64: Steam 🍋

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More lemonade for my thirsty readers. Warning: breeding kink, if you dislike sexual themes, don't read. Thanks!

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You really don't know how long you'd slept?

But by the time you woke, it was completely dark out. You let your head fall back into the pillows, ready to go back to sleep, but it was then you realized you were still naked and Kyōjurō was gone.

"Kyō?" You sat up, looking around the dark room. The only source of light coming from the moon that shined through the window.

You soon saw that the light from the bathroom was on as you heard the faint sound of water running.

He must be taking a shower.

You breathe a sigh of relief, before getting up. You briefly hissed at the slight dull ache in between your legs and made your way over to the bathroom door.

"Kyō?" You called out, knocking gently before sliding the door open just enough to peek inside.

You spotted his silhouette behind the shower curtain and smiled.

"Hey," At the sound of your voice, he pulled back the shower curtain, revealing his bare form to you as he glanced at you.

Your face immediately redden at the sight of his naked body dripping with water. Despite doing the deed just hours ago, the sight of your husband's body will never cease to arouse you.

He was everything you wanted in a man. Brave, smart, enthusiastic, caring, and gorgeous. You adored him with all your heart and you knew he returned the feelings tenfold.

"Oh hey, my love!" he smiles happily, "sorry if I woke you, I didn't want to disturb you while you slept."

So sweet, you think as you stepped inside and closed the door behind you.

You also saw his eyes light up when he trails them up and down your own naked body.

"It's okay...mind if I join?" you asked.

Kyōjurō grins, "I would be offended if you didn't." He motions you over.

You giggled and stepped into the tub as he kindly stepped aside to allow you room. You pulled the curtain fully shut and heard him chuckle as you faced away from him and ducked your head under the shower head, getting your hair wet.

Soon, you felt Kyōjurō's hands rest on your hips, "Would you like me to wash your hair, my love?" He asked.

"Mmhm," You nodded, feeling him pull away. You gave a quick glance over your shoulder to see him reaching for a bottle of liquid soap.

Golden and red eyes met yours and a soft blush tinted your cheeks as you turned your back to him. Then you felt his hands in your hair, gently running his soapy hands through your strands, until it foams. Your head leaned backwards as he did this.

You sigh as his rough hands massaged your scalp and caressed your roots, bring careful not to cause you any discomfort. Then he placed his hands on your hips and gesture you forward so the water could washed the soap away.

Demon Slayer: Yσƙαι Wιϝҽ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now