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asahi's POV:

It's been a couple of days since we met Y/n, now it's Saturday, and she invited me, Sugawara, and Daichi to hang out. I would rather be with y/n, just me and her alone, but anything is fine I guess, as long as I get to see her. I may have gotten a little bit attached to y/n already but she's so perfect. she isn't scared of me like every other girl usually is, and she is just so sweet overall. she's beautiful as well... but i know that Daichi and Suga have taken this kind of liking to her as well. She's basically all we ever talk about besides volleyball. Anyways, I walk up to her home, she invited us to spend the day at her house, and even said we can sleep over.  I knock on the door and Daichi opens it instead of her.

" Oh hey, you're finally here" He says. 

" Yeah, sorry for the wait" I say. He lets me inside and leads me to Y/n's room, where her and Suga are sitting on her bed together, talking and laughing. When I walk into the room, she looks up and jumps off the bed and runs over to me, pulling me into a tight hug. I quietly laugh at her large amount of energy.

" I'm so happy your finally here!" She yells. I look over at Suga and Daichi who are visibly jealous of the attention she's giving me. I just hug her back until she lets go. She sits back down with Sugawara and begins playing with his hair. He starts blushing as her fingers run through his silver hair. I watch how happy they look together even when they're barely doing anything. I hate to admit it since I really want her, but they seem more interested in each other than anyone else. 

" So, is there anything you guys want to do specifically?" She asks. Yeah, I really want to date you. I just stay quiet and wait for anyone to speak up.

" We can all go down to Coach Ukai's store and get meat buns" Daichi suggests

" Ooo sure!" Y/n agrees quickly. We all get up and leave her house and begin to walk to the store. I look over at y/n and see that she's holding hands with Sugawara. I watch as they swing their interlocked hands back and forth, as they talk and laugh. I turn towards Daichi and elbow him lightly, he looks at me confused. I point at Suga and Y/n, he looks over at them and the once happy expression on his face changes to annoyed and jealous. 

" He definitely has feelings for her" He whispers to me

" You have feelings for her too" I whisper back

" You like her as well"

" What? No I don't" I lie

" Just admit it"

" Fine.. I do have feelings for her. But you do too." I say.

".. Yeah, I do..." He says, leading us to silence. I knew that Daichi had feelings for her as well but I never expected him to admit it. Now it's awkward, and it feels like an actual competition now. I don't want to compete with my friends just for a girl, but y/n is truly special to me. I wonder who is actually going to get the chance to date her.

𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 ➶ (𝐤.𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐚)Where stories live. Discover now