𝙶𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛

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The tension between the two imposters was thick as they walked towards the cafeteria, neither of them saying a word. Oikawa stopped in front of the door and pressed a few buttons on his tablet, making it slide open. He moved out of the way and smirked at Sugawara.
"After you," he sneered, and Suga frowned as he walked past him.

Toru closed the door behind them and turned around to see the abdomen part of Sugawara's suit opening up to reveal the frothing mouth and razor-sharp teeth where his stomach should be.
"I can't wait to eat you whole," it growled.
"You know, I always thought that that was absolutely disgusting," Oikawa sighed as the back of his suit tore open to reveal dozens of black tentacles.
"Like that's any better," Sugawara retorted, taking out his gun and pointing it at Oikawa. "Let's make this quick alright, Y/n is in the room by herself, and I'd hate to keep her waiting."


You held Yachi and Bokuto closer to you as you rushed to the ejection room. Loud shouts followed by crashes and bangs came from the cafeteria, and you had deemed it better to go through storage and communication. Even though it was a long way, it was the safest, and it prevented you from coming in contact with either imposters.

You stopped in front of the doors to the storage room and set the two mini crewmates down before taking out your tablet and pressing the open button for the door, only for your brow to furrow in confusion when nothing happened. You pressed the button repeatedly, panic slowly rising in your chest with each failed attempt. Yachi and Bokuto looked up at you worriedly as you let out a frustrated sigh.

"I-I don't know what happened," you muttered, running your fingers through your hair in frustration. "Maybe connecting the tablet to both the TVs and the radio somehow interfered with its original programming to just be able to open and close doors and complete tasks." Bokuto looked back and forth in between you and the doors.
"I...I'd have to disconnect both the TV's and the radio, but that...that would take too long, and the only other way to get through is by going through the cafeteria."

You and both mini crewmates jumped, hearing a particularly loud slam that made the entire ship shake and the lights flicker, and that's when an idea suddenly came to mind.

"We might be able to get past them after all," you muttered to yourself before kneeling in front of both mini crewmates.
"I have an idea. It's risky, and there's no time to explain it now, but you two will have to trust me. Do you trust me?" The two looked at each other before turning back to you and nodding, and you smiled as you grabbed Yachi and placed her on top of your helmet, and scooped Bokuto up into your arms before running back to the cafeteria.

"If we're lucky, they'll be too busy fighting each other to notice us, and we'll be able to sneak past them," you informed the two as you turned the corner. The door to the cafeteria was closed as well, but before you could even wonder about how you'd get it open, a loud crash made you slap your hand over your mouth to keep from screaming. You watched the door come crashing down to reveal Oikawa and Sugawara fighting in the middle of the cafeteria.

A bunch of Oikawa's tentacles had been torn off and were now scattered across the floor, small pools of black blood leaking onto the floor around them. Sugawara was in no better shape, in the middle of the ground laid, the tip of the tongue from the mouth on his abdomen, and you could see a few of its teeth on the ground. The two imposters stood covered in blood and bruises, but neither of them looked like they were ready to give up. You had to cover your mouth to keep from throwing up before looking at Yachi and Bokuto.
"Both of you close your eyes, alright?" The two nodded, and you took a calming breath.

'I can do this.'

You crouched down and slowly entered the room, quickly rushing to hide behind the table that sat propped against the wall. Luckily, Oikawa and Sugawara were on the other side of the room, and you looked ahead. There was another table that you could hide behind just a few paces ahead, but just as you moved to rush over to it, you gasped as the table you were hiding behind shook violently. Oikawa had thrown Sugawara into it. You gripped your hand to stop it from shaking as you listened closely. Eventually, Suga got up and lunged at Oikawa, and you took the chance to dash over to the second table.

𝘛. 𝘖𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘸𝘢 | 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝘒. 𝘚𝘶𝘨𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘢Where stories live. Discover now