67: Lovely Fireworks

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With the festival gradually coming to an end, the four of you decided to find a spot and watch the grand finale—the fireworks.

Of course, Kyōjurō wanted to watch them from up top of a hill for a better view, which meant some climbing as he had guided you up the nearest hilltop near the shrine until you were looking over the festival.

Both Mitsuri and Obanai had decided to stay behind and watch the display from the temple; they wanted to give you and Kyōjurō some much-needed privacy since it was technically still your honeymoon night.

It was a crisp, cool night, and even though the sky was clear, he'd wanted to make sure you got a perfect view.

  "Is this alright, my love?" Kyōjurō asked.

"Its perfect♡" You smiled up at him as you clung to his arm.

Soon, Kyōjurō shifts his position so that you stand in front of him and wrap his strong arms around your waist. His breath is warm against your nape as he nuzzles your neck affectionately, and you find yourself melting into his touch, feeling safe and cherished in his warn embrace.

It felt so perfect to be in his arms that you almost couldn't bring yourself to move. Instead, you opt to just stand there, basking in the feeling of him being so close to you. In that moment, everything else fades away as you focus on the warmth of his embrace and the love that radiates from him towards you. You feel like you could stay like this forever, lost in the bliss of his presence.

You loved him more than anything; anyone could see it, just like they could see how much he loved you.

Your honeymoon had gone by in a swirl of love and lust, until you both felt complete and satisfied. And now, tonight's the final night, and what better way to end it than by watching fireworks with your husband?

Suddenly, a single small strip of red shot into the sky before exploding into thousands of bright lights and colors. The both of you marveled as many more rockets followed and exploded in the sky, showering the world with beautiful sparks of fire. A gorgeous display of dazzling lights, each one dancing, whizzing, and whistling up into the highest reaches of the sky.

Kyōjurō never thought he would be so happy and content just watching fireworks. It certainly brought back many blissful memories of when his mother and father first brought him along to see them. And now, he wanted nothing more than to stay in this perfect moment with you, his beloved wife, by his side.

Kyōjurō watched you, your aesthetic (e/c) eyes looking up at the lit sky, shining in both astonishment and delight. The glow of the burning gunpowder illuminated your (s/c) skin, highlighting your beautiful features.

The bursts, cracks, and booms rattled your eardrums in a relaxing sensation similar to that of a distant waterfall.

You could tell that Kyōjurō was looking at you instead of the fireworks. When you turned your head, you saw that his eyes were soft and full of affection. The way he looked at you made your heart skip a beat.

It was as if the fireworks were merely background noise to the connection you shared in that moment, a bond that was unbreakable.

"See something you like, Kyō?" You giggled.

"You." He replied simply.

You're breathtaking, he thinks; he couldn't help it; the way the colors danced across your face was beautiful. A fierce blush soon covered your face as you stared at him. In the glow of the fireworks, you were able to see the colors of his cheeks as well, fading into a noticeable shade of blushing pink.

"(Name)," he says your name, which surprises you slightly since he normally calls you 'love,' 'snow flower,' or 'sweet flame.'

"Y-yes Kyō?"

"You're so beautiful."

You shyly looked away, face on fire as you tried not to squeal like a BTS fangirl. You heard him laugh lightly at your reaction, and soon you felt his warm lips brush softly against your cheek.

In that moment, you felt a deep connection to him, as if you were two souls intertwined in the midst of a snowy landscape.

As the fireworks continued to light up the night sky, you knew that you were exactly where you belonged - in his arms, surrounded by his love and warmth. The air around you seemed to buzz with an unspoken connection, pulling you closer to him in a dance of unspoken words and uncharted territories.

"You're my beautiful flame." Kyōjurō pulled you closer, you felt a sense of comfort and security enveloping you like a warm blanket as you leaned into his touch, savoring the feeling of being wanted and loved.

With the fireworks still zipping through the sky, it felt like something straight from a film. The colorful explosions paint the darkness, creating a magical atmosphere that seems almost surreal.

"You mean the world to me. I want you to be by my side forever," he says, his voice filled with sincerity and love.

You smiled, feeling your heart swell with happiness. "Same. I want to be with you forever, too," you tell him, your words carrying the weight of your emotions.

Kyōjurō's smile grows wider, his eyes shining with affection and joy.

On that note, nothing else needed to be said between you two as different shades of blue, red, pink, and yellow exploded across the night sky, lighting up space around you and him. The display slowly drawing close while joy coursing through the both of you.

Love shimmered in the depths of your gaze as the distance between you two melted away, allowing your lips to meet in a passionate kiss. Words were unnecessary as the symphony of fireworks echoed around you, prompting a soft moan to escape you, setting off a wave of emotions that surged through every fiber of your being and traveled down to your very core, a feeling shared by Kyōjurō.

When you both pulled away, you smiled and he held you tighter, pulling you even closer to him.

"I love you." Kyōjurō says, making sure that his voice was just above the booming ruckus.

His eyes staring at the bursting lights as the show gradually came to a closed with the last firework exploding into the night. He rests his chin on your shoulder, his arms refusing to let you go.

"I love you, too." You replied, leaning your head against his.

You both continued to silently admire the stars in the sky. Indeed, the night was perfect. This has definitely been the greatest honeymoon ever and you couldn't wait to see what the future holds for the both of you.

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