Harry's Grave

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    I looked over at Seth standing next to me, holding my hand tight. He was staring down at the hole his dad was lowered down into at the cemetery. He was dropping a few of his tears every now and again, which I completely understand. I would be broken up inside if my dad died from a heart attack.
    Everyone threw some flowers down in the hole just to land on top of Mr. Clearwater’s coffin. I once again looked over at Seth standing there broken up. I remember when I got home that one day from a date with Gino and I found Mrs. Clearwater standing outside with Sam and Emily bawling, I ran inside to find stupid Gigi being and idiot to Seth. I felt so bad for him. I hugged him and everything but I bet he didn’t care about that, he just wanted his dad back.
    Everyone was clearing out one by one until it was just me and Seth standing by his dads new gravestone in the pouring rain. It read: 

                                                                   Harry Clearwater
                                                        Father, Husband, and Friend
                                                                   Will Be Missed

    Seth fell to his knees in the moist grass and felt the newly carved gravestone. I kneeled down next to him and hugged him tight. He responded and whispered in my hair, “I remember my last words to him.” I let go of him and looked him in the eyes.
    “Seth you don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to. . . .”
    “No I. . . I want to. I remember it was the morning and we were all eating breakfast as a. . . a family” He stared down at the stone motionlessly. He whispered barely even audible but I was able to hear him.
    “He said he was going to go in the woods to check for some clues about this big hullabaloo about how people are getting killed from giant wolves. . . But there not.” He looked at me in the eyes when he said, ‘but there not’ I don’t know why though.
    “I asked him if he was going to be back for dinner and he said he hoped he will, cause Mom was gonna make meat loaf that night. . . But he never came. That’s when we got worried, and then the next morning we got a call from  my Dads best friend, Charlie. I think you met him at the funeral right?” Seth asked me. I did meet Chief Swan at the funeral. He looked pretty upset but he looked like a nice man.
    “But the worst thing about all of this is I never got a chance to say goodbye”
    “It’s never too late” I said hopefully grabbing his hand in mine. He looked over, eyes still on the ground, and said, “Goodbye Dad, I miss you a ton. And. .  .and I love you even if your not here.” He looked up at me and I smiled.
    “Come on lets go, I think Older Emily’s hosting the family party.” I pulled him up with me and we both ran to the car where Mrs. Clearwater and Leah were waiting in the rain.

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