Ch. 21

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Leaving me with Lili is not a good idea. But I know somehow we need to talk. I'm facing the tv screen but I can see in my peripheral vision she's looking at me.

"Irene" I can feel my body is burning. The atmosphere here is different. The way she called my name is different, the tone of her voice, the way she looks at me. Everything is different.


"Lisa" She corrected. Ouch!

"I...i'm sorry" Fuck I'm so nervous.

"Irene, can I ask you a favor?" She said looking straight into my eyes. I'm lost...again

"Ye" I simply replied

"Don't hurt my sister. Don't hurt Seulgi. I don't want to see my sister cry, Irene she really loves you, please?" She said looking in my eyes. Shit!

"But what if I'm not happy?" I asked and regret what I said. Fuck it!

"What do you mean you're not happy? You let her court you then you're not happy? Are you playing games Irene? Because Seulgi is clearly not. Irene if you're going to play games, end it now. Don't give her false hopes and act like you like her when you clearly don't" I said meaningfully

"Lisa you leave me with no choice!"

"Irene I have nothing to do with this conversation. I'm asking you a favor not to hurt my sister" She said as she looked away. I deserve this right? She never talk to me like this but I made her changed.

"You really want us to happen?" I sadly asked

"What are you talking about? You're so confusing Irene"

"Lisa, I don't like her"

"Then AGAIN why the hell did you let her court you in the first place?"

"Because I like you" I confessed looking straight in her eyes. I can feel my heart beating so fast. Her lips went agape and being shock is evident on her eyes. Then she went back to her trance

"Stop lying" She said while turning her back on me.

"I'm not lying"

"Irene this is not right"

"What is not right? Because Seulgi likes me? You know why I let her court me?!" My voice cracked. She didn't answer

"Lili, because even if we love each other you will not choose me. You will choose Seulgi over me. I always want to avoid you because at the end I'll fall apart but I can't, I can't avoid you. Lili, I can't avoid the person I like the most" I stopped but she didn't say anythint. "I allowed her to court me, because I wasn't thinking straight! I admit, what I did there was wrong, I can't like her because I'm into you" She closed her eyes for a second then look straight into my eyes again. Fuck those stares

"You're right. I will choose Seulgi's happiness even if it'll hurt me. I'm sorry but I think this is our faith" No no!

"Lili" I burst into tears. She walk closer to me and pulled me into a tight hug

"I'm sorry" She whispered and kissed the top of my head. I hugged her back and fuck I don't wanna let her go. Can we stay like this, forever?

"Let's talk some other time, Hyun" The butterflies! I can feel them inside my stomach when she called me that again.

"Lili, I will fix this" I whispered. I don't know if she heard me. Even if you didn't give me assurance, Lili I will fix this mess. I will fight for what I want, and who I love. I will take risk this time. Just wait for me.

Lisa's POV

When they left us alone here, I wanted to hug her. I want to tell her it hurts to see her with someone else. When she confessed her feelings to me, I was confused but when I heard her side it clears that she doesn't want to feel what Jennie felt. I understand. And all this time, I was not mad. I was hurt, and still hurting. Because the fact that we can't be together.

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