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"The stabilizers stopped, didn't they?" Asked Hinata as you flipped through the cameras

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"The stabilizers stopped, didn't they?" Asked Hinata as you flipped through the cameras. "So why haven't they come out yet?" You flipped back to the one showing the hallway to the stabilizers. It only went to about the middle of the hallway, and there were no other cameras in that area.
"Oi, four eyes, you almost done with those doors?" You asked.
"Don't call me that," the blonde growled as he worked on the doors. "I've almost got it."
"Well, hurry up, we need to see if--"
"Oh my God," Hinata muttered, and you and Tsuki turned to look at the cameras. Suga walked back down the hall from the stabilizers, grinning viciously with blood covering the lower half of his suit, and not long after that, Oikawa stumbled on the screen. His head was down, preventing you from seeing his expression, but it looked like he and Suga spoke with each other before exchanging a nod.
"Yellow...Get the door open," You muttered shakily as the duo began walking down the hall. "Get that door open now!"
"I'm trying!" Tsukishima shouted back, two wires in his hands as he tried to fix it.
"Hurry up!" You shouted, rapidly switching the cameras, trying to locate the two.
"Done!" Tsuki stood up and pressed a few buttons on his tablet before the door slid open.
"Go to the cafeteria. If I'm not there in three minutes, close the doors, understood?" you took out your tablet and plugged it into the CCTV.
"But what about you?" Hinata asked.
"Just go!" You shouted, and Tsuki grabbed Hinata's hand and dragged him away. You rushed over to the cameras to see Suga and Oikawa getting closer as you pressed a few buttons on your tablet before pressing the start button.
"Please let this work," you muttered as the uploading screen appeared on both the tablet and the TVs.




Suga and Oikawa turned the corner to see the door to the communications now wide open.
"I thought you said you locked them in here," Suga growled, and Oikawa shrugged.
"Well, obviously, they managed to unlock it," he retorted as they entered the room. The camera screens were now black, and the room was empty.
"What happened to the cameras?" Toru asked as Suga pressed buttons, trying to turn them on. While the two were distracted, you crawled out from under the table and tiptoed out of the room. You rushed into the cafeteria, and Hinata closed the doors as soon as you entered. You put your hands on your knees, panting loudly, before pointing at the doors.
"Put some tables in front of them."

"I think that'll hold," you said as you pushed the last table against the door.
"B-but we can't just stay here forever, can we?" Hinata asked fearfully.
"Do you have any better ideas?" Tsuki asked.
"Well, I think if we could get to communications, we can contact HQ, and they can send reinforcements," Hinata suggested.
"Well, be my guest," Tsuki said, sitting in a chair and propping his feet up in another. "But I'm not going anywhere."

As the two began to argue, you wandered into the kitchen to see how much food you had and placing a few other things in your pocket for later. It would surely last you all a while, but as you approached the end, you felt rustling on top of your helmet as Yachi jump off.
"Yachi!" You exclaimed. "I nearly forgot you were up there. Were you asleep this whole time?" Yachi nodded before running to the end of the kitchen and pointing at something behind the counter. Furrowing your brow in confusion, you followed her and peered behind the counter to see Akaashi's mini crewmate, Bokuto, hiding behind the counter.
"Bokuto!" You exclaimed in surprise as Yachi pulled him from behind the counter. "I thought I saw you run away from the stabilizers. I'm so glad you're okay!" The yellow crewmate stared up at you before looking behind you, seemingly looking for something.

Or someone.

You frowned sadly before hugging the little one close.
"I'm sorry, Bokuto, but Akaashi's...he isn't coming." Bokuto lowered his head as you scooped him up into your arms, bringing him out into the cafeteria where Hinata and Tuski continued to argue.
"We have to get help!" Hinata shouted.
"Well, we can't with those monsters running around, and it's not like we locked ourselves in the communications with the cameras so we can at least know where they are. You scoffed, catching both of their attention.
"Do you even know why I risked my life to stay in that room?" You asked, and the two shook their heads as you pulled out your tablet before sliding it across the table. Tsuki picked it up, and his jaw dropped, seeing the live camera feed.
"How did you-"
"I did the same thing you do to upload data and changed the location of where the CCTV feed was going to, and the computers no longer get the feed, so they won't be able to see us," you said, taking the tablet out of his hands and pushing the tables away from the door.
"What are you doing?" Hinata asked frantically.
"I'm going to communications. Like Hinata said, we could get--" You grunted as you moved another table. "...A message out to HQ. I can see where they are, so I'll be able to avoid them." You pulled the last table away before turning to the two of them.
"If I'm not back in five minutes, close the doors and put the tables back," you said as you pressed buttons on your tablet to unlock the door. You turned to Yachi and Bokuto, who were both standing behind you, ready to follow you.
"I want you guys to wait here with four eyes. Go get yourself some snacks, andI'll be back in a bit, okay? The mini crewmates nodded before rushing into the kitchen to find something to eat.
"I'm going with you." You looked up to see Hinata putting on his helmet.
"Fine. But you have to follow my lead," you said sternly, and Hinata nodded. You heard the chair screeching across the floor and looked up to see Tsuki walking over to you.
"Try not to get yourself killed, there are already three of us left, the numbers don't need to get lower," he said, crossing his arms and turning away from you. You smiled while Hinata's jaw dropped to the ground.
"Thanks, four eyes."

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