70: Appleseed

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|One week later|

"We sure picked a lot of apples today, huh Oneechan?" Senjurō asks you sweetly, while holding a brown paper bag filled with said fruit.

"Mhmm," you nodded, "we're going to need a lot of them if we're going to make my Obachan's famous apple curry for dinner tonight." You tell him.

Today, you and Senjurō had been spending the day at the fruit orchard picking apples, while Kyōjurō was out on a mission. Indeed, the day had been nothing but warm and sunny, so what better way than to spend it with your precious and beloved brother-in-law?

"Besides, I'm trying to get Kyō to start eating healthy foods. I'm tired of cooking and smelling sweet potatoes everyday," you groaned in annoyance.

"Like seriously...eating all that starch and carbs isn't healthy. I wouldn't be surprised if he starts looking like a sweet potato!"

At your remark, Senjurō laughs full-heartily and tells you that he could already imagine the comical image of his big brother waking up suddenly with bright orange and warty skin, and screaming in both terror and astonishment that he's now a sweet potato, before yelling that his "life is now complete!"

Soon, you find yourself laughing along with him; now with the cursed image of Kyōjurō being a blazing sweet potato and yelling "Umai!" plaguing your mind.

Suddenly, you immediately stopped when a nauseous feeling rushed over you and you quickly went to place a hand over your mouth. However, it was too late as you doubled over and threw up this morning's breakfast onto the ground!

"Oneechan?!" Senjurō exclaimed worryingly, quickly stopping mid-step as he watched you throw up again.

Dropping the basket of apples you'd been carrying, you fell onto your knees and Senjurō was quickly by your side, patting you on the back gently.

"Oneechan, what's wrong? A-are you okay?" The young Rengoku panicked, fearing that you maybe coming down with illness as tears begin welling in his eyes.

You then groaned when you felt a sharp stabbing pain in your lower abdomen and quickly wrapped your arms around your waist.

"S-Senjurō...ow..m-my stomach hurts." You whined, body trembling slightly.

Something didn't feel right. This morning, you had been feeling peachy and now you were suddenly feeling under the weather.

Was it something you ate or were you coming down with the stomach flu?

Gods, you didn't know? But, whatever this is, you didn't want Senjurō being close to you and risk catching it as you tried to tell him only to dry heaved and vomit again.

Seeing this, Senjurō dropped his paper bag of apples onto the ground; with it falling over causing a few to roll out as the young boy stood.

"H-hold on, I'll go get help. The Butterfly estate is not too far from here. Just hang in there, Oneechan...p-please!" Senjurō nearly cried, not liking the sight of you─his beloved sister-in-law hunched over and in pain.

For you, it tugged at your heart strings to see your little angel cry and worry over you as you watched him turn on his sandal and ran to get you some help.


Senjurō ran as fast as he could, trying to hurriedly get to the Butterfly Estate. And to say he wasn't that worry and afraid would be both a lie and an understatement.

His chest burned with every panted breath he took and his legs begged for him to slow down, but he refused.

His Oneechan was sick and in pain; and his big brother was too far away to come to the rescue. The young Rengoku just had to hurry and find help; rather it be a Kakushi member, Lady Kocho, or one of the Hashira!

In the midst of his thoughts, Senjurō suddenly spotted a lone hulking figure ahead. The individual was tall as familiar colors of lime-green, black, and red came into view, and the young Rengoku immediately recognized them!


At the sound of his name being called, the Stone Pillar turned his attention towards the unfamiliar voice. It sounded familiar to him; a young child and in distress!

"It's me, Senjurō, Rengoku's younger brother!" The younger announced, relieved to see a kind face.

"Senjurō?" Gyomei repeated and his features softened as a gentle smile cross his lips. "I didn't expect to meet you here, young one. How are are you?" The gentle giant greets.

Gyomei gasped softly, feeling the young boy tugged desperately on his haori as if trying to pull him forward.

"Please Himejima-san, I need your help!" Senjurō exclaimed.


At this, Gyomei went into protective mode upon hearing the sorrow in the young boy's voice as he kneels down and gently placed his hands on the child's shoulders.

"What's the matter, little one? Is something wrong?" He asks softly.

"I-It's (Name)-chan; she's in pain and is throwing up! I'm worried...please you have to help her!" Senjurō pleas.

With that, the Stone Pillar immediately stands to his full height, completely dwarfing the young Rengoku and gently held Senjurō's hand.

"Take me to her."


Senjurō quickly led Gyomei to where you were and was even more concerned to see you laying on your side in the cool green grass, still clenching your stomach in pain.

"Oneechan!" He called your name, getting your attention.

"S-Senjurō?" You say, lifting your head up slightly and was shocked to see the Stone Pillar with him.


"(Name)-san," he said, letting go of Senjurō's hand and walked over towards your form.

From your perspective, you felt like a mouse glancing up at a Mt. Fuji as Gyomei stood over you, before crouching down and placed a gentle large hand over your forehead.

"What's wrong, (Name)-san? Senjurō says your in pain." Gyomei's voice is serene and soft.

"Stomach hurts...can't move." You muttered and didn't miss the tears that began streaming down Gyomei's gentle face.

The big lug, always so sweet and sensitive. If you weren't in so much pain right now; you would hug him for being such a lovable oaf.

You watched him wrap his rosary beads around his fist like a bracelet and then reached for you. Ever so gently, Gyomei carefully maneuvers you into his arms, before lifting you up bridal style.

You whined softly, which caused the gentle giant to weep more, wishing there was something he could do to help ease your suffering? But, the only thing he could do is get you safely to the Butterfly Estate.

Without a word, Gyomei leaves with you in tow, with Senjurō trailing right behind him.

Alas the apples you and Senjurō had picked that morning, are forgotten.

Demon Slayer: Yσƙαι Wιϝҽ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now