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You walked down the hallway, head down and deep in thought.

Your turn with Suga yesterday was pretty uneventful, and knowing Oikawa was supposed to be seeing you today, you decided to walk around a bit, hoping that it would postpone that time.

'I may be able to get out of here while they're having this little war of theirs,' you walked past the communications room, and your eyes landed on the broken radio, still laying on the ground with a hole in the middle of it, letting you see out of the back. You slowly walked over and picked it up to examine it further.

'This thing is nothing but scrap now, but maybe I could use the parts from it to make a new one.' You looked around to make sure that neither imposters were around before grabbing the panel and shoving it into the pocket of your suit.

You rushed back to your room, surprised and relieved that you didn't run into Sugawara or Oikawa on the way there. You took the panel out and placed it under the bed.
"If I keep it here, I doubt it'll be bothered."

You made sure to cover it with the clutter that also resided under your bed before you took a few steps back, making sure it wasn't at all visible before letting out a satisfied hum.
"I guess I'll have to find parts for it around the ship." You sat down on the end of the bed, only to jump back up when you felt something move under you. You saw something squirming around under the covers, and you gulped loudly before grabbing the end of the blanket and snatching it off, only for your fearful expression to be replaced with one of shock when your eyes landed on the white mini crewmate.
"Bokuto?" The mini crewmate seemed to have just woken up and peered at you curiously, giving you a small wave as if saying good morning.
"Bokuto!" Tears welled up in your eyes as you rushed over to him, scooping him in your arms and falling to your knees, tears welling up in your eyes as you hugged the little one close.
"I thought you had been...I thought they killed you. Where's Yachi?" Bokuto lifted his head for a moment, seemingly in thought, before jumping up out of your arms and rushing behind the bed. You titled your head to the side in confusion for a moment but followed him nonetheless. You watched him pull at a pile of blankets for a moment before he pulled off the final one to reveal a sleeping Yachi, seemingly just waking up from her nap as well. You smiled, seeing her peer up at you curiously.
"Good morning, Yachi," you greeted, scooping her into your arms and hugging her tightly. "Did you sleep well?" You chuckled as she nodded, but your reunion was interrupted when the sound of the door sliding open made your heart sink to your stomach. You whirled around to see Oikawa standing in the doorway.
"I should've guessed they were in here," he muttered when he saw Bokuto and Yachi, but you quickly shoved them behind you.
"Don't you knock?" You growled.
"Would you have let me in?" The brunette countered, and you stayed quiet, already knowing the answer. "Anyways, you don't have to shield them like that. I don't want them." You narrowed your eyes suspiciously, and he sighed as he slowly made his way over to you.
"It doesn't matter if you believe me or not. It's not like you can fall in love with them, and they can keep you from me, so I don't care if they live or die."
As much as that made sense coming from him, you didn't let your guard down, already knowing how good of a liar he could be.

"Anyways, come on," he said, grabbing your hand and pulling you to your feet.
"Where are we going?" You tried to pull away, but dragging you down the hall with him seemed like nothing short of a walk in the park.
"The O2 room with the tree," he responded. "You like going there, right?" You didn't exactly want to go there right now, but you didn't want him to be anywhere near the mini crewmates or the hidden remains of the radio, so you sighed.
"Sure," you said reluctantly, and Oikawa smiled as he motioned you to walk in front of him as the two of you walked through the dorm area. The silence was awkward, and you opted to say something, but you didn't know what you two could possibly talk about. As you turned a corner, you looked behind you, attempting to sneak a glance at him only to realize that he was no longer behind you. You looked back down the hallway to see him standing in front of one of the doors, you couldn't see his face, but you instantly noticed how tense he was. He was trembling.
"Oikawa?" You called, approaching him. As you got closer, you saw the name that was written on the door.

Hajime Iwaizumi

You looked back at Oikawa, whose hand was now reaching for the knob but stopped just short of it like he was frozen in place. His eyes were watery, and his whole body was trembling.

Did he regret what he did?

Slowly, you put a hand on his shoulder, and he jumped, turning to face you with wide and almost fearful eyes. Before you could react, he wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his face in your chest.
"I'm so sorry...I didn't want to kill him, but I had to. I'm so sorry." At that moment, you nearly forgot that he was a monster. He was just so vulnerable. Gently, you ran your fingers through his hair.
"I-its okay. I forgive you." You didn't know if that was the truth or not, but all you were concerned with was making him feel better.
"You do?" You struggled to repeat yourself, feeling as if you were hurting all the people they killed by saying you forgave him, even if it was a lie.
"Y-yes," you stuttered. "I know...I don't think that you wanted to kill them. Or at least Iwaizumi." The brunette's eyes widened at your words.

You understood him!

His grip tightened on your waist.
"Thank you," he muttered, quietly enough that you struggled to hear him. "Thank you so much, Y/n. I promise I'll make you happy when we get out of here. Whatever you want to go...Whatever you want to do, we can do it. I promise." You ran a shaky hand through his hair. In the back of your mind, you couldn't help but wonder if you'd ever make it out of this ship at all.


That night, you sat in your room with the broken radio along with a bunch of parts scattered across your desk as you tried to your best use your tablet as a new way of communication. You let out a loud yawn, feeling yourself get more and more tired by the minute. You plugged one end of the cord you used to hook the camera to your tv and inserted the other end of it into the broken radio before pressing a few buttons a holding your breath as the uploading sign appeared on your screen.






You let out a sigh of relief before pressing a few buttons and waiting for a moment.

"Headquarters to Polus...Is anyone there? Come in, Polus!" Tears of relief and happiness filled your eyes as you let out a shaky gasp. You quickly hooked up the walkie-talkie that attached to the radio to your tablet before pressing the button.
"Hello? Can you hear me?"
"Loud and clear. This is Daichi Sawamura of headquarters. Who is this?"
"This is Y/n L/n. We have been infiltrated by...I don't know what they are, but they're not human. They killed the entire crew, and-" A knock on your door made you gasp.

"Y/n? Are you okay?"


"Send help," you whispered before shutting off the device and shoving it under your bed.
"Y/n?" You opened the door to see Suga standing there.
"I came to check on you, and I heard-" he stopped when he saw your face. "Why are you crying? Are you okay" You felt your heart hammer in your chest as you tried to come up with a lie.
"I was scared!" You blurted, and his brow furrowed in confusion.
"Oikawa...he said that if I didn't do what he wanted then... he'd kill me. He forced me to do...things with him, and then he said that if I told you." You let out a sob as you forced yourself to cry more, hoping that this lie would work. Turning them against each other wouldn't be a bad idea. You saw anger flash in Suga's eyes, but he managed to calm himself as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Sh, sh, angel. I'd never let anything happen to you. I'd never let him hurt you."

He led you into your room, comforting you until you eventually fell asleep in his arms, leaving him to sit there, eyes glowing red as he pictured different ways he was going to make Oikawa pay.

He led you into your room, comforting you until you eventually fell asleep in his arms, leaving him to sit there, eyes glowing red as he pictured different ways he was going to make Oikawa pay

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