A Day in the Sun

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      Is it bad to say that the fight was the best thing that could have happened? I mean everything has been great for me and Emily! She finally trusts me and is happy with me! I’ve never had this amazing feeling before!
Yeah, yeah Seth, We know your happy. . . .
Will ya shut up now?
The guys were mocking me in my head, but I didn’t care. I danced around in my four-legged body and nothing can bring me down! Not even Paul’s fist he threatened to use if I didn’t shut up. 
    And I was right, I’m still happy after Paul socked me in the arm leaving a huge purple and black bruise; I couldn’t be happier!
     The Pack and I were on our way back to Sam Emily’s for breakfast. We just got finished doing Pack business and future strategies. When I opened the screen door that’s when I saw her. My imprint, my love, my life. . . Emily.
She was still in her pajamas but she looked amazing like always. She wore some boy sweat pants with a loose hanging t-shirt. Her hair was up in a messy looking bun and her face was twisted up in a smile as she met my face. I joined her by the table with a hug around her waist. She twisted around to whisper something in my ear, but stopped when she saw the now purplish bluish bruise.
    “Seth, What happened?” My Emily asked not taking her eyes off of the bruise.
    “Paul punched me, no biggie.” I said shrugging, but still holding her to my chest.
    Emily twisted around in my arms with a pure white smile and her golden green eyes glowing at me.
    “Oh just got a black and purple bruise in my arm but that’s O.K., cause I’m Seth Clearwater and I’m invincible!” Emily joked acting like me.
    “I am invincible, I should get an award for my invincibleness” I smiled my biggest smile.
    “Or your cockyness” She finished. I howled out a laugh and planted kisses on the side of Emily’s neck and face, saying how much I loved her between each kiss. 
    “Oh come on Seth!” 
    “Yeah will ya stop kissing her!”
    “I liked it better when you two weren’t together!”
    Emily and I shared a laugh acting as though the guys weren’t there at all and enjoyed our breakfast together as a couple for the first time.

Next Day. . . .

Emily POV
    “Emily you really are butt-ugly”
    “Oh thanks Gigi, that’s what every girl wants to here”  I told her in a sarcastic tone while rolling my eyes. We were both in our room getting ready for the day. I was putting on an old torn T-shirt, while Gigi was going on and on about her new fabulous blouse that was covered in silver sequins, her daisy dukes, and her 6 inch pumps. Is it possible for an outfit to make you want to throw up?
    “Seriously am I the only one here with any fashion sense?” Gigi asked looking at me in disgust. I was wearing some old beat up jeans and white sneakers. Why should I get all dressy for a day in the sun?
“Anyway, where is Seth suppose to take you today?”
“I don’t know, he just said to wear something I don’t care to get wet or dirty in” I said shrugging.
“Eww, what kind of quality time is that?”
“Pretty good compared with your quality time with Gino. All you two do is talk about yourselves and how perfect you are.” I said turning around suddenly feeling heat rush to my face. Ever since me and Seth got together, Gigi hasn’t stopped bombarding me with insults about Seth.
“Your just jealous” Gigi said shrugging as if me being jealous is alright with her.
“I’m not jealous, why on earth would I be jealous?”
“Well Gino of course” That killed me. I wanted so bad to go over to Gigi and yank her pretty little blond head and knock some sense into her, but instead I grabbed my things and walked out without a word. I rushed downstairs in a hurry to get away from the beast upstairs. I finished my climb down the stairs staring at my feet the whole time not noticing the big bear hug I received from Seth.
    “Hey are you ready for our day?” Seth asked strangling me to death with his hug.
    “Yep, but what exactly are we doing?”  I asked trying take in a breath, he smiled and loosed up his grip noticing my struggling.
    “Not tellin” He said simply.
    “Come on Seth, tell me so I have a heads up” I pleaded. He shook his head.
    “Nope, it’s a surprise” I hung my shoulders and walked beside Seth into the small crowded  kitchen. The Pack was eating their breakfast and begged us for no more kissing in front of them. I looked up at Seth to see his reaction and noticed very faintly, because of his skin tone, a blush was appearing on his perfect face.  I laughed at him and he scooped me up in a hug and carried me outside.
    While outside I saw that Seth was carrying a backpack and had sneakers on too. So whatever we’re doing must involve walking. . . Great, walking and me don’t mix well, the ground just loves tripping me.
    We were making our way to the beach, which made me a little uneasy. Last time I was in the water the guys were making fun of me, but Seth did help me get over my fear. . . sorta. I still hated the water though, but I’m not going to let that get in my way today with Seth. Seth has been talking about this big day event thing so much it was driving me crazy! But I’m just happy I get to spend time with him.
    When we arrived at the beach I saw two kayaks, one blue and one red. I looked up at Seth with a questioning look pointing at the two boats. He smiled and nodding in a ’yes’ motion and pulled me with him to them.
    “Alright, so are ya ready Emily?” Seth asked rubbing his hands together and grabbing the red one, pulling it into the water for me. I felt very uneasy now.
    “Well uh, Seth, I gotta run back to Emily’s for. . .uh. . .sunscreen” I smiled a nervous smile and Seth came over to me and pulled me to him.
    “Trust me you’ll be fine, I’ll be right there with you” I felt better but still scared. I looked into Seth’s eyes and at that moment my fears and thoughts went away. I felt suddenly confident and safe looking into those dark brown eyes of his. I wasn’t going to let anything, even my fears and past, stop me from being with Seth. I pulled myself away from him and walked into the water with my jeans rolled up and got into my awaiting kayak. I turned around to face Seth, who had a look of astonishment at my sudden confidence.
    “Well are ya comin?” I laughed. His face suddenly pulled up into a cheek to cheek grin and ran to get his blue kayak to join me. When Seth pulled his kayak next to mine he showed me how to row it and the correct technique.
    “Ok well first you need to hold the paddle with both hands and have a good grip on it so you don’t loose it, the water out in the open can get pretty rough. So next you have to keep good balance or you could fall and. . . .” I wasn’t exactly listening to his instructions. I was just admiring the way he talked and his little goofy corniness. Like the way his grin pulls up a little more on one side, how he dropped his paddle in the water and tried to fish it out, how his eyes twinkle in the sunlight, how his-
    “Did you get all that?” Seth asked laughing a little at my dumb look I gave him when I zoned out.
    “Oh yeah every ounce of it” I smiled trying to cover up my small lie. He didn’t fall for it.
    “Oh ok then lets see how you do” He smiled and waited for me to move. Trying to look like I knew what to do, I grabbed my paddle and started rowing. . . Only to end up moving in circles. I risked a glance at Seth to find him cracking up at my failure. I couldn’t help but to laugh with him for two reasons: 1) I was a complete failure and 2) His laugh and smile made me crack up too.
     After my little fail, Seth showed me again how to paddle and row the correct way and after a while I was an expert at it. It was fun to spend time with only Seth and myself, usually we’re always with the Pack, but now we can actually talk about anything without the Pack going at us to shut up. We talked for about an hour until one of Seth’s questions caught me off guard.
    “So why’d you’re Mom name you Emily?” I couldn’t help but laugh.
    “What do you mean why did my Mom name me Emily?” I squeaked out between my laughs.
    “Well I mean, was she naming you after Older Emily or something?” Seth looked at me amused that his question brought so much laughter to me.
    “I don’t’ know, but it sure is annoying. Having people call you Little Emily and her Older Emily, or Niece Emily and Aunt Emily, or Good Emily and Bad Emily. I have no idea what was going threw my Moms mind.”
    Seth smiled at me with once again his famous smile that sent me to a smile too. But something was behind this smile, an idea. I wondered what it was for about a minute before he blurted it out.
    “Wanna race?” He asked with anticipation in his voice, but before I could answer he zoomed past me in the open, deep, dark water. I paddled as fast as I could but there was no catching up, it was hopeless. He was still going as fast as he could when I saw it. Something was in the water too. I immediately stopped my paddling and went completely still. I wasn’t sure what it was, it was moving fast though. I then saw another one a few feet away from me.
It was all around us.
    “Seth! Seth! Come here! There’s something in the water!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Seth turned around with a shocked look at my words and started coming back to me. I tried to look deeper into the black water and saw a something black and white. I cringed at the thought of a shark. Last time I was by a shark, I almost drowned.
    “Emily what is it?” Seth was at my side again and asked in a worried tone.
    “There’s. . .there’s something in the water” I said in a shaky voice.
    “What? No there cant-” At that moment a Killer Whale jumped out of the water and did a giant flip in the air.
    I was so relieved that it was Killer Whale and not a shark of some kind. Me and Seth sat there enjoying the show the whales were putting on for us. It was funny; you could pay 30 bucks to watch this at Sea World and we were watching it for free! And these whales weren’t even in captivity. They were free like everyone else. The way they should be. At one point during the show a whale zoomed up next to Seth and my kayaks. They both rocked us a little but we were able to touch the big top fin on their back. It was the strangest feeling, It was like touching a wet and slippery tire. Feeling as though they just started, the whales got tired and moved on into the deep open ocean. I looked over at Seth with a big grin.
    “I told ya there was something in the water”
     After another hour or so me and Seth decided to get back to shore and have lunch. Went I got out of the kayak I felt my whole body ache. Man I was out of shape.
    “Hey Seth, I think I’m just gonna have my lunch here”
    “Oh no, I set up this area for us to eat” I groaned and got out of my kayak. Seth must have heard me, cause he scooped me up and carried me to the picnic area he made in the sand. When he sat me down he opened his back pack and pulled out sandwiches, ships, drinks, salad, even a dessert. I laughed at how it took him ten minutes to take out all of the food. He set it all up for me and got out the silver wear and napkins and everything. He leaned up and took in a deep breath and let it out.
    “There, are ya ready to eat?” he looked up with a smile, obviously happy at his accomplishment of setting this up.
    “I’m actually not that hungry” I said casually. He looked up with the most defeated face I have ever seen. He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him short.
    “I’m joking, I can eat a horse right now” I laughed at his sudden change of expression and joined him eating my sandwich. We were so hungry that we didn’t talk much but it then occurred to me: how did Seth get this all ready for our day?
    “Seth when did u set this all up?”
    “Set what up?”
    “Like the kayaks and the this picnic area and everything?”
    “Oh I came last night to put it all up, I wanted today to be perfect” he dazzled me with his smile and resumed back to eating. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to have him.
    After we finished eating and packed up the picnic remains, Seth helped me up and we made our way down the sandy beach. The sun was slowly going down, but we still had enough time to get to where ever we’re going. We joked around and laughed at each other until we walked right up to a cliff at the end of the beach, it was a dead end. I looked up at Seth with a questioning look.
    “Where too now? It’s a dead end” Seth smiled down at me like he knew something it didn’t.
    “No its not, I’m gonna show you the most legendary, secretive, coolest place in La Push. It’s where the tribes went to tell their legends all those hundred years ago.” Seth said while grabbing my hand and pulling us near the cliff. I looked up vertically at the cliff and noticed how high it really was, it had to be about 200 feet high. We both rounded a corner by the water side and came face to face with a dark, wet, cold sea cave. Something about it made me cringe.
    “Ready to go in?” Seth asked with excitement. I swallowed back my fears of going into an unknown cave and joined Seth by his side. We walked in with caution but found out there was nothing in there except for us. It was pitch black but I didn’t want to go back, Seth was obviously waiting for something.
    “Pretty cool cave” I said casually seeing if Seth will tell me what he’s waiting for. He laughed at my trying and told me we had to wait for the sun to fully set over the sea line to see what’s really so magical about this place. We sat down together waiting for the sun to go fully down.
    “So how’s the Pack and things going?” I asked.
    “No, no, no we’re not talking about anything that has to do with the Pack. Today is just about us.” He wrapped me in his arms and held me tight. I didn’t notice how tired I really was until then. I rested my head on Seth’s shoulder and chest and slowly drifted off into sleep. Not caring about anything else except being wrapped up in Seth strong, protective arms. . . .
    “Emily, wake up, you gotta see this.” Seth whispered inches away from my face. I opened my eyes and rubbed them getting up.
    “Seth, what could really happen in this cave? There’s nothing in it” I asked still groggy from my little nap. I looked over at Seth but he wasn’t listening, he was staring up at the huge cave wall that had the suns beams shining on it. I walked over by Seth and stood there shocked. On the wall were little hand drawn stick figures with spears and animals chasing after each other. 
    “I told you this place was cool” Seth said looking down at me with a smirk dancing on his lips.
    “But how are they moving? Why? This cant be real” I said still gazing up at the dancing figures and animals that were in their own little world.
    “It’s magic. The old chief of the Quileute’s hundreds of years ago wanted to make legends in this cave so if we went extinct, people would know we were really here and existed. But he didn’t want people to know all the hidden secrets to our tribe. So the tribe painted pictures on the wall of our legends, but every night during dusk the pictures come alive and tell the real story. Like look here.” Seth pointed to a picture that hasn’t been touched by the rays of the sun yet, so it was still frozen in time. The picture was of a group of figures all standing in a forest doing nothing. Then at the right time the sun moved its rays to the picture and the hidden truth showed its self. The group of figures started to run, and they jumps into another form.
A wolf.
    The picture was showing the Pack from hundreds of years ago running through these same woods that the present Pack runs in now. I followed the pictures and their stories and noticed one picture in particular. It was of a wolf and a girl. The girl was backing away from the wolf obviously frightened, but then the wolf slowly turned into a man and they walked toured each other into an embrace. If the sun wasn’t on this picture right now, anyone would have thought it was a drawing of a girl ready to be eaten by a wolf, not ready to hug it. I tried to read the writing above the picture but it was in Quileute.
    “It says imprint” Seth told me watching the picture too. His hand found my hand and we both laced our fingers together. We both sat down and enjoyed the rest of the show. We pointed and watched the little figures replay there parts over and over again, but watching them never got boring. There was another figure that caught my eye. It was of a lady and a wolf and a vampire. All the picture showed was of the lady stabbing herself and the wolf breaking free of the vampire and killing it.
    “That’s the story of the Third Wife” Seth said. “The picture doesn’t show the whole story, cause I think the tribe just wanted to show the bravery of the wife. She risked her own life to save her husbands from the vampire.” I couldn’t imagine how that wife must have felt. Torn between her own life or her husbands. It made me wince every time she stabbed herself.
    When the sun finally fell behind the horizon, the figures slowly got back into their original place and all together stopped at once. I couldn’t believe what I just saw.
    “Seth today has been amazing. The whales, the pictures, everything” I told him honestly. He smiled back at me and said it wasn’t over yet.
    “What do u mean its not over yet?”
    “Follow me” Seth said leading the way out of the cave. Outside in the dark there was a small blanket set up with a small fire next to it. Seth led the way to it and patted the seat next to him for me. I joined him and we both laid there enjoying the night sky and the warmth of the fire.
    “Seth, I still cant believe you set all of this up”
    “Like I said, I wanted today to be perfect.” I pushed my head up and kissed him on the cheek. When I was done and laying back down next to him, Seth grabbed the side of my face in one of his big palms and pulled my face to his. We kissed under the stars and it felt so right. I was on his chest with both my hands behind his neck and his were on my back and waist. I don’t know how long we kissed for but when we both finally parted our lips, we leaned our foreheads together eyes still closed from the kiss.  
    “I love you Emily” Seth whispered, out of breath.
    “I love you too Seth” I whispered back enjoying the moment being with him. . . My other half. . . My true love. . . My imprint.     
2 Weeks Later. . . .

Seth POV
    “Seth, hold still. Do you want me to put your tie on right?”
    “Mom, seriously I can put it on, I know how” I pleaded with my Mom. Emily was giggling behind me on my bed while my Mom was trying to put my tie on correctly. My Mom and I were getting ready for Bella and Edwards wedding that was in about an hour. It was annoying how the Pack hates me for actually liking the Cullens though, but I mean how can you not like them? They’re like the nicest people around!
    “Seth if you keep on fidgeting like this, I’m not gonna do it for you” I groaned and held still knowing how my Mom wants to make me look all cute. After she finished my tie she moved on to the hair.
    “Seth you really need this mop mowed down” My Mom said laughing at and pulling my hair back from my face. She started to get some gel to add in my hair and that’s when Emily jumped up to my rescue.
    “Here Mrs. Clearwater, I can finish mowing down his mop of a head.”
    “Alright thanks sweetie.” My Mom turned her attention back to me.
    “Be down in 15 minutes alright? 15 minutes”
    “15 minutes” I repeated showing her I know when to go. After my Mom shut the door I looked down at Emily and thanked her for not letting my Mom put gel in my hair.
    “No problem, but you owe me now you know” Emily said looking up into my eyes.
    “I wonder how I could ever repay you” I leaned down and planted kisses on her neck and ear. I moved to her mouth and whispered an ‘I love You’ but was interrupted by Mr. Black.
    “I-ur- didn’t know. . . Sorry” He quickly shut the door with a pink face and Emily was fixing my un-straight tie with a blush on her face from the intrusion of Mr. Black.
    “So who’s wedding is this?” Emily asked looking up.
    “Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. . . Bella’s a human and Edwards a vampire”
    “Wait, but I thought? Why would he marry his lunch?” I laughed a little at the way Emily put it.
    “I don’t know they just fell in love.”
    “Its still kinda weird” Emily said ruffling up my hair.
    “Yeah coming from the girl who’s the imprint  of a werewolf” I said smiling down at her and receiving one back.
    “Yeah but that’s totally different”
    “How is that-” I was interrupted by my Mom calling me down to go. Emily and I made our way downstairs to join my her and Mr. Black.
    “Oh Seth, you didn’t gel your hair” My Mom said with disappointment.
    “Oh well, too late, lets go” I said starting to walk out of the front door. My Mom said bye to Leah and I kissed Emily goodbye. We all walked out together to get in the car and go. When I finally put Mr. Black in the car seat and Mom started the car Emily yelled to me.
    “Hey make sure you catch the flowers for me Seth!”
    I laughed as we pulled out of the drive way and zoomed past my house.
    Man, I love that girl!  

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