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Y/n POV:

The next day, I woke up kind of early. I do have a date today, after all. It wont be anything big so I shouldn't dress formally. I get up and walk to my closet. I stand in front of my clothing options for a good 20 minutes until I finally pick out something decent. I change into the chosen outfit and then sit on my bed, scrolling through my phone to pass time. I jump up from my bed once I hear a knock at my door. I rush out of my room and over to the front door. I open it up and smile once I see Sugawara standing there.

" Hey Y/n, you ready?" He asks. I nod my head and close the door behind me. I hesitantly grab his hand and begin leading the way. He takes a chance to interlock our fingers.

" So, are you still in touch with those boys from nekoma? you know, the ones we saw at Ukai's store?"

" Kind of. I don't talk to Kenma that much but Kuroo reaches out a lot." I say

" Ah, Well thats nice." He says. I lead us inside a little restaurant with barely any customers. We sit down at a table next to eachother. We order our food and its quickly given to us.

" Tanaka and Nishinoya have been saying they want to talk to you more. They think you're cool. And Hinata admires you."

" Hinata admires me? Thats funny, I honestly admire him. He's so talented and full of hope. Same with Kageyama, they're some of the best." I say then I finish up my food. I look over at Sugawara and see that his happy expression has dropped a little.

" Y-you're super talented too! I only complimented them since they're the duo of the team!" I say in a panicked voice, hoping im not the reason he's not as joyful.

" Thank you, but I know you didnt mean to exclude me." He starts speaking, laughing a little at my worried words.

" Its just... you reminded me about Kageyama. He's been replacing me during games. I wanna support him but sometimes I wanna play, y'know?"

" Oh.. uh, yeah. That must be tough. I'm sorry for making that come back to you."

" Oh no, I'm sorry for making the mood drop!" He says with a new smile. I look down at the table but I can still feel him staring at me. I look back up at him and his vision finally breaks off from me.

" Oh sorry for staring, you're just.. really cute." His voice trails off into a mumble. I can feel my face beginning to heat up. cute?

" oh t-thanks." I mumble. I look up at him and notice his face is flushed pink. I pay for the food and we both leave, slowly making our way back to my house. We reach the front door and he suddenly grabs my hands and gently pulls me closer to him.

" may i.. kiss you?" he asks. my face is even hotter than before. i nod my head and he smiles. he lets his hand rest on my cheek before slowly leaning in and placing his lips against mine. I deepen the kiss for a couple seconds until we pull away.

" Y/n.. I really, really like you." He says.

" You do? Well, I feel the same way."

" Wait.. really?" He asks with obvious shock in his voice

" Well obviously, I asked you out on a date and initiated our first kiss!" I say, laughing a little.

" I'm just so lucky that you chose me and not them."  He says before pulling me into a tight hug. Them? Who's them? I wanna ask but at the same time it feels like asking that would drop the mood again. I just wrap my arms around him as well but my head is still full of questions.

𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 ➶ (𝐤.𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐚)Where stories live. Discover now