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You and Hinata tiptoed down the hallway. Hinata had the map in hand while you looked at the cameras. So far, there was no sign of the imposters, making you guess that they were in one of the rooms.
"Do you think we should turn the lights on?" Hinata whispered.
"We'll do it on our way back," you replied, peeking around the corner.

All clear.

You stopped at the end of the hall and looked at the device attached to the pole of the satellite on the side of the communications room.
"Are you sure you wanna go over there?" Hinata whispered. "It's really out in the open." You rechecked the cameras to see there was still no sign of Suga or Oikawa. It was starting to make you nervous.
"You know we have to do this. Just keep a lookout and let me know if they show up, alright?" Hinata nodded and took the tablet. You took a deep breath before running across the hall and into the central area. You looked to your left and right, making sure there was no one around before picking up the headphones and holding them up to your ear. All you could hear was static. You opened the panel and began turning the knob, but your shaky hands made it hard to get it right.


You looked back to see Hinata pointing at the camera.
"They're by the laboratory," he hissed, motioning you over so you both could leave.
"We'll be fine," you replied before turning the knob back around. Hinata kept looking at you and back at the camera anxiously.
"Y/n, come on, they're coming this way" he called, but you ignored him and tried to concentrate.
"Almost got it...come on...Yes!" You cheered silently, seeing the light go from red to green, but your victory was short-lived when you heard footsteps and voices from down the hall. You nodded at Hinata, watching him run into the storage room before running into communications, not even closing the door and instead of hiding in the corner of the room. You took deep and slow breaths, trying to calm yourself as you scooted back against the wall, wishing you could just disappear completely.

"That was fun," you heard Suga say as he and Oikawa walked down the hall. You listened closely as you heard them pass by your hiding place.
"Yeah, but now to find Y/n and runt," Oikawa said.
"Easier said than done," Suga said. "But I think I have an idea on how to do that..." That was all you could hear before their voices faded.

After a moment, you came out of your hiding spot to see Hinata peeking around the corner to see if they were gone. You nodded at him before rushing back to the communications panel, once again pressing the headphones to the side of your ear as you took out the small walkie talkie.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" You heard a faint voice coming from the headphones, but you could hardly make out what they were saying before you felt something warm wrap around your arm and yank you away from the radio. You heard a crash and looked up to see what looked like a tentacle stab a hole right in the middle of the panel, creating a hole the size of your head. You turned to see Oikawa and Sugawara standing there, tentacles coming out of the back of Toru's suit, one of them wrapping around Hinata's neck, lifting him up and slowly choking him.
"Did you really think you could hide from us, angel?" Suga asked, and that's when it clicked.

'They went around communications and waited for us to come out.'

"Looks like you've lost this little game of hide and seek, princess. Do I get a reward, or do you get a punishment?" Toru smirked.
"I..." You hung your head. "I'm not done yet!" Quickly, you reached for your pocket, grabbing a small knife that you'd taken from the kitchen and using it to cut the tentacle wrapped around your arm. Oikawa hissed in pain, and you use both of their surprised states to your advantage, running right past them and cutting the tentacle wrapped around Hinata's throat before grabbing his hand.
"Come on!" You both ran back to the cafeteria, but Suga was hot on your trail.
"Get back here, Y/n!" He shouted as you and Hinata approached the cafeteria doors.
"Close the door, Yellow!" You didn't see the blonde, but the doors slowly began to close. You and Hinata both slid between the doors, right as they closed.

You sighed, closing your eyes and leaning against the door.
"That was close. Sorry for scaring you there, Hinata."

No response.

"Hinata?" You opened your eyes, only to scream. The tables were stacked on top of each other, and Tsukishima's head rested on the top one. His arms, legs, and torso had been chopped up placed in front of the tables in some sort of twisted display.

'Wait...If he's...then who...' You slowly turned your head to see Oikawa standing there with an insane smirk on his face, not taking his eyes off you as Suga climbed in through the vent, licking his lips at the sight of you, finally cornered.

"Looks like you lose, Angel."

𝘛. 𝘖𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘸𝘢 | 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝘒. 𝘚𝘶𝘨𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘢Where stories live. Discover now