84: Mugen & Beyond 🍋

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Warning: this chapter contains lemon and slight angst, if you dislike sexual themes, don't read. Thanks!

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"Goodbye, Mrs. Rengoku! Thanks for everything!" Tanjirō exclaims as he and his friends all waved you goodbye.

"Bye Sweetheart! Y'all stay safe, you hear? Come back anytime!" You replied, standing at the entrance gate of your home and waving goodbye to your young guests.

You lingered a bit, watching their figures disappear safely down the road, before heading back inside.

Upon closing the shoji and entering the room, you stretched your tensed limbs. Today sure has been a pleasant day and you really enjoyed Tanjirō and his friends' company.

With Taiyo still napping on the futon, you decided to clean up a bit, before taking a bath and going to bed.

"Hm, I wonder where Kyō is?" You pondered briefly, but shrugged assuming he's probably still on the roof stargazing, before gathering up empty bowls and heading towards the kitchen.


The dishes were a daily grind in the household, considering you have a husband who can finish bowl after bowl of meals in just a few seconds, and scrubbing at the giant pile of dishes every night with little to no complaint, was a bit of a hassle.

You watched your hands prune under the water as you washed the last bowl for the night and removed the drain plug. You flinched when you heard footsteps and glanced over your shoulder, relieved when it was just Kyōjurō.

"Oh there you are, Kyō." You say, turning back to rinsed the now clean ceramic bowls and began wiping them dry with a rag, "I was wondering where you were!"

"Ah- sorry, my love," he apologized bashfully, "I was just out getting some fresh air." He explains and you figured as much.

"So, young Tanjirō and others already left, I see?"

"Yeah. I pray they make it safely and have blessed night." You tell him, "anyways, are you hungry? We still have some gyoza dumplings leftover."

Kyōjurō smiled lovingly at your backside, before taking a step towards you, "no thank you, my love." he says.

You hummed softly in understanding and sat the last bowl onto the dish rack, but gasped feeling strong arms snake around your waist, before pulling you close to a solid body.

You felt Kyōjurō nuzzle his face into your shoulder as he tightened his hold.

"What's wrong, Kyō?" You asked him softly, somewhat put off by his sudden display of affection. Not that you were complaining though, since you always loved the contact.

For a moment, he remained silent and un-moving, which only made you even more concerned.

It's not like him to be this silent.


"I have a mission tomorrow." He finally replied, his voice low and serene as he nuzzles against you even more.

Demon Slayer: Yσƙαι Wιϝҽ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now