48: Flyday Chinatown

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Yokohama Chinatown.

As you and Kyōjurō leisurely walk through the bustling streets, passing by local Chinese and Japanese pedestrians, you notice Chinese lanterns sway gently above the frames of shops and buildings. The soft glow of the lanterns creates a warm and inviting atmosphere, contrasting beautifully with the busy cityscape around you.

Despite your best efforts, the investigation seems to have hit a standstill since your arrival.

"Hmm, it seems there's a nearby village just up north from here." Kyōjurō suddenly spoke up. "Perhaps we should start there first and see if we could gather some information." He suggests.

You turned to glance back at him, only to see him reading a map.

'Where did he get that from?' You had been so focused on deciding where to even start your investigation that you hadn't been paying attention to your lover.

"When do you have a map?" You asked.

Kyōjurō glanced at you, "Hm? Oh, I picked one up from that news rack we passed by." He explains.

You blinked once, then twice at him─before averting your gaze towards the sky; it was getting dark...and quick. It was a dark blue and orange dusky hue with a spray of gleaming stars and the luscious curve of the moon poking out, hidden beneath thick, invisible clouds. As the darkness enveloped the horizon, the cool evening breeze brushed against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. You can't help but feel a sense of urgency to make progress.

Perhaps, you should start in the village.

"Alright. Then, let's go." You say.


You sighed in relief as a row of quaint houses and shops came into view. The soft glow of the lanterns cast shadows on the cobblestone pavement, creating a mysterious atmosphere that seemed to envelop the entire street. There's a faint scent of incense in the air.

The quiet murmur of voices and the occasional sound of wooden sandals clicking against the ground were the only sounds that broke the silence of the night.

"Ok, let us begin our investigation." Kyōjurō said as he glanced towards a narrowed street that was lit with red paper lanterns dangling from the wires.

"Right." You say and followed him.

The streets were bustling with people, probably just now returning home from a long day of work. It must be flyday, the day of the week when contract employees travel from their work site to their home location. As you both wandered around, you noticed the traditional Chinese architecture of the houses. The intricate designs of the rooftops and the vibrant colors of the buildings added a touch of charm to the busy streets.

"Hmm, I think if we split up and ask around, maybe we could get some info?" Kyōjurō suggests and you couldn't help but agree.

"Ok. You take right, and I take left." You say.

Kyōjurō nods. "It sounds good, but don't stray too far, my love."

You smiled fondly at how protective he was of you. Always so thoughtful of your well-being. His actions spoke louder than words, showing his care and love for you in the simplest of ways. Whether it was holding your hand when crossing the street or making sure you had an umbrella on a rainy day, Kyōjurō never failed to show his concern for your safety and happiness.

Demon Slayer: Yσƙαι Wιϝҽ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now