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Sugawara POV:

Once practice ended, I felt y/n hold onto my hand, telling me that she's ready to go home. I walk both of us over to Asahi.

" You ready to go?" I ask

" Yeah" He says. We all walk out of the gym and get in our way to our first stop, Y/n's house. When we reach her home I lightly set my hands on her waist and softly press my lips against hers.

" Bye" I say quietly with a smile

" I'll see you tomorrow" She says, kissing me again then turning to asahi.

" Bye, Asahi!" She yells. He just waves goodbye to her right before she runs off into her house.

" Well, next is your house" I say, turning over to him.

" Alright" He says. We both begin silently and slowly making our way to his house. How do I start talking?

" So, can you please tell me what's up with you now?"

" No, It would make you mad.." He says quietly

" I promise I won't get mad."  I say. We reach his house and just stand there, waiting for words to come out of his mouth. He mumbles something that I'm unable to hear.

" What did you say?" I ask

" I think.. I still have feelings for Y/n.." He says. I can see the sadness and guilt in his eyes as he speaks.

" You.. have feelings for her?" I ask. I don't know what to do or say. All I know is that I'm really upset, really angry, really disappointed. He nods his head shamefully. I stare at him im disbelief for a couple seconds.

" I'm gonna get going." I say before rushing off, leaving him alone.

𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 ➶ (𝐤.𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐚)Where stories live. Discover now