4: The First Test

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Kyojuro's eyes averted from you to Lady Otsune as she stood at the entrance of the temple.

"Yes, I'm ready!" He replies.

"No, he is not!" You interrupted before glancing back towards the boy in front of you.

"Look, you should just go home, because it's futile if you think I'm marrying you." You say it smugly.

"I'm sure you could find a far more pretty and suitable girl to love. Don't get me wrong; you seem nice and all, but you're only wasting your time. I'm not worth it."

However, the Flame Hashira only looked at you as if you had suddenly grown two heads; his expression suddenly became stoic.

Those bright, golden, and red eyes were now serious and staring intensely into your soul.

Your heartbeat began to pick up speed the longer he stared at you, making you feel anxious. You felt like a mouse looking up at a hungry lion.

You gulped, now feeling a little frightened because how intimidating he looked, and you wanted to shy away.

Perhaps you'd angered him?

"Now, now, [Name]...Rengoku-san has graciously come all this way to prove himself. Don't you think you're being a bit cold?" Otsune's kind voice broke the tension.

"At least give him a chance." She added.

"B-but." Before you could protest, Kyojuro suddenly leaned in closer to you until his face was merely inches from yours.

Your face immediately erupted into a full-blown blush because you instantly thought that he was about to kiss you as his eyes stared into yours.

"You're absolutely worth it, and I would gladly travel to the ends of the earth, as long as I get to have you as my wife." Kyojuro says lowly.

He was serious!

'What in God's name is happening? Why the hell is he so persistent?'

Is he insane? Was he really willing to take whatever risk these trials had in store for him? In sheer honesty, you were just trying to spare him the hassle.

Although you now know how to control your abilities, he'll just end up dumping you in the end, just like all the others, right?

You were so lost in thought that you almost didn't hear Kyojuro speak.

"Please give me a chance, my sweet flame!"

Your body shivered when you felt him wrap his arms around your waist.

Ironically, after months of playing cat and mouse, this was the first time Kyojuro finally got to actually hold you, and you were letting him!

You never would've guessed how intensely warm he was, and he smelled of hickory and apple orchards.

For a moment, you felt so safe in his arms as you mindlessly rested your head on his chest, listening to his drumming heartbeat while basking in the feeling of his warmth.

'Kami-sama, it's been so long.' You mentally thought as you sighed softly.

"Is that a yes, my love?" Kyojuro asked, snapping you out of your daze.

Realizing what it was you were doing, you immediately pushed him away from you, your face red from embarrassment.

"How dare you touch me?" You growled, trying to save face.

Kyojuro only laughed, seeing that your tsundere attitude has returned.

"Haha~ so I take it you're okay with me taking the trial then?"

You soon released a defeated sigh.

It's no use. He wasn't going to listen to reason or take no for an answer, so with that, you give up.

"Fine, I'll give you a chance, but you only get one chance!" You tell him sternly before turning on your geta.

A delighted grin tugged up at the corners of Kyojuro's lips. "Then I will not fail you, my snow flower!♡" He replies cheerfully.

"Stop calling me that!"

Momentarily, Otsune slowly approached Kyojuro, saying, "Now that that's settled, let us begin your first test." She says.

Kyojuro watched as she then reached into her haori and pulled out a round pair of oriental bells.

"Have you heard of the phrase 'Find the needle in the haystack?' She asked.

Oh, so this was his first test!

Kyojuro nodded, already having a clear idea of where this was going.

"Good, because your objective is to find these bells in there!" she says while pointing towards the woods.

Kyojuro's expression remained the same; he wasn't discouraged, nor did he feel any signs of dismay.

"As you know, many have failed because they'd simply given up on the search." Otsune said, and her kind expression soon turned serious as her wise brown eyes glared at him.

"Are you sure you're up for this? It's not too late to back out."

But the Flame Hashira remained undeterred as he only smiled, and Otsune could see the fires of determination burning within his irises.

Kyojuro then slowly glanced behind her and towards you.

You blushed while quickly looking away from his intense stare. He understood completely why you wanted him to leave. However, you shouldn't underestimate him so easily.

Especially when he just so happens to be a powerful swordsman who slays demons.

"I accept the challenge!" He says it determinedly.

Otsune laughed. "Heh, then I pray for your success, Rengoku-san!"

The elder woman then whistled loudly, and Kyojuro saw something fly overhead and towards her.

It was a beautiful light brown and white owl as it landed on Otsune's shoulder.

"This is Shiro, and he'll be the one to hide the bells!" She says this while giving the bells to the bird.

With that said, Shiro flew off and into the wooded thicket.

"These woods are quite vast, but luckily, Shiro never strays far from the temple, so you have until sundown." Otsune explains.

"Shiro will watch over you, but if you ever do feel like giving up, just yell 'washoi' and Shiro will kindly guide you back to the temple. Keep in mind that this trial is to test your resolve, so remember to stay calm, remain visual, and spot the obvious. Best of luck to you, young Rengoku-san!" She finishes.

Kyojuro only nodded and then gave you one final glance.

"Wish me luck, my love!" He said before running off into the woods as you longingly watched him disappear into the thicket until he was out of sight.

Demon Slayer: Yσƙαι Wιϝҽ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now