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Suga stood in the office faking tasks while he thought of a way to get you away from Oikawa.

'I can't kill him, but if I can just cause a distraction that'll get her away from him... What was her first task again? Right, replacing the water, and she has to bring the water in here so-'

"Hey, Suga." Sugawara turned to see Asahi walking into the office and to the table to upload the data.
"So, did you see how-" Just as Asahi turned around, Suga whipped out his gun, shooting him directly in the head, killing him instantly. Suga stared down at the body of his old friend, kneeling in beside him to close his eyes.
"Forgive me," he said, before rushing out and into electrical where he saw Hinata struggling with the wires. The ginger-headed boy let out a sigh of relief when he saw him.
"Hey, Suga, would you mind helping me with these. I can't seem to get them right." Suga smiled.

And just like that, he had an alibi.

"Have you ever considered getting a boyfriend, Y/n?" Oikawa suddenly asked as you exited the boiler room. You almost choked on air.
"You've been talking about yourself for the last five minutes, and this is the first question you ask about me?" You asked in surprise, a blush making its way onto your face. Oikawa chuckled.
"Why wouldn't it be? You are a pretty girl after all," he said as the two of you turned the corner.
"Whatever you're-" You stopped at the doorway, dropping the jug of water and letting out a loud shriek.

There, in the middle of the office, Asahi laid lifeless on the ground, blood soaking the floor below him. You backed away from the body fearfully. Oikawa stood there for a moment before taking out his tablet and pressing the report button.

You, Kiyoko, Suga, Hinata, Kageyama, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Tsukishima, Tadashi, and Akaashi all sat at the meeting table.
"A-Asahi is dead?" Hinata stuttered, hands shaking as he stared at his fellow crewmates.
"Where was the body?" Kiyoko asked.
"It was in the office. Y/n and I were doing our tasks together and found him," Oikawa explained.
"Alright, everyone, tell me what your task was," said Iwaizumi.
"Blue, Green, and I were in the laboratory," said Kiyoko, earning a nod from Tadashi and Kageyama.
"Yellow and I were in the specimen room," Akaashi explained, and Tuski nodded. You sat in your chair, head down and staring at your feet as everyone talked.

'If I had just come a bit sooner...maybe I could've saved him.'

"Well, I think we should skip for now," said Iwaizumi, and everyone cast their votes.

No one was ejected. (Skipped)

While everyone else left to complete their tasks, you still sat in your chair, staring at your feet sadly. Oikawa tried to approach you, but since Suga was sitting closer, he managed to reach you first, making Toru growl before exiting the office as well, leaving you and Suga alone.
"Y/n, are you okay?" He asked, taking a seat next to you. You shook your head, tears filling your eyes.
"Of course not. It's my fault he died. If I had just come a second sooner, maybe I could've-"
"Don't do that, Y/n. None of his was your fault, all we can do is find who did it, and I promise that we will." Suga smiled warmly, and you couldn't help but smile back.
"Alright. Let's just do our tasks and be done with it," you said, getting up from your chair.
"Mind if I come with you? I doubt it'd be a good idea to walk around by yourself with an imposter running around." You nodded gratefully as the two of you exited the office, and Suga turned to smile at his cyan friend, who was standing outside the door, an angry look on his face as he watched you two leave. 

"And...done!" You said, finishing the wires in the cafeteria.
"That's your last task, right?" Suga asked, and you nodded, moving to take a seat at one of the tables. Suga sat next to you and watched as you threw your head back and yawned.
"You have to stop staying up so late, Y/n. It's not healthy," he said. You hummed in response, already dozing off. Suga sighed, taking your head and moving it to rest on his shoulder, and you were asleep in a matter of seconds. He smiled, feeling you move closer to him, wishing this moment would never end.

"Well, don't you look happy?" Suga frowned, looking up to see his partner in crime standing in the entryway. "It really is a shame, you know," he said, walking over and sitting across from the two of you. "What you did to your-"
"Be quiet," Suga glared at him, motioning towards you. He didn't want to take the chance of you waking up and hearing them.
"That's cute," Toru sneered, his long tongue coming out to lick his lips as he stared at you like a piece of meat. "But you are aware that we have to kill her, right?"
"I will not kill her," Suga snapped. Even though he knew the brunette wouldn't dream of hurting you, the thought alone still served to piss him off. He growled at him, his teeth becoming razor-sharp.
"If I didn't need you to get rid of the others, it would've been you who died instead of--"
"But you do need me," his friend taunted. "So, in other words, there's nothing to stop me from making her all mine." Suga clenched his fists as he heard footsteps coming down the hallway.
"Don't you dare," he hissed, and Oikawa chuckled.
"I don't see anyone here to stop me," he teased. Just before Suga could speak, the rest of the crew entered the cafeteria.
"Looks like we're all done with our tasks," Iwa said as everyone began to sit and talk during their free time.
"I'll work together with you until we can get rid of everyone else, and once that, happens we'll settle this," Oikawa said before going to sit with Iwa. You twitched in your sleep, whimpering and seemingly having a nightmare. Suga grabbed your hand from under the table.

"I'll never let him have you."


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