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'Now to bring this to weapons,'

You exited the O2 room and headed to weapons to upload the data when the lights suddenly began to flicker. You stared up at the overhead lights, watching them blink on and off until finally, everything went dark. A shiver went down your spine as you looked around the dark hallway. Your breathing became heavy as you looked around, jumping at every little creak you heard.
"Y/n." A hand rested on your shoulder, making you scream and turn around to see Kiyoko standing there.
"Don't be afraid. We can do our tasks together if you want." Her voice was monotone, and she didn't seem one bit scared of the dark. You nodded gratefully.
"Sure. Thanks, Kiyoko," you said before looking down at Yachi, who was trembling fearfully.
"Aw, don't be afraid, Yachi," you said, scooping the smaller crewmate in your arms as you and Kiyoko headed towards weapons. "If anything happens, I'll be right here to protect you."Being an imposter, Oikawa had no problem seeing in the dark and followed behind you quietly.

'Y/n looks so pretty when she's scared!' Oikawa smiled wickedly as he watched you, hand resting on his pocket. 'It's too bad you have to die, four-eyes, but you shouldn't have gotten in my--'

Just as he pulled his gun out, a hand grabbed him before he could aim and pushed him into the nearest room.
"What do you think you're doing?" Suga hissed. Toru's eyes darkened as he grabbed his friends' wrist.
"I was just getting rid of the competition," he explained. "Now, let me kill that bitch." Even though he was smiling, it was obvious to Suga by the way Toru gripped his wrist like he had intentions to break it that he was annoyed by the interruption.

"You can't just kill everyone at random. We have to be strategic about this," Suga barely felt the pain in his wrist and spoke to his partner with a completely straight face. "I'll handle most of the killing, and you can deal with framing and lying, can you do that?" Toru thought it over before reluctantly releasing his partner.
"So, how do you suggest we get rid of purple then?" He asked, and Suga went quiet for a moment before a grin spread across his face.
"I think I have an idea."

"Alright, Kiyoko, what's next?" You asked as you and Kiyoko exited weapons. There was a faint whirring sound as the lights came back on, illuminating the hallway once more.
"It's about time," Kiyoko muttered before turning to you.
"You said your next task is in storage, and since my next task is all the way in the specimen room, I think we should complete those and meet up in the office," she said, pushing her glasses up.
"Okay," you nodded as Yachi jumped out of your arms and ran over to her friend. "See you guys later."
As Kiyoko walked, she noticed Yachi frequently looking back, wondering why you weren't following.
"Don't worry," she smiled. "We'll meet up with Y/n soon enough." Suddenly the lights turned back off, making her let out an annoyed sigh as she entered the specimen room. Yachi began to tremble fearfully once more and, Kiyoko crouched down to pet her on the head.
"Everything will be fine," she assured, holding out her arm and smiling as the little one ran up her arm and jumped on top of her head. "Now, let's get these tasks done so we can help Y/n. You know she's a scardey cat."

"All done," Kiyoko said as she finished all the tasks in the specimen room. "Now, to get to the--" Just as Kiyoko put away her tablet, the doors to the hallway connecting the specimen room to the admin slid shut.
"Strange..." Kiyoko muttered, but she smiled up at Yachi. "Probably just a malfunction. Let's go this way." Kiyoko turned and walked down the hall connecting the specimen room to the laboratory. The hallway was dark, and Kiyoko picked up Yachi and held her protectively in her arms.

'Somethings off...'

The door opened to decontamination, and Yachi nearly jumped out of Kiyoko's arms at the wave of steam that came as soon as the door opened. Kiyoko smiled as it began to clear.
"It's just some...Oh my god." Kiyoko covered her mouth in shock at the sight in front of her. Tadashi laid on the ground, his lifeless eyes still wide as blood pooled around him. Kiyoko quickly covered Yachi's eyes.
'I'll take her back to the specimen room, and then I'll report it...'
Just as she turned to go the other way, the door to the laboratory opened, revealing Iwaizumi.
"Purple?" Iwaizumi's eyes darted from Tadashi to Kiyoko.
"I-it's not what it looks like I..." As Iwaizumi reached for his tablet, Kiyoko saw Oikawa standing behind him, smiling widely, revealing his razor-sharp teeth.

"What happened?" You asked as everyone met up in the office.
"Oikawa and I were on our way to the specimen room. We opened the door and saw green on the ground and purple about to leave the scene," Iwa explained.
"What? Kiyoko wouldn't kill him!" You shouted. "Kiyoko, tell them!" Everyone's eyes turned to Kiyoko who sat there still in shock.
"I-I was leaving the specimen room a-and I found him there, a-and I panicked," she muttered.
"Y/n, you were doing tasks with her," said Iwa. "Did you see anything?"
"She went with me to upload the data, but once the lights went back on, we decided to split up since her tasks were in the specimen room and mine was in storage, and then we were going to meet up in the office," you explained.
"Sounds to me like she ditched Y/n to go kill Tadashi," said Kageyama, and it showed on the screen that he, Iwa, and Oikawa had cast their votes.
"If she's imposter, she would've killed me in weapons!" You shouted.
"She could've been just using you as an alibi Y/n," said Suga as he, Tsukishima, and Akaashi cast their votes as well. There were only 20 seconds left, and the only ones who hadn't voted yet were you, Hinata, and Kiyoko.

"It's not-" You felt someone grab your hand from under the table and turned to see Kiyoko sitting there, her head down as tears rolled down her face.
"It's fine, Y/n..." she whispered.
"But, Kiyoko, they-" Kiyoko gripped your hand tightly and shook her head.
"I was set up. He...He set me up," she cried. "I know who the imposter is, Y/n, it's--"
"Alright, times up!" Oikawa said as the votes piled up. You, Hinata, and Kiyoko had skipped, but six people had voted for Kiyoko.
"No! You guys can't eject her! She didn't kill him!" You shouted.
"Oikawa, grab her. I'll get the hatch ready," said Iwa, and Suga grabbed you just before you could rush towards them.
"Please, calm down," he said, but you tried to shove him away.

'Why the hell is he so strong?'

"No! You can't do this! She didn't do it! She didn't kill him." Kiyoko stared at the ground as Oikawa grabbed her and led her out. She turned to you once again, giving you a reassuring smile before she was dragged away.

"Don't worry, she'll be in good hands," Toru said as he led her down the hall. Kiyoko lifted her head to stare at him in confusion. "What?"

"Well, if you're worried about me or white killing her, don't worry. We have other plans for my little princess," Toru laughed. "I'm sure she'll be so upset. Her best friend getting ejected, and all, I can't wait to comfort her." Kiyoko's eyes widened as Toru shoved her into a room. Iwa's voice came from the speaker.

"Commencing ejection in three..."

"In a way, I should be thanking you. Your death will be a great way for me to get closer to her."


Kiyoko rushed towards the door.
"No! Don't you touch her!"


"It was nice knowing you, purple."

Purple has been ejected

𝘛. 𝘖𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘸𝘢 | 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝘒. 𝘚𝘶𝘨𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘢Where stories live. Discover now