6: Achievement Hashira

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Scrunching your face, you squeeze your already shut eyes even tighter as something rouses you from your peaceful slumber.

"Wake up, [Name]!" A familiar soft-spoken voice says as your dreams of a certain flame-haired male escape you.

You groan before stirring awake as you slowly regain awareness, your eyes adjusting to your surroundings. Tiredly, you rubbed your eye as you glanced to see Otsune smiling down at you.

The said elderly woman seemed happier than usual.

"Come, Rengoku-san has returned!" She says.

You immediately perked up at this since you'd been anticipating Kyojuro's return from the woodlands, but you must've dozed off.

"What time is it, and how long have I been out?" You asked.

"It's midday, and you've only been asleep for about half an hour."

Your (eye color) eyes widen upon the sudden realization that if it were still daytime and Rengoku had returned, then it must've meant─

Otsune laughed softly as you stood up from the tatami mat and hurriedly ran out the door.

"Aww~ young love." Is all the old woman said.


Kyojuro felt accomplished; he had been right about Shiro hiding the bells inside a hollow tree and that it'd just so happened to be only several feet away from where the temple was, and it most certainly didn't take him all day to look.

He waited out in the hallway, petting Shiro who laid perched on his shoulder (the little owl had taken a liking to him in a short while much to Kyojuro's delight), until he'd heard the sound of eager footsteps approaching him.

A genuine, loving grin painted his face as he glanced to see that it was you.

"Hello again, my love!♡" He greeted him, but was slightly taken aback by your grabbing a hold of his gakuran jacket as you glared at him like the cute, angry kitten you are.

"Show me!" You demanded.

Kyojuro only smiled before reaching into his pocket and pulling out the bells, making your eyes widen in disbelief.


"Whatever do you mean, my love?" He asked, feigning innocence as he noted how the tips of your ears turned red.

You're indeed flustered, but also bewildered.

"Don't play dumb, idiot? I mean, how did you find them so quickly?" You asked.

In truth, you so desperately wanted to kiss him for passing his first test, but you had to restrain yourself.

Not yet!

Though you never would've doubted him, however, you just had to know how he found them so quickly!

"It was Shiro, wasn't it?! You must've somehow tricked him into showing you where he hid them!" You exclaimed, looking up at said owl.

Shiro, who now lay perched up on a nearby stand, only rotated his head as if telling you "no."

"Take it easy, my snow flower." Kyojuro tells you tenderly, gently grasping both your hands into his own as he tries to get you to relax.

"There's no need for such hostility! I did no such thing. In fact, all I did was listen to Lady Fukasawa's advice." He explains with a smile.

You were dumbfounded as you blinked at him in confusion.

'What does he mean by listening to Obachan's advice?' You inwardly thought.

As if reading your mind, Kyojuro beams before explaining.

"Remember, she'd told me to remain visual and spot the obvious, so that's what I did!"


"Shiro was the answer! I figured that since he's an owl, it was obvious of him to hide the bells in a tree hollow or a burrow." He explained.

"Also, I remember Lady Fukasawa saying that Shiro never strayed far from the temple. So it didn't take me long to look around near the temple and find the bells." He added, and it was followed by a soft, cheerful clap.

"Nicely done, Rengoku-san!" Otsune praised him as she sauntered over towards you two.

"You've managed to finish a lot faster than expected, and with plenty of daylight to spare. I'm quite impressed."

"And what's more admirable is the fact you didn't give up on your search!" Otsune gives a delighted smile.

"Many think that the first trial was hard. But if they simply took time to stop and think, then they would've been able to spot the answer." She adds, just as Shiro flew over to her and landed her shoulder.

The little owl nuzzled against his master, making the cutest little hooting noises.

"Thank you, Lady Fukasawa!" Kyojuro says, before averting his red and amber eyes back to you.

"Don't I get a kiss for my achievement, my lovely snow flower?♡" He asked, causing you to blush.

Quickly pulling your hands from his, you crossed your arms before turning your back on him with your nose in the air.

"Hmph, don't get too cocky! You only passed the first test. However, if you pass the rest, then we'll see."

What on earth am I saying(?) You inwardly thought, not understanding why you're egging him on.

Meanwhile, Kyojuro was ecstatic about this. "Really⁉" He asked in a way that you could practically see the hearts in his eyes as he beams with excitement.

"I said, we'll see!" You hissed, your face glowing even redder.

Curse this Hashira and his enthusiastically charming persona and good looks!

"Well, let's not be ahead of ourselves. Let's take a break." Otsune interrupts.

"Since it's still early, why don't I cook us up a nice warm meal and then we can discuss your next test, Rengoku-san?" She suggests.

"Yes, that would be great!♡" Kyojuro says happily.

"If you must know, [Name]-chan is a wonderful cook! I taught her everything there is to know, so I just know you'll be absolutely delighted."

"HE DOESN'T NEED TO KNOW THAT!" You yelled, obviously embarrassed.

Kyojuro was so delighted at this point that he couldn't help but feel the sheer joy of wanting to try some of his beautiful [Name]-chan's cooking.



Your comical bickering caused the older woman to laugh heartily.

"Haha, then it's settled!"

Demon Slayer: Yσƙαι Wιϝҽ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now