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daichi pov:

I do have feelings for y/n but I feel like they're slowly fading away already since I have no chance with her. Asahi and Suga like her as well and they're both closer to her. When I first met her, I immediately grew happy, knowing someone so pretty was talking to me. I felt like I finally had someone perfect for me once I found out how sweet she is as well. She is perfect, but I doubt we could ever be together. I'm not too upset over slowly losing my hope in dating her,  I'm just glad I know her and get to be friends with her.

" Daichi?" Y/n calls out to me, waving her hand in front of my face. I guess I was spacing out or something

" We're here" She says.

" Oh, sorry, I was zoning out" I say.

" It's fine, let's go in!" She says. She walks inside and we follow after her. She orders us meat buns and Suga insists on paying for us. Asahi offers to pay as well but Y/n quickly places her money on the counter before they do, so she ended up paying after all.

" You should've let me pay, Y/n" Asahi says as we leave the store.

" I don't want you to waste money on something I'm willing to pay for!" She says, handing all of us our meat buns.

" Y/n?" A quiet voice says Y/n's name. We all look over and see two boys we saw at our practice match with Nekoma High. One has longer hair, blonde with dark roots. The other has Messy black hair that's covering one of his eyes.

" Kenma, Kuroo! Hey!" She yells, running over to the pudding headed boy and hugging him and then hugging the taller one.

" You know them, Y/n?" Sugawara asks. Y/n nods her head.

" Yeah they were my closest friends when I went to Nekoma. Why?"

" We played against each other once" The boy named Kuroo says. I clearly remember that captain.

" Oh that's cool! Well, we should catch up sometime" She tells them.

" So which one is your boyfriend?" Kuroo asks her. Her face is dusted with embarrassment by his question.

" none of them!" She says, nervously. He looks at her suspiciously then laughs once he sees the nervousness more clearly.

" So you just have a crush on one?" He leans down and whispers, teasing her.

" No! Anyways, we're going to go now. Bye, text me or something!" She yells before walking away. Me, Suga, and Asahi follow behind her.

" I had no idea you were friends with them." Sugawara says, speeding up so he can walk beside her instead of behind.

" Well I told you guys I used to be really into volleyball. They got me into it."

" Well why did you quit doing volleyball?" I ask

" It's kind of embarrassing" She says.

" It's probably not" Asahi says

" It is. You know the tiny quiet one I hugged first? I used to have this huge crush on him and I asked him to teach me volleyball. I confessed to him and he rejected me so I stopped showing up to our usual volleyball lesson things and tried to avoid him out of embarrassment. We're friends now though so It's fine" She explains.

" That's not too bad" Suga says.

" It's dumb that I quit volleyball over a boy though" She says, finishing up her meat bun. I take the last bite of mine a well, Suga and Asahi already finished theirs. So she liked the setter? Sugawara's a setter as well, even though he doesn't play that much. My thinking is interrupted as y/n trips from not paying attention while she walked. Asahi wraps his arms around her waist before she falls any further. He lets her steadily stand and Sugawara rushes in front of her, making sure she isnt injured. She's visibly a little confused from how much they care over her just tripping.

" Are you okay?" They both ask, accidentally at the same time.

" Yeah, thanks. But you guys don't have to treat me like some sort of princess. I'm just like any other girl" She says. They both sheepishly laugh. If only she knew that she actually is a princess in their eyes.

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