57: The Upcoming Ceremony

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"Oh my, what happened here?" Douma questions.

Although, there really wasn't any concern in his voice whatsoever as rainbow eyes glanced around only to land on the decapitated body of Satsujin.

"Aww, he's dead. Hehehe, how unfortunate," The blonde demon chuckled, "what a pity and I was just starting to like him, too." He adds with false sense of empathy.

Soon another figure emerged; a muscular man of average height with short pink hair and body aligned with thick lines and stood behind Douma as golden eyes examined the carnage before him.

"Serves him right," Akaza says, nonchalantly.

His golden amber eyes glared down at the severed body of the fallen demon, before placing his bare foot onto Satsujin's head and heavily pressed down until there was a sickening crunch of his skull being crushed, as crimson blood and gore splattered the ground.

"Weakling. I would've kill him myself for being so weak." Akaza says bitterly.

"Ah~ typical Akaza-kun, egocentric as always, hahaha." Douma laughs, hiding a Cheshire cat-smile behind his hand-fan.

"According to the villagers, a young boy with flaming hair was seen heading towards this place, hours ago." Douma explains.

Akaza perks at this, "flaming hair?"

"Yes, apparently a Hashira by the name of.. Rangiku(?)..or was it Rungoku? Oh well, it was something like that. I never was really good at remembering names, haha." The blonde chuckles lightly.

Akaza couldn't help but become intrigued of this Flaming Hashira, as his amber eyes scanned the wreckage─seeing debris of broken earth and large clusters embedded in the ground.

Whoever this "Rengoku" person is; he seems strong, like really strong? Perhaps, even a potential and worthy opponent? The thought caused the corners of Akaza's lips to arch slightly upwards.

"Oh! Is that a smile I see, Akaza-kun?" Douma teased flashing a catty-grin.

The Third Upper Moon only growls and simply ignores the annoying Second Upper Moon, before leaving.


With the mission now completed, Kyōjurō had already sent his Kasugai crow to report back to Ubuyashiki-sama.

Mrs. Chin (the Chinese lady whom you and Kyōjurō met in prior of arriving) was so kind to let you two stay at her house for the night, to mend your wounds and get some much needed rest. As a reward for your efforts and heroism, she paid you and Kyōjurō with gold, in which you were both very grateful.

By the time you both left Yokohama Chinatown, it was early in the morning and to say that you were beyond exhausted, would be an understatement.


Upon arriving home early that evening, Senjurō had been so delighted to see the both of you and the mini Rengoku wasted no time in embracing you and Kyōjurō, clearly happy to see you both home safe and sound.

After a much need bath and enjoying a delicious hot meal, you had told Kyōjurō that you were going to take a brief nap.

"Come wake me up in half an hour, okay?" you'd said to him as you padded down the engawa and towards your room.

Demon Slayer: Yσƙαι Wιϝҽ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now