42: Waiting

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Waiting is a terrible feeling. It's even worse when you're unsure if your lover will come back.

The night dragged on, stretching into eternity. Kyōjurō tried to distract himself, trying to keep himself busy, but nothing could shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in the pit of his stomach.

He found himself glancing up at the night sky repeatedly, willing the night to be over. But it refused to cooperate, mocking him with its slow, relentless march.

The thought of (Name) enduring seven nights alone on Fujikasane Mountain kept eating away at him. He couldn't stay still, pacing back and forth anxiously. The ambient sounds of the mountain only added to his unease, the rustling of leaves and distant chirping of crickets sounding ominous in the stillness of the night.

The moon rose high in the sky, casting a pale light over the evergreen landscape, illuminating the wisteria trees.

The flickering flames of the small campfire as it licked at the wood provided little comfort, casting eerie shadows around him. The thought of his precious Snow Flower facing whatever demons that lurked in the darkness alone was almost too much for him to bear, leaving him on edge and unable to relax.

"Again, you're going to make a hole in the ground with your frantic pacing." Came the voice of Tengen Uzui.

The Sound Hashira had been sitting with Kyōjurō, offering him some much-needed company. However, he had also been watching the Flame Hashira pace back and forth for almost two hours straight.

Uzui couldn't help but shake his head at the sight of his comrade's restless energy, his footsteps leaving deep marks in the soft earth beneath. He knew that Kyōjurō was consumed by his thoughts, his mind racing with worries and uncertainties.

Stopping his relentless pacing, Kyōjurō took a deep breath before exhaling it slowly. Lately, he's been restless, and it wasn't like him to be such a worrywart.

"I know..." Kyōjurō huffs before taking a seat on the cold ground, both his legs crossed and his face buried in his hands.

There was movement beside him as Uzui's tall figure joined him. "You shouldn't worry yourself so much," Uzui tells him softly. "It isn't good for your health."

"I...I can't help it," Kyōjurō sighs. "My sweet flame is out there, all alone, surrounded by demons, and with no one to aid her! Of course I'm going to worry."

The sliver-haired male wished he could ease his friend's burden, but all he could do was offer a few words of comfort as he gently gave Kyōjurō a pack on the back in hopes of soothing him.

"Well, she's the only candidate, so it makes sense," Uzui said. "Usually, Demon Slayers train for a year before entering Final Selection, but (Name)-chan only trained for seven weeks. That's faster than both Kanroji-chan and Tokito, who both managed to enter their final selection without undergoing the usual year-long training."

The way Uzui spoke of (Name) made Kyōjurō feel a sense of pride. Hearing someone else acknowledge his wife's remarkable qualities only reinforced his own admiration for her.

"I have to say, she is a really tough woman. Her naginatajutsu skills are impressive! Gyomei is still unable to feel the left side of his face after she hit him with her attack," he said before getting up.

Demon Slayer: Yσƙαι Wιϝҽ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now