𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚠

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Damn alarm," you cursed, slapping your pillow over your head and going back to sleep.

"Y/n?" A few moments later, you heard your door open.
"It's time to get up, princess." The familiar voice made your eyes widen as you froze in place.


You hadn't gotten much sleep that night, obsessing over the thought that Oikawa was the imposter, and the little rest you did get was plagued with nightmares about him killing you and everyone else.

A hand on your shoulder made you jump up and turn to stare at him with eyes full of panic and fear.
"What's wrong?" The male asked, cocking his head to the side in confusion.
"I-its nothing-" Just as you moved to get up, you felt a tight grip on your arm.
"Answer. Me." You turned to see Oikawa glaring at you, his eyes dark with rage, and...Wait--

Were his eyes red?

You could've sworn there was a red glint in his eyes, but you blinked, and they were back to normal.

'Was I just imagining things?'

His eyes widened, and he quickly released you.
"Sorry about that. All this imposter stuff has got me on edge," he said.
"I'm fine. I just had a nightmare," you muttered, and the lack of emotion in your voice made Oikawa frown.
"Y/n, you can talk to me if somethings-"
"Can you leave?" Your tone was harsher than you meant it to be. "I have to get ready." Toru clenched his fists, seeing you turn away from him
"O-oh, um sure." Toru quickly exited the room, closing the door behind him, growling as he walked down the hall.

'Those bastards. They turned my princess against me... I'll kill them. I'll kill them all."

You flopped down on the bed and sighed before rolling over to the opposite side and staring down at Yachi, who was standing in the little makeshift bed you had made her.
"You wanna go visit the O2 tree?" You questioned, a smile making its way to your face when you saw the mini crewmate hop up and down in excitement.

"Here it is," you said as the automatic door slid open, revealing the tree in the O2 room. Ever since Kiyoko died, you and Yachi both found sitting in front of the tree relaxing since it reminded you of earth.

'I can't wait to go home...'

You took off your helmet and sighed deeply, feeling all your worries melt away. You heard the door open behind turned to see Suga standing there. You stood up as he approached.
"There you are! I came to wake you up, and then I got worried when you weren't in your room," he explained.
"I just came here to think," you murmured, not turning your attention away from the tree.

'Should I tell Suga about Hinata's suspicions? He seems trustworthy enough...'

"Hey, Suga, I want to tell you something," you said. "But if I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone." You sat back down and motioned for him to sit down next to you.
"You can tell me anything," he assured, and you did. You told him about Hinata's suspicions of Oikawa, the writing on the wall which led to the suspicions of you being a target, and your plans to follow Oikawa, and the entire time, Suga sat there nodding, seemingly processing everything.

"...So, what do you think we should do?" You asked.
"Well, I don't think three people trailing him wouldn't be a good idea. Especially since you think he's the one that wrote that on the wall," Suga explained. "You should probably have Hinata and Akaashi follow him, maybe even record him, and then have them send the videos to you so in case something happens to them and he takes the footage, you'll still have it."
"That's a good idea," you said, and Suga smiled.
"I'll try to watch the rest of the crew, just to make sure that there aren't any more imposters," he said.
"That's perfect," you said, wrapping your arms around him, pulling him into a hug. "I knew you'd know what to do. Thanks, Suga."
The silver-haired male felt his face warm, feeling you so close. Just like Oikawa, he nearly forgot that he was the imposter and was only focused on his affection towards you. Suga placed his hands on your shoulders and thinking that he didn't like it, you quickly pulled away.

"O-oh, sorry about that! I should have asked or--" Before you could finish, Suga smashed his lips against yours, cupping your face in his hands and pulling you deeper into it.

You were so warm.

Warmer than he'd ever dreamed. Suga's body moved on its own, doing it exactly like he'd done in all of his dreams, pinning you to the ground and forcing his tongue inside your mouth and exploring every bit of it, mapping it out in his brain. Suga took his hands away from your wrists and moved them to your waist, but his fantasy was instantly interrupted by the harsh shove and kick to the stomach making him release you. Suga groaned and looked up to see you staring at him angrily, tears streaming down your face as you wiped his saliva off your face with the back of your hand. Suga stared at you with a child-like confusion, only to hear a loud clap as his face whipped to the side.
"Stay the fuck away from me!" You shouted, grabbing your helmet and rushing out of the room. Suga sat there with wide eyes, his mind not being able to process what had just happened.

'This...this isn't right...This isn't right, this isn't right, this isn't right...'

The words repeated in his head like a broken record until a loud laugh snapped him out of his trance. Oikawa emerged from the hole in the floor right next to the tree.
"I guess you know how she feels about you now," he laughed. Suga stood up, glaring at him.
"What. Happened?" He growled, and Oikawa only laughed harder.
"Are you serious? She was pushing you and trying to tell you to stop that whole time, but I guess you got too caught up to even hear it, weren't you? Oh, man, that was priceless." Suga barley heard the brunette's laugh over his own thoughts.

'Y/n wasn't rejecting me...She loves me! She must be confused...Yeah, that's it, she's just confused, Y/n loves me, but that damn orange...and black too... They're putting all these thoughts in her head making her scared... I'll make them pay... I'll make them pay for scaring my angel.'


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