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"Say goodbye to your knight in shining armor, princess," Oikawa smirked as his tentacles rushed towards Hinata, but you jumped in front of him, making them freeze just inches away from your face. Both of the monsters growled impatiently, and you did your best not to shrink back in fear.

"If you let him go, I promise I won't fight either of you! I'll go with you and do whatever you want!" You said, holding your hands up as a sign of surrender.

Hinata stood silently, still traumatized and staring at the two with eyes as wide as saucers. You flinched and looked down to see him clutching your hand tightly, and you turned to see him shaking his head slowly.

Oikawa and Suga looked at each other for a moment before they both exchanged a nod.

"Alright," Oikawa said as two of his tentacles reached out and dug through your pockets, throwing out all the knives you had taken from the kitchen and patting you down, making sure you didn't have anything else. You closed your eyes, trying to ignore the slimy feeling of the tentacles as they pulled you into the brunette's chest.

"Alright...Now Hinata can go free--"

"Yeah... no."

You didn't get a chance to turn around, but the sickening sounds of blood splattering along the wall and floor along with Hinata's screams made your heart sink to your stomach. Your craned your neck back to see Hinata dangling in the air, Oikawa's tentacles wrapped around his neck as numerous other ones pierced through his body.
"He kept you away from me. If you thought he was going to live after that, you were more naive than I thought." Toru then turned to look at Hinata. "Looks like you failed, runt." With that, Hinata let out a choked gasp as one of the tentacles plunged through his chest, staying there for a moment before pulling out, and you fell to your knees, holding your stomach and gagging at the sight.

Clenched tightly by the tentacles was Hinata's heart. You coughed, finally emptying your stomach onto the tiled floor. Your lungs burned, and your head was pounding.
"I'll take her to the med bay. Since you killed him, you can clean up the mess," said Suga, and you heard Oikawa mutter something before walking away. Once he was gone, you felt someone wrap their arms around you, lifting you up bridal style.

"Breath for me, angel, just calm down..." Suga whispered as he carried you down the hall.

"It's just us now..."

You heard him whisper before the ringing in your ears blocked out all other sounds, and the whole room faded into darkness.

You heard him whisper before the ringing in your ears blocked out all other sounds, and the whole room faded into darkness

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