69: Settling In

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Two weeks after buying the house, you and Kyōjurō finally moved in. At last, you had your own home shared with the man you love.

The air around smelled of pine and lemon since you and Kyōjurō spent nearly the whole day cleaning and unpacking you and your husband's things. And with generous help from Ubuyashiki-sama, it was easy buying furniture that Tengen and Gyomei had graciously helped Kyōjurō move in.

Even though the windows in the room were wide open, the little particles of white dust that were left after renovation were still flowing in the air, dancing in the sunlight whenever wind moved them as you finished unpacking the last box.

You looked around with satisfaction and delight because even if the house was still spacious, you could already start to call it home. No doubt this house will bear witness to your best and worst moments. A place that will be a safe sanctuary for you both.

Once everything was unpacked and well organized, you decided to freshen up before relaxing.

Suddenly, strong arms wrapped around your waist from behind as warm lips touched the smooth skin on your neck, leaving small butterfly kisses on the base, sending shiver after shiver down your spine.

You gasped when another kiss was placed at the sensitive spot just near your earlobe.


Said man's hands snuck under your hadajuban without even the slightest indication of shame and wandered all over your waist, stomach, and chest.

"W-What are you doing?"

"Celebrating." He whispered in your ear followed by his teeth nibbling on your earlobe, before pulling it a bit.

Hips ground against your ass with one purpose only - so you could feel the growing bulge that was growing in his pants.

"Kyō, now's not the time for this!" You scold, "we have to get finished unpacking."

Kyōjurō released a disappointed whine as you pulled away from him. You reached for a box that contained his clothes, "here, take your clothes and go put them in the closet." You tell him.

"Yes, my sweet flame," he sighs but smiles nonetheless, before doing as told.

You felt a bit guilty of denying him and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek; your action lightening up his mood somewhat.

You both then heard a soft thud and quickly looked to see Senjurō struggling with a large box filled with books. The mini Rengoku soon glanced at you two,

"Oniichan, where do you want this?" He asked his big brother.

Oops.. he almost forgot that Senjurō is here helping them unpack as Kyōjurō smiled, "here Otōto, let me help you!"


By evening, you and Kyōjurō had already unpacked everything important and you had taken to lying down on the tatami matted floor in the middle of the living room.

Thanks to Senjurō's help, you'd finished the moving-in pretty quickly. And speaking of your brother-in-law, the young boy was exhausted as you were and had taken the privilege of laying next to you under the kotatsu.

You would never get over just how big Senjurō is growing. Indeed, the boy seemed to be growing like a weed since you'd first met him, yet he hardly seemed bigger than a ten year old. And he was definitely a lot cuter and more precious than any child could ever hope to be.

You silently gushed at the adorable sight of him snuggled against you, whilst laying his flame-colored head in your lap. Smiling, you gently caressed your fingertips across his forehead.

Yes, today's been exhausting with the three of you going back-and-forth of moving and rearranging the furniture around, and unpacking box after box. The young Rengoku being a big help that he deserved a little rest. Also, it must be absolute relief for the mini Rengoku to be away from Shinjurō-sama.

Luckily, your home wasn't too far from the Rengoku residence, meaning it wouldn't be much trouble for Senjuro to come visit or perhaps stay the night if he ever need a home away from home.

You feel a certain kind of happiness that you haven't felt in awhile as you begin to contemplate on what to cook for tonight's dinner in honor of your new home?

It was still a bit nerve-wracking, thinking about all of the uncertainties and difficulties the future would present. But, you were happy that you had Kyōjurō' by your side and that this was a step forward you were both making together.

"My love!" Kyōjurō's voice called as he enters the living room.

His eyes widened slightly upon seeing you with Senjurō nuzzled in your lap as you quickly shushed him not the wake the younger.

"Inside voice, Kyō." You tell him.

Kyōjurō felt his heart swell, hearing the words leave your mouth. The nostalgic scene reminding him of how his beloved mother, Ruka used to kindly scold him for being too loud as to not to wake Senjurō.

"Sorry," he softly apologizes, making his way over to you.

He sits down next to you, and rest his head on your shoulder. "I finished setting up our room." He says.

You blinked, not sure why he's telling you that? But nonetheless, you smiled before placing a sweet, loving kiss on his forehead as an award.

"Good job, my hard working husband." You say playfully.

After a brief moment of silence, Kyōjurō averted his golden eyes towards Senjurō, who was still napping. "Is Otōto staying the night?"

"Don't know.. but I wouldn't mind. Besides, it feels wholesome having him with us, that it makes me feel-"

"Like a mother?" He interrupts.

His remark made you blush, "I-I was going to say relaxed, Kyō." You grumbled, glaring into those big beautiful eyes of his.

"Oh, okay then. My bad, my sweet flame," he says.

You rolled your eyes at his antics, feeling it was no use getting mad at him for being a loveable dork.

"I was thinking that, though." You giggled.

"Oh, do you wish to raise Senjurō?" Kyōjurō ask somewhat tentatively, not sure how you would respond to such a question?

You didn't respond immediately, since his question confuses you greatly. And just as he's about to apologise you speak, "he's like twelve, Kyō and is my brother-in-law."


"I-I don't really know. Just because I can't raise Senjurō doesn't mean I don't care about him. Of course, it's not as though I haven't thought about it since it eats away at me that your mother died when you both were young. But... I could never replace Ruka."

"I suppose that makes sense." He said softly and sits up to meet your gaze with a soft smile. "It's a shame, though. But for what it's worth, I think you'd be a really good mother, if you do raise him. Or anyone, for that matter."

Demon Slayer: Yσƙαι Wιϝҽ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now