72: Unexpected Blessings

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After finding out that you were pregnant, it was probably the most exciting moment in your life. You couldn't wait to share the big news with Senjurō so you asked Shinobu to call him back in.

"I have good news, Senjurō!" You say once the young boy had entered the room. "I finally know why I've been so sick lately."

Senjurō cocks his head slightly in question. To him, you seemed a little too happy for this to be something life-threatening or serious. 

As you watched Senjurō's puzzled expression, you couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions. The idea of becoming a parent was both thrilling and nerve-wracking. You hoped the young boy would be as excited as you were about the news, despite his initial confusion.

"W-what is it, oneechan?" Senjurō finally asked.

You hold his face in your hands with love and tenderness, making the mini Rengoku feel bashful. His cheeks blush as you look at him and touch him, making his heart beat a little faster. You lean down and kiss his forehead softly, staying there for a moment before looking back at him.

Your eyes are shimmering with something akin to how Kyōjurō would gaze at him. The light reflecting in your eyes is filled with a mix of joy, excitement, and a hint of nervousness - a look that Senjurō has never seen before.

"I'm pregnant, Sen. I'm going to be a mother!" Your voice trembles slightly as you share the news, and Senjurō can't help but feel a surge of emotions rushing through him.

Suddenly there isn't enough air in the room as Senjurō hands fly up to softly grip your wrists and he gasps in surprise. His heart is pounding in his chest as he struggles to process the news.

"Y-you're pregnant? You mean you're having a baby!" The mini Rengoku exclaimed excitedly, his eyes widening in disbelief. The realization that he's going to be a uncle fills him with a sense of overwhelming joy.

You smiled seeing how his eyes lit up like twinkling stars. Definitely filled with absolute joy as both happiness and excitement radiate off of him and it warms your heart.

You knew he'd be excited, but you didn't expect this level of happiness.

For Senjurō, this would explain why you've been so tired, cranky, and sluggish these last few days and eating banana peppers. But now he'd finally understood why. And he was indeed ecstatic to hear that you were expecting!

You nodded, "yes Sen, you're going to be an uncle." You say and then placed a free hand over your baby bump for the first time, knowing you are growing a tiny Kyōjurō inside you.

Senjuro erupted in a joyous exclamation. "That's amazing! I'm going to be an uncle! Congratulations, Onee-chan!"

Senjurō smiles and nuzzles against your other hand, and you can see that he is practically shining. His smile is brighter than you've ever seen it, resembling his big brother's as his expression softens. Your words delighted Senjurō greatly as he also placed a hand onto your tummy affectionately, while beaming happily.

He's indeed super excited to be an uncle!

What's even more exciting is that his big brother is going to be a father, and that alone made the younger very, very happy as he hugs you. Senjurō nuzzles your neck,while you wrap your arms around his waist. Your hand moves up and down his back as you both enjoy a moment of silence, holding each other tightly.

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