I have too many ideas but I'm lazy, so please make something out of them.
/a-na-ga-pe-sis/ n. (English)
¬no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved
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status: available title: chess-mess* love interest: ron weasley house: non blood status: muggle, ig? timeline: postwar au: ron n harry aren't aurors, yey
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knightley: fernando caldra* ron weasley: daniel laros*
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Ron has quickly discovered that being an auror actually isn't the right for him. It's a riddle to him why aurors have to be so overqualified to be honest but his appreciation and respect for those who are pursueing this career is definitely bigger now though.
Alone he probably wouldn't have dropped out as he'd have felt as if his reasons and feelings were invalid because nearly everybody wants to be an auror at one point and he who'd been accepted as one - how could he doubt that he belongs there after the leading positions have thought so?
However, Harry's come to him one night, telling him that being an auror actually isn't the right for him and that he'll rather become a professional quidditch player - and Ron has been relieved and decided to get a new job too.
The only question's been which but fortunately Ron has a muggle loving-father, a muggle-born friend and a muggle-risen other friend - just because he is a wizard, he doesn't have to work in a strictly magical job and somehow he's never realized this before.
And because his mother has always been cooking he's never known that he doesn't only like eating food but also making it.
Now, Ron is cooking in the Leaky Cauldron and yeah, it's a bit magical but it's more peeling and cutting and boiling - the taste of food that's been prepared by a human's hand is actually tasting a bit different from food prepared by wand.
Ron wouldn't ever have thought that he'd end up in a pub but here he is, working next to Tom and being considered to lead it when Tom won't be able to do so anymore. Because to be frank, Ron is as if he'd been born to work at this place: He's good with people, joking and friendly, his food is delicious and full of heart and he's been rather fast acquainted to all the regulars, probably the most important aspect because a pub isn't functioning without its regulars.
And when this huge, rather threatening figure has entered the Leaky Cauldron, Ron has treated him like everyone, bright smile and warm greeting. Then this man, dressed into an armor like a knight, what the actual fuck, has stated that he's been looking for him for a long time now and Ron has stayed professional.
But how the hell should he stay professional when this guy claims to be the knight from Ron's huge, life-threatening chess game in his first year and that the two apparently have a connection because "knight buddies forever"?
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¬isn't it funny that i've intended this to be a very serious, deep, dark story and then my mind is like, you know what, what about NO ¬the title is such a mess, please change it ¬the synopsis is another catastroph but who cares ¬harry should have been a professional quidditch guy in my opinion so now he is and ron is in the leaky cauldron, i like the chemistry between him and tom, they're so heartwarming ¬soooooo, now let's speak abt knightley ¬knightley's name is obviously knightley bc he's been the knight in the chess game in first year on the way to the philosopher's stone whom ron has sacrificed to the white queen and when ron has sacrificed himself too, this has touched something in knightley's former cold hard and he's turned human because - shocker! - the whole chess ppl stuff r cursed humans <3 ¬they've probably been cursed bc their hearts are cold like stone or smt and then they had to fight each other for eternity but then mcgonagall somehow got them into her grasp and had to guard the stone ¬because knightley hasn't been knocked out for a long time he's needed quite a bit to recover and when the other chess figures have told him abt ron's sacrifice he was all like awWwWwW and that kinda melted his heart or smt and he got human again ¬his horse turned into a horse again and knightley is wearing an armor in the beginning bc that's what he's worn as a chess pawn, yey ¬the chess pawns are mute btw even though they weren't before the curse and knightley still is, he's communicating to ron with paper and pen ¬his handwriting is kinda messy but pretty to look at? ¬knightley has given this name himself because he doesn't remember his real one <3 ¬after he's a human again he's decided to look for the boy whose sacrifice has moved him enough to get rid of that nasty curse but he's been kinda lost in the world so he and his horse have been running circles in britain, totally overwhelmed, definitely not finding ron ¬he's eventually asked mcgongall who's ofc known where ron is bc everybody knows who's working in the leaky cauldron, like, u need to pass it when u want to diagon alley when u don't use floo powder or apparation ¬knightley and mcgonagall aren't close or anything but she isn't weirded out bc he's been a pawn bc she's teaching transfiguration and is a parttime cat, so ¬knightley has some kind of mental connection with ron tho? like, he can feel that ron's alive and when he sees him, he knows that's it ron bc the two have both been knights and bc of the breaking of the curse ¬you can imagine how surprised knightley is that ron has grown, like, he's kinda forgotten that ppl age ¬dunno if knightley is aging or if the curse has affected that ¬knightley is very dramatic but he's also like how i imagine a knight to be: quick-minded, complicated and kinda unnecessary to some but totally necessary to others (yeah, maybe the knights aren't my favourite pawns, sorry, i don't understand how others can use them so... dunno, flawlessly?) ¬ron isn't exactly happy to have knightley but he goes with it ¬they're so funny, pls ¬i actually don't know what blood status knightley has, like, is he even human ¬u have to decide from which time period he is, maybe he's morgan le fays son and buds with arthur (pls not but who knows) ¬yeah, i think, that's it