Ch. 11

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"Why are they here? I mean, what if Seulgi gets mad again?" I whispered to Jisoo. Joohyun is sitting with us again. She's infront of me.

"Why don't you ask her? And oh please stop thinking about Seulgi" She rolled her eyes. I shrugged and continued to eat

"Is this permanent?" Ryujin suddenly asked

"Permanent?" Yeji confusingly asked

"Yeah. Like sitting with us" Oh good question Ryujin

"I don't know with unnie. She just asked me earlier if I can join her, you know I don't like eating her" Yeji answered yeah this is the second time I saw Yeji ate here.

"I'm avoiding Seulgi" I averted my gaze to Joohyun. I gulped

"Why is that?" Ryujin asked while looking at me of course she's teasing me. Tsk. Choke please

"Because she's being an ass. I can't deal with her right now" She replied.  I avoid having a eye contact with her but "Lili, what time is your dismissal?" She asked me smiling. Oh please don't look at me like that

"You can't avoid her, can you?" Chaeng whispered. Tss

"4pm Hyun, why?" I asked

"Good. Can you accompany me later?" This is what I'm talking about fuck it!

"S..sure" Ugh why am I so nervous? Dang it!

"Lili and Hyun aw I want cute nicknames too" Ryujin pouts looking at Yeji. Yeji pushed her face

"Don't do that, it's not cute" She rolled her eyes. We all laughed except for the two. They look good together. Yeji is the only person can do that to Ryujin, Jin is such a baby mostly infront of me. When I turned my head our eyes met, gahd she's so beautiful. She smiled sweetly. Can I die? Of course I can't. I still want to marry Joohyun. Lol kidding. I smiled too then I was the one who looked away

"You know what, you look good together. Ryujin ah why don't you court her?" Oh my jisoos!

"Sooya!" I slapped her hand

"Yah! What was that for?"

"She's not allowed to have a girlfriend yet" I scolded her. I averted my gaze to them they look like a tomato

"Yah stop babying her okay? She's 17"

"Exactly, she's only 17 so she's still not allowed to have a girlfriend. Yeji and Ryujin can wait for 1 year right?" I teased them. Yeji covered her face

"Who said my sister is allowed to have a girlfriend?" Joohyun crossed her arms. Uh oh!

"Yah guys stop! We're still here? And who said we want to be girlfriends?" Oh yeah Ryujin ah keep denying it. "We're bestfriends, stop ruining our friendship"

"That's why I didn't tell her" I heard Chaeng whispered. I got curious

"Huh? Didn't tell who?" I curiously asked

"Nothing. I was singing" She said and looked away. She's lying. There's no way in hell she's singing. Oh wait, I missed it. I missed listening to Chaeng.

"Unnie, can you accompany Irene unnie to her room?" My eyes widen when Ryujin said that. The fuck is wrong with this kid? I mean I like the idea of doing this but does she knows I want to avoid her? Ryujin fucking Manoban I'm gonna kill you

"Uhm ye sure sure. Is it okay with you Hyun?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why not?" She answered. I just smiled. I averted my gaze to Jisoo "Soo, can you accompany Chaeng to our room?"

"No it's okay. I'll go with you" Chaeng replied. Wooooh thanks Chaeng you the best

"Okay so....let's go?" I asked. Ryujin is looking at me, she's probably asking me why did I agreed on this.

"Let's go" We grabbed our bags and left the cafeteria. When we all separated ways except the 3 of us of course, I almost jumped in surprise when Joohyun wraps her arm around my arms.

"Oh" I heard Chaeng said. I think she saw what Joohyun did

"No one will get mad if I did this right?" Huhu no one but my heart will surely explode any moment, heart calm down okay calm down.

" No one" Fuck I'm so nervous

"Relax" She whispered. Oh Joohyun what are you doing to me. You're driving me crazy. Fuck it! this just a normal crush or what, I cursed under my breath.

We are walking to her room, nobody wants to talk I don't know I just felt awkward all of a sudden when Joohyun clings to me. Not that I don't want it, but the atmosphere here is heavy. Dang it! Think Lisa Think!

"When is the competition girls?" I asked trying to lighten up the mood

"December" The both answered in unison now I feel more uncomfortable.

"Oh I see. I will surely support the both of you" I said awkwardly

"Why don't you join the dance troupe Lili? You told me, you were dancing before" She asked

"She told you?" Chaeng asked surprisingly

"Yeah. Is there a problem?" I'm in a lot of trouble right now.

"Nah. It's just surprising that Lisa told you about this, I mean she never opens up to anybody except me" The atmosphere is getting heavy. FUCK YOU RYUJIN! HEEEEEEEELP!

"Oh it's that so? Well she just told me about it" Joohyun shrugged. Oh please girls stop.

"Oh well she can't join the dance troupe, she doesn't want to dance again"

"How did you know?"

"Coz I'm her bestfriend" Before they can even start a fight here

"Right girls. Hyun where is your room again?" I asked breaking the hot tension here. Fuck it Ryujin and myself for allowing Chaeng to come with me. Ugh! Can anyone save me?

3 mins of walking when we finally reach Joohyun's room. I'm glad no one tries to talk, coz I really don't know what to do. Chaeng is a bitch sometimes and selfish when it comes to me.

"I'm here so, see you later?" She asked smiling at me oh gosh!

"Ye. I'll see you at the parking lot?"

"Yeah sure. See you then. By the way, thank you to the both of you" She said while just looking at me.

"No worries Hyun, go now" I said then she nods when she turned

"PRIYA?!" What the actually fuck? I almost drop my bag and phone when I saw her. Can this day get any worse? This gonna be a long day. I panicked when she walk closer to us


Who called Lisa? Please, let me know your thoughts.

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