Chapter 20

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chapter twenty - real first dates

Erin's POV

"This is not a date," I raise my eyebrows at him from across the table, making him muffle down a grin.  

Sam and I were currently sat in the dimly-lit dining room of Lima's most overhyped establishment-- Breadstix.  And, for the record, it really isn't a date.  We're simply using our gift certificate from winning Mr. Schue's infamous duet contest... nothing more.  

"Right," he lets out a small laugh, cutting a piece of chicken with his knife. "'Not a date,'" he rolls his eyes playfully.  His eyes focus on the basket of breadsticks at the center of the table as a contemplative look falls across his face.  "So there must be a limit, right?"

"No, they're actually unlimited," I shrug. "Santana once brought a wheelbarrow-- they legally had to fill it up."  He laughs at my response.  

"So, if this isn't a real date," he starts. "When would you be available for me to take you on one of those?"  

"That depends what your idea of a 'real date' is," I muffle down the heat I could feel rushing to my cheeks. 

"There's that drive-in movie theater in town," he shrugs. "I'm sort of a big movie guy," he grins at me. 

"So I've gathered," I snicker, making him furrow his eyebrows in confusion. "You just went on a ten minute monologue about how absurd it is that I haven't seen Star Wars," I giggle. 

"Okay, well, first of all, it is absurd that you haven't seen Star-"

"Nope, we're not starting that up again," I interrupt, taking another bite of my pasta.  He blushes and gives me an amused grin. 

"Let me take you on a date," he smirks. "I promise I won't talk about Star Wars." 

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Young Jedi," I tease, making him roll his eyes playfully. "I'll think about it," I laugh, as his face lights up. 


I groan and flop down backwards onto Finn's bed as he furrows his eyebrows at me. 

"What?" He groans. 

"Sam asked me on a date," I frown. 

"Didn't you just go on a date with him?" He cocks an eyebrow at me. 

"It wasn't a date," I scoff. 

"Did he pick you up?" Finn sighs. 


"And you went to dinner?" 

I nod, hesitantly.

"And, let me guess, he kissed you goodnight?" 

"What about it?" I mutter, feeling more flustered. 

"That was definitely a fucking date, Erin," he rolls his eyes.  "Anyways, I have bigger issues to be worrying about." 

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