The Reception

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  The happy couple made their way down the aisle after the ceremony, and everyone was making there way around the newly weds. My eyes searched for the Brides Maids to find Emily, and when they did my eyes were glued to her. She wore her hair in bouncy curls that framed her face and a purplish gold like eye shadow that brought out her tie dyed green eyes. Her dress looked perfect on her and every movement she did was perfect. She was smiling her gorgeous smile when Emily and Sam were walking out of the chapel to there new car that said the classic saying ‘Just Got Married’.
Once everyone was out of the church we went to the beach where the reception was taking place. I searched for Emily once again to take her to the beach with my Mom, but I couldn’t find her. I ran back into the stone church to see if she was there. I walked in and only a few people were there cleaning up from the event, and I saw my Emily helping cleaning up the tables from the very back. I walked through the obstacles the tables gave me and went on the other side of the table she was at. 
“Hey beautiful” I said, across from her. She looked up startled, but quickly smiled finding out it was me.
“How many times am I gonna have to tell you to stop calling me that?” She said still smiling.
“I don’t know, maybe I’ll never learn.” I smiled.
“So are we going to that reception or not?” she asked, and I smiled taking her hand.

When we got to the beach everyone was already there. My Mom went to Sam and Emily to congratulate them and I took Emily to the parking lot where the decorators made it a dance floor for everyone. Emily looked up with fright in her eyes.
“Please no, Seth. Please no.” She pleaded.
“Why not?”
“I hate dancing, I’m more of a singer than a dancer, so please”
“Well then just follow me” 
A slow song came on and I guided her in the right movements. She was staring down at her feet the whole while we were dancing, so I lifted her chin up to look at me and said, “First thing about dancing: Just let your feet do the movements”
“How come you know so much about dancing?” She asked me with a modest smile.
“Well my Mom wanted me to know how to dance, so I wouldn’t make a fool of myself in front of the most beautiful, most wonderful, girl I know” I smiled my cheeky smile down at her and did a twirl with her. She laughed which was music to my ears. When I put her down on my other side, she froze. She wouldn’t move when I tried dancing with her again.
“Emily?” I asked. She looked behind me and I followed her gaze.
“Why is. . . He cant be. . . Who invited. . .” Emily muttered with tears streaming in her eyes. I pulled her back from the dance floor and toured the food platters.
I bent down to look at her in her eyes. I put both my hand on either side of her face and used my thumbs to wipe away the warm tears in her eyes.
“Why is he here? Why is he dancing with Gigi? Who invited him?” Emily started getting angry.
“I don’t know , and I don’t think Emily invite him or his family.” I looked over my shoulder at him and he winked at Emily. I growled under my breath protectively.
“Seth did you just . . .”
“No, but here he comes” Gigi started guiding Gino to where me and Emily were standing on the outside of the parking lot dance floor. I wrapped my arm around Emily’s shoulder protectively. 
“Hey Emily” Gino said from Gigi’s side. He smiled a big teeth like smile toured Emily.
“Why are you here?” Emily asked staying calm.
“Gigi invited me” he looked over at Gigi and she fluttered her long eyelashes and nodded.
“Why would you do that?” I asked.
“Because this is a celebration, shouldn’t we all be celebrating?” Gigi said with an evil grin. While Gigi was talking I noticed Gino’s gaze go to my arm around Emily. I tightened my arm and pulled Emily even closer.
“And who are you?” Gino asked looking up to me.
“I’m Seth-”
“He’s Seth Clearwater. Not that you would care, so can you just leave now?”  Emily said from beside me. I was shocked to hear the acid in her voice. She must really hate this guy as much as I do.
“Whatever Emily, we’re going back to dance, I don’t expect to see you there considering you cant dance at all.” Gigi said pulling Gino back to dance floor laughing.
“Why is he even dancing with her?” Emily asked staring at them.
“I don’t know, its probably nothing.”
I hope.

Hey Everyone!!!! Thank you sooooooo much for reading this! I would have never thought i would have fan and comments and votes and everything for a story iv alway wanted to write!!!!! So Comment and Vote for next chapter and Thank You Soooo Much!!!!!

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