Ch. 47

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Lisa is whistling while getting dress as the door suddenly open.

"Jesus!" Lisa covered herself using her blanket. "You don't know how to knock?" Lisa asked in annoyance.

"Oh come on, I've seen it all" She laughed. Lisa's face flashed.

"Wh...what do you want?" Lisa asked nervously as Irene stepped forward, smirking.

"You" She teased.

"Cut the shit and get out. I need to get dress" Lisa rolled her eyes. Irene grabbed a pillow and throw it on Lisa's face.

"Stop being a bitch" Irene chuckled.

"Look who's talking" Lisa argued.

"Whatever. Faster, we're going somewhere"

"Fine...Wait, what?" As she realized what Irene's talking about.

"I said we're going somewhere. I'm taking you out. How can I get my girl back if I can't put effort?" Irene smirks. Lisa remember what happened last night as her face turned red.

"Okay okay. Just get out" Lisa controlled herself from smiling.

"Alright, I'll wait for you" Irene winked and went out. Irene frowns as she saw Nayeon infront of her

"What are you doing here?" Irene asked in annoyance.

"I should be the one asking you that, Lisa and I are going on a date" Nayeon answered smirking


"You heard me"

"We're going out too, and she's aware" Irene fired back. As she noticed Nayeon's facial expression changed.

"Why did you stayed here? Are going to risk everything on her?" Irene changed the topic

"I am, Irene" She fake a smile

"May the best girl win" Irene answered before she walk passed her

"No, wait" Nayeon stops her "I'm not going to compete with you" Irene frowns "Yes I love her but she loves you. She only have months, I don't want to stress her more Irene. I was just testing you last night, and I'm sorry for that. I just want to make sure you're sure about your decision. But I'm glad you are. I can see it. You were brave last night and I admire you for that. I'm not going to interfer in your relationship with Lisa because I will never going to win. I was flirting her for months but it's always you" Nayeon paused and laughed as Irene is glaring her "but Lisa is really loyal to you. And you're lucky you have someone like her"

"I don't know what to say, but I heard you were really taking good care of Lisa. Thank you for that and slapping me the truth"

"No worries. I will do everything for Lisa, even it kills me. I just want to make her happy, and I know you're her happiness. Take good care of her Irene, make her the happiest. Enjoy the moment you have with her. And please don't ever turn your back again on her. It breaks her so much even she doesn't speak about it. She was hurt"

"Don't worry, I learned my lesson and I'm not going to do that again. Not again"

"Just make sure, I gotta go. Tell Lisa I went here" It surprised Irene when Nayeon hugged her "Take good care of her, por favor" Irene can see how hurt Nayeon is right now. Irene pulled her into a hug.

"I'm glad she met someone like you. Again, thank you for taking good care of her" Irene whispered. Nayeon smiled

"I am too" Nayeon says before she went down as Seulgi saw her

"Where are you going?" She asked in concern as she can see how sad her eyes is.

"Going back to spain?" She shrugged. Seulgi gulped.

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