn.
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¬i finally found the perfect cast for justine ahhhhhh ¬justine is so cheery, istg ¬she's the daughter of the accountant the weasleys are kind of pretending to not exist - he's related to them but a squib and only once mentioned in the first book but here we have his daughter running around to find the rest of her family, finding out that they're witches and wizards - and being so, so happy, like, imagine your relatives would be able to fly on brooms, hell ¬justine feels so bad bc hermione falls off her broom ¬they get friends real quick but it's a slowburn bc why not ¬molly loves justine even though she's a bit awkward around her bc of the girl's father ¬arthur loves justine even more and she and arthur are unbearable, they're just full of enthusiasm, being like your world >>> - no, your world>>>>> ¬justine is one year older than hermione ¬justine befriends percy and everybody is like :0 and justine is like percy, ma man ¬hermione is lowkey jealous of percy ¬they're all so cute in general, help