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    After dinner Gigi said she needed sleep from all of the dramatizing events; like her room that she has to share with Emily, the house and how its so small, and how disgusting the food is here which I don’t understand at all.
    Gigi seemed like a drag, but younger Emily, like she said, was the total opposite! She was so mellow, and just shrugged off all the lame jokes Gigi made about her. After dinner, while Gigi left to go to bed, Emily stayed down and talked and joked with everyone.
    “I do not have a Chicago accent” Emily said acting annoyed.
    “You do! You just don’t notice it!” Embry said.
    “Whatever. . . You guys just talk wrong” She muttered from her spot on the couch across from me. I wanted to talk to her or do something other than just sit here like a couch potato.
    “So uh. . . What do you like to do?” I asked having no idea what she’s going say.
    “Well, I sing and play guitar. . .uh. . . do a lot of drawing and art” she said with that Crest commercial smile again.
I smiled back. “Nice. . . So do you write your own songs?”
    “Yeah, sometimes”
    “Can you sing one right now?” Asked Quil, who seemed a little too hopeful.
    “I don’t know. . . Maybe some other time” She said a shyly, looking down smiling. We stayed up awhile longer before we had to go to patrol. We were still laughing and hanging around before Emily went upstairs.
    “Hey it was a pleasure to meet all of you guys, but I gotta make sure Gigi didn‘t trash the room already. Goodnight” She said. She waved good tonight to everyone and we locked eyes for a moment.
    “Goodnight Seth” She told me and gave me a little wave. I was left speechless for the moment but I eventually came around and murmured a goodnight back, but she already climbed her way to her room.
    When everyone heard the click of the door everyone got up and gave me high fives and slaps on the back.
    “You imprinted man!” Jared told me.
    “Yeah you fell head over heels for her!” Quil came to congratulate me.
    “Looks like you guys are the only ones left!” Paul snickered. He directed it to Collin, Brady, Jake, and poor Embry. Embry was the only one who really cared about the whole imprinting thing.
    “Aw, Embers down” Paul said in a little baby voice and put him in a head lock.
    “Shut up! I’m not upset” Embry tugged out of Paul’s grasp and flopped onto the couch. Everyone joined him laughing, knowing that he was lying.   
    So I imprinted. I imprinted. I im-prin-ted. I had to say it a couple of times to make sure it was real; to know this really happened. I imprinted on a green eyed brunette named Emily. Wait. . . a beautiful green eyed brunette named Emily.

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