60: ❁Wedding Day❁ [Part 3: The Ceremony]

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Upon arriving at Shihotori Temple, (Name) and Kyōjurō walked alongside another as they both were led by the shrine priestesses and the priest inside and to where their ceremony will be held.

Following behind the soon-to-be married couple was another priestess who held a large red umbrella above the couple's heads. Trailing behind her was Otsune, followed by Kagaya and his family, and then Senjurō (best man) and Mitsuri (maid of honor), and last, the rest of their close friends.

As they'd entered the shrine, everyone took their seats, whilst the couple were led to the altar by the shrine maiden. At that moment, Kyōjurō wanted nothing more than to hold his lover's hand, in order to help ease the anxiety coursing through his entire being.

Glancing around, Kyōjurō smiled seeing all his friends, whom he considered family, and his little brother looking on. Kyōjurō's brows furrowed slightly, seeing the empty seat next to Senjurō. Unfortunately, his father, Shinjurō-sama could not be here for his wedding, that Kyōjurō couldn't help but frown sadly.

He knew his father hated weddings since it reminded the Rengoku patriarch of...better times when his mother was alive.

As if sensing his uneasiness, Kyōjurō felt you place your soft hand onto his. The action causing him to glance at you as you gave him a loving and reassuring smile. He smiles back, intertwining his fingers with yours as you both sat in seiza style, before facing the altar as the priest began to instruct the two of you through the ceremony.

Soon, the priest begins to read a ritual prayer to the Gods to bless your coupling.

"Bless Kami-sama on this great day, as we come together on this fateful day to ask for his blessing and protection upon this couple. From today onward, they declare their eternal love for each other through sickness and health, and declare their eternal happiness!"

Everyone then stood and bowed before taking their seats again.

It was then time for the purification ritual; the "san-san-kudo" ceremony, which involves sharing and exchanging three different sized cups of sake. The first being small, the second is medium, and the third is large.

Kyōjurō was given the first cup (sakazuiki) of sake as he brought it up to his lips and took a sip, before passing it to you. Lifting the sake, you did the same─bringing it to your lips, eyes closing as liquid hits your tongue.

The first cup was rich and savory, the second cup, warm and sweet, and the third cup was cold and refreshing. Each one made your head swim like alcohol should.

Once finished, a traditional dance was performed by the shrine maidens, as the sound of bells ringing and flute played. During this dance, you'd turned and glance at your lover. Warm red and golden eyes stared back at you, burning with things you cannot fathom as Kyōjurō smiles and takes your hand in his own─a silent promise to never let you go.

Tears like flowers petals fall from your face to land in your lap. Each one clear and pristine as your heart yearns for him, a tell-tale sign of how so in love you are.

Once the dance was finally done, Kyōjurō and you were both asked to come upon the altar. There, a stroll was laid out─revealing it to be the wedding vow. The priest then instructs Kyōjurō to repeat the words he says.

"This woman, I marry. No matter what the life situation is? I vow to love this person, respect this person, console this person, and help this person, until death. Protecting fidelity, I swear to Kami!"

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