𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙿𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚝

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You walked through the dark hallway, checking your tablet for your next task.
"Looks like my next task is in navigation," you muttered as you turned the corner and entered the navigation room. You stared out the window, looking out at all the stars, and sighed, wishing you could sit and enjoy the view forever. You quickly shook your head, forcing yourself to do your tasks.
'First is fixing the wiring...next is Downloading the data...then there's-' As you moved to chart the course, the sound of tapping on the glass caught your attention, and you looked up only for your blood run cold. 
Kiyoko was there, her hand pressed up against the glass, her face pale and her eyes cold and lifeless.
"K-Kiyoko-" You screamed as she slammed her head against the glass.
"It's your fault...You let him frame me. You let him eject me!" Tears sprang to your eyes and began to roll down your face.
"No...No, I didn't-"
"It's so cold here, Y/n!" She cried, banging her head on the glass. "How could you let this happen to me?" You watched in horror as the crack on the glass grew with each hit.
"I'm sorry!" You ran out of navigation, not knowing where you were running to but just trying to get away from that place. You finally stopped and opened your eyes, finding yourself in the cafeteria. All the tables and chairs were gone except for one chair in the middle of the dimly lit room. You gasped, seeing Tsukishima's head sitting on the chair.
"You could've saved us...But, you let me die. You let us all die," he spat.
"No...I tried to save you and Hinata, I tried to call for help, but-" You felt a cold hand rest on your shoulder, and you whirled around to see Hinata standing there, his body filled with holes.
"Why...why did you let me die? You let them kill me!" You sank to your knees, sobbing quietly.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..."


Sugawara woke up to the sound of your alarm going off, signaling that it was time for breakfast. He looked up to see you still sleeping, your brow furrowed slightly, and you groaned in your sleep and turned over. The male chuckled softly as he stood up, turning the alarm off, but that didn't seem to soothe you. Instead, you began tossing and turning and whimpering in your sleep, and last night's events came to his mind.

"Oikawa...he said that if I didn't do what he wanted then... he'd kill me. He forced me to do...things with him, and then he said that if I told you."

His eyes flashed red at the thought, and he stood up, pulling the blanket over you and planting a kiss to your forehead one as he shushed you softly. Seem to relax just a bit.
"Sh, sh, angel, everything is okay," he whispered. "I'll make him pay for hurting you." He stood up, grabbing his helmet and exiting the room, eyes glowing red as he began to search for the brunette. 

Unfortunately, the Polus was huge, and right as Suga exited the dorm area, Oikawa came around the corner, skipping happily at the thought of spending more time with you, completely disregarding the fact that it was technically Sugawara's turn to be with you.
"Princess?" He called, knocking on your door. "It's time to wake up." He opened the door to find you tossing and turning.
"Please...I'm so sorry..." He rushed to your side.

"Y/n, princess, wake up. You're having a nightmare!" He shook you lightly, and you shot up. Your breathing was short and ragged, and you were trembling violently as sweat made your clothes cling to your body. You could faintly hear someone talking to you, but you couldn't hear what they were saying over the loud ringing in your ears and the thumping of your own heart.
"Sh, Princess..." You heard as it began slowly began to die down, and you recognized the voice as Oikawa's. "Sh, it was just a nightmare. It wasn't real." Just as you calmed down a bit, flashbacks from the nightmare came to mind, sending you back into a panic attack. You clung to his shirt tightly, and you felt a gentle hand move you to press your head against his chest.
"It's okay, Y/n, I'm here just calm down. Take deep breaths with me, alright. Can you do that?" His words didn't register in your mind for a moment but feeling him breathe in and out slowly, you tried to mimic it and eventually began to calm down.
"Princess?" You felt a hand move to direct your face upward, and you looked up to see Oikawa smiling down at you. "Are you okay?"
"Y-you're crying," you noted, watching as the tears slowly streamed down his face. His eyes widened, and he touched a finger to his cheek like he didn't even realize it.
"I guess so," he muttered before smiling down at you once more as he wiped his face. "You just gave me a scare, that's all." He pulled the blanket over your shoulders and rubbed your back soothingly.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?" He asked, and you lowered your head, trying to gather your thoughts. You remembered that Suga was there last night, and an idea came to mind.
"Well, last night...Sugawara came into my room. I guess he saw me and you hanging out that day and was mad. He made me do...stuff with him, and he said that if he ever saw me with you again...and that if I told you about it that h-he'd kill me. And that's what the nightmare was about too." You forced yourself to recall the events of the nightmare, making tears fill your eyes once more and making you cling to Oikawa even more.
"I'm so scared," you whimpered, and Oikawa shushed you.
"Y/n, I promise I won't let him hurt you. I'm going to kill him, and then I can fulfill my promise to take you back to earth. We can be happy, okay?" You looked up at him.
"Promise?" You asked, and the brunette smiled, leaning down to kiss you on the forehead.
"I pro-" he was interrupted when the door opened, and you and him both turned to see Sugawara standing there. At the sight of the two of you together, the male's eyes glowed a bright red as he clenched his fists. You gripped Oikawa's hand under the blanket before letting it go as he stood up. He stood in front of you protectively, and as soon as his back was turned, you gave Sugawara a pleading look.
"I suggest you leave," Oikawa hissed. "My princess has already had a nightmare about you, and I'm sure the last thing she needs is to see your face in real life." Suga glared at him.
"I'm getting tired of your lies. You're the one that's giving her nightmares, and I've had enough of you plaguing both of our lives." A smirk spread across his face as you saw something moving around under his shirt. "I think it's time we settle this."
Oikawa smirked as well.

"For the first time, we agree on something. And I think we can also agree that we shouldn't do this in front of my princess. I'd hate to make her watch me tear you limb from limb." Sugawara rolled his eyes before turning to look at you.
"Wait here for me, angel. I won't be long." Oikawa turned to face you as well, pulling the blanket further over your shoulders.
"Don't be scared, princess," he said with a smile. "I made a promise to you, and I have to do this to keep it. Just wait here, and don't come out until I come to get you, okay?" You nodded slowly.
"That's my good girl," he said before turning and following Sugawara out of the room.

You waited until their footsteps faded before jumping up and digging through the clutter under your bed and pulled out the communication device.
"This is Y/n L/n from the Polus. Is anyone there?" You whispered.
"Yes, I'm still here," Daichi's voice came from the radio after a moment. "I sent an extraction team to retrieve you last night. It took a while since you're so far out but they should be there in almost ten minutes. Do you know if you'll be able to get away from your captors long enough to meet them?" You smiled as you heard banging and crashing coming from the cafeteria.
"I'll be there." 


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