All I Can Do Is. . . Hope

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    I watched as the pack came tumbling into Older Emily’s tiny living room with scowls on their faces. I asked what’s wrong, but they all ignored my attempt. I then turned to Kim for answer’s, and dragged her into the hallway.
    “Kim, what happened?” I asked in a low whisper. She looked away from me, almost contemplating whether to tell me or not. After a moment she gave in.
    “The pack split” she said in monotone.
    “What do you mean split? Like there’s two packs now?”
    Kim nodded still not looking at me. How could this be? Why would they split? Where was Seth. . . .
    “Where’s Seth?” I asked, my heart skipping a beat in the process.
    “Emily. . . .” She finally looked down at me with remorse.
    I didn’t need the conversation to go any further. I knew Seth was in the other pack.
    I knew he was gone.
    Sudden anger took hold of me then. I walked back in to the living room to confront Sam and the now split pack.
    “How Sam? How could you let this happen?” I said emotionless. Sam turned his evil glare onto me.
    “You think I wanted this to happen? You think I meant for this to happen?“
    “Well, you sure didn’t do much to stop it” I muttered under my breath. Sam jumped up from the couch and towered over me, shaking uncontrollably.    
    “The pack split because of a selfish reason!”
    “Oh yeah? What could that have been? You not being able to take a little fight in the pack?” I said. Sam rolled his head around, as if thinking it’ll control his anger. Looking at me even more venomous he continued. 
    “Because Jacob and Seth are bloodsucker house dogs and don’t know where their true loyalties lie!” I waited a moment to let Sam calm down. It looked as if he would have murdered me. He sat back down on the couch, thinking.
    “Well bring them back” I said. Once again Sam turned his glare on me.
    “What do you mean ‘bring them back’? I cant, the pack is split. We cant even communicate with them anymore.”
    “Let them come back”
    “Don’t you think we would if they wanted to? They want to fight against us. . . They think it’s the right think to do.”
    “Well tell them its not” I said simply.
    “It’s not that easy! There are rules that we need to follow! We haven’t even talked to the Elders yet!” Sam started shaking again and turned a shade of reddish green. Older Emily placed her hands on my shoulders and guided me out of the room.
    “I’m so sorry this had to happen Emily. I know you meant well, but this is just as frustrating for Sam as it is for everyone.” she said comfortingly.
    “But it’ll all work out in the end. I promise.” Older Emily left me and I climbed to my room, only to find Gigi and Gino already occupying it with their making out. As quickly as I opened the door I slammed it shut. I made my way down the stairs, only to run into Paul. I looked up as he looked down with an evil grin on. I shoved past him heading for the front door, when I heard the wimp calls he was making at the beach right before Seth saved me.
    “Seth! Seth! Save me! Help! I cant swim! Because I’m a wimp!” Paul started hysterically laughing at his joke. I acted as if I didn’t care.
    “What’s so funny?” I asked.
    “You! And now I can make jokes and pranks at you all the time!” Paul laughed with glee.
    “And why is that?”
    “Because Seth isn’t here to yell at me when I do!”
    Paul then started making more wimp calls that I ignored. I slammed the front door in his face and made my way to the beach.
    Seth will come back, I know he will. He always does. . . .
    But for now, all I can do is. . . .

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