75: Sunflower

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Two days has passed since you announced your pregnancy to everyone and Kyōjurō.

Afterwards, you had send a letter to Obachan to let her know of the special news. Even more surprisingly, Shinjurō-sama had seemed more relaxed and content after being told he's going to be a grandpa by his sons; which surprised you, since you were still a bit peeved that he'd never bothered to show up at your wedding. But, he agreed to your union, so that's saying a lot.

And of course, being the now pregnant wife of a Rengoku also meant you had to participate in the Rengoku family's traditional Kankagari ritual...much to your dismay.

Such a strange superstition to believe in? It's obvious the flame colored hair is a dominant gene trait. Besides, you won't know the sex of your baby until he or she is born.

Filtered golden sunlight peeks through the foliage, dancing between the shadows of leaves and branches of the trees.

"Kyō, how much longer?" Your voice breaks through the peace. You couldn't see a darn thing cause you're blindfolded.

"We're almost there. Just a bit further, my love." Kyōjurō tells you as he continues to guide you, whilst holding your hand in his.

With that, you say nothing and allowed your husband to lead you to wherever he's taking you?

After what felt like another minute, you finally came to a halt. Then, Kyōjurō turned to you and the blindfold was soon removed from your eyes.

"We're here!" He says and once your eyes adjust, you immediately gasped in amazement at the scenery before you.

Before you stood a sea of sunflowers! Each one standing tall and proud, and each reminding you just how much you loved Kyōjurō. Beautiful and rich; an endless stretch of gold and emerald paradise that end in the horizon of the sunset. It almost feels surreal; the sunflower stalks, topped with the brightest and largest flowers.

"Oh my God. Kyō, it's beautiful!" You say in astonishment.

Your response and reaction pleased him greatly as he gently took your hand and lead you down the dirt path that ran in the middle of the field.

"I knew you'd like it." He grins cheekily.

A calm, gentle breeze occasionally blew through the flowers and moved them as the two of you continued to causally stroll through the field, and admire the sunflowers. Each standing tall and proud like an army facing the sky.

"They are all for you, my love. Each and every flower represents my undying love for you and the everlasting joy you've brought me." Kyōjurō tells you.

His words left you breathless as you felt this overwhelming need to kiss him. You reached a hand out and gently caressed each sunflower stalk you walked past.

"How long have you known this was here?" You asked him.

"I stumbled upon it while out on my mission. So, I figure I'd bring you here and surprise you." He explains, "however, I wasn't expecting you to surprised me with the special announcement."

"So, that's why you had the word 'sunflower' on your mind?"

"What can I say?" He smiles innocently.

Demon Slayer: Yσƙαι Wιϝҽ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now