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Reboot Successful!

Task Complete!

You smiled as you finished rebooting the wifi, but that's smile fell when you turned to see Tsukishima standing in the doorway, his eyes narrowed as he stared at you.
"So what? You're following me now?" You asked, rolling your eyes as you started downloading the data.
"What? I've finished my tasks, and if you aren't the imposter, then you shouldn't have a problem with it," he said, crossing his arms defensively.
"She's not the imposter, Tsukishima," Hinata said, entering the room.
"Just because she's convinced you, doesn't mean she's convinced me," said Tsuki, and you slammed your hand on the desk angrily before storming up to him and shoving him towards the door.
"Oh, believe me, if I were imposter, your sorry ass would've been dead!" Tsuki's eyes widened as you continued to shove him further and further back. "So if all you're gonna do is accuse me, then you can just fucking leave!"
"Y/n, stop!" Hinata grabbed you just as you shoved Tuskishima to the ground. "Calm down! Arguing with each other won't help anything. We have to--" The alarm for the seismic stabilizers echoed throughout the building, and Hinata sighed before turning to Tsuki.
"Come on. We have to fix that before--"
"Wait." You put his hand up, motioning for the two of them to be quiet, and soon you could hear to sound of doors closing from down the hall. You heard the door across the hall close before looking at Tsuki, who was right in between the doors.
"Yellow!" You grabbed his hand, pulling him up just before the heavy doors slid shut.
"What's happening?" You asked as Hinata tried to open the doors.
"It's locked," he said, opening the control panel. "And the panel is fried too. I don't think this is an accident."
"Well, how are we going to fix the stabilizers?" You asked.
"Black and Grey are handling it," said Tsuki, and you and Hinata turned to see Akaashi and Iwaizumi on the cameras walking down the hall towards the stabilizers. Your brow furrowed in confusion as you began pressing the buttons, flipping to the different cameras.
"Where's Oikawa and-" You pressed the button, making the cameras in the central area appear on the screen. The lights were off, making it a bit hard to see, but you managed to make out Suga and Oikawa approaching the stabilizers.
"Oh, there they are." You let out a sigh of relief.
"Wait a minute..." Hinata and Tsuki approached the camera and watched as Oikawa and Suga split up, Suga going down the hallway that Akaashi had gone down while Oikawa walked off camera but in the direction of the second stabilizer where Iwa had gone.

"Oh, hey, Lazykawa, I'm almost done." Oikawa watched silently as his friend continued to work on the stabilizers. Tears filled the brunette's eyes.
"I'm sorry," he murmured.
"Huh?" Before Iwa could turn around, a sickening crack echoed through the small room as Iwaizumi fell to the ground. The brunette stared at his friend. Even though he had been sent to kill them all, he had grown fond of Iwaizumi, to the point that he was the only thing keeping him from completely losing his mind. Toru fell to his knees, laughing and crying at the same time.
"Wait for me, Y/n! Your prince is coming!"

"And...Done." Akaashi heard footsteps approaching and looked down at Bokuto. "See nothing to worry about?" He picked up the mini crewmate and pulled him into a hug, blinking away tears as he whispered.
"When I give the signal, find somewhere to hide and don't come out until Y/n calls for you," he whispered before pulling away and setting down the mini crewmate. Slowly, Akaashi stood up and turned to see Suga standing there, his eyes glowing red as the abdomen part of his suit opening up.
"So it was you," he said. "You're the monster who killed Kageyama."
"Correct," Suga smirked as the mouth on his abdomen opened, its black tongue slowly reaching out to Akaashi.
"Wait!" Akaashi held his hands out in front of him. "Tell me, why did you write she's mine on the wall? What do you want with Y/n?"
"What do I want with her?" Suga chuckled. "I want her, of course! Y/n has been mine ever since I first laid eyes on her, she--"
"That's not true," Akaashi said, and Suga's eyes widened.
"What did you say?"
"That's not true," Akaashi repeated, nudging Bokuto with his foot. Bokuto looked up at him worriedly.
"Because Y/n said she loved me. She kissed me and said she was scared of you." He knew there were a lot of holes in that story, but it seemed to make a good distraction. He nudged Bokuto with his foot again and made sure to keep his eyes on Suga as the mini crewmate ran past him and down the hall.
"No, no, no! You confused her! I won't let you lie to her anymore!" Suga shouted. Akaashi looked down the hallway to see Bokuto standing at the end of the hall. He smiled as his friend as Suga's second tongue turned sharp as a needle, piercing him right through the chest. Akaashi watched Bokuto run off before closing his eyes.

'Please take care of yourself...And Y/n too.'


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