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We walked into the hallway and we could hear Gigi’s high pitched voice complaining to Older Emily about the room upstairs.
    “This room is way to small for me”
    “Well maybe you’ll learn to like it”
    “I doubt it”
    Seth led me into the tight fitting hallway. That’s one of the things I love about Emily’s house, how homey it was. I know Gigi hates it, that’s all she was complaining about on the ride here; how small it is.
    Seth looked down at me with a smile on his face.
    “Here, this way” he nodded his head to the kitchen. I followed closely after him. Not that I would get lost, I just didn’t want to hear Gigi’s voice complaining over something ridiculous.
    When I walked in the little kitchen these massive guys were sprawled out on the couch watching football in the living room.
    “Guys, this is Emily; Emily these are the guys” Seth gestured to the now snoring giants on the couch. I looked and smiled back at Seth.
    “Hold on” he walked over to the couch and pulled the blanket they were sleeping on so they rolled off and woke up abundantly.
    “Guys this is Emily” Seth pointed to me and said louder this time to get their attention. The guys got up and said their names to me and welcomed me to LaPush. I smiled in return and noticed Seth was smiling just as much as me.
    “You really didn’t have to do that” I said, a little embarrassed that he would do that to his friends just for a hello.
     “Oh no, I did”. He dazzled me with a wonderful smile.
    I left Seth and the guys downstairs while I went to explore for my new room and unpack. It wasn’t hard finding it because I could hear Gigi from down the hall. I walked in to see a scene that nobody would want to witness: Gigi’s clothes scattered, dumped, draped everywhere! On my bed, my dresser, my bags, everything.
    “Hey Gigi I think your forgetting something. . .”
    “What?” she answered from her spot on her bed, she was doing her nails or something.
    “That we are sharing this room” I said a little louder.
    “Oh yeah, well I thought you could go sleep in the dog house outside” am I in a reality show or something?
    “Are you trying to be funny?” she looked up with an amused face.
    “Ha-ha. . .funny” I said obviously not amused like she was.
    I cleaned my half of the room before Gigi could finish hers. It was weird how you could see the room so much more when it’s clean. Before I picked up all of Gigis stuff it just looked like an old dull room, but now you could really see the decorative crown molding at the top of the ceiling, and the wood work on the doors. This must have been a pretty old house for this old fashioned theme. I also looked out the window into the woods. It was a fantastic view from here. You could see the mountains and the cliffs by the beach. I was still looking at the room when Gigi interrupted my train of thought.
    “So those guys are pretty hot don’t cha think” she gloated.
    “Eh they were okay I guess” I shrugged.
    “Did you see their abs!”
    “No, must’ve not noticed.”
    “You’re useless. Are you even part girl? I mean how could you have missed those hot abs?”
    I rolled my eyes, ignoring her. I was finishing  putting my clothes into the wooden drawers when Older Emily called us down for dinner. Gigi and I both came down in unison to sit across from each other at the table. The guys were there too, pulling up seats so that they’ll have enough room to chow down. Emily served steaming hot chicken, and I could have sworn I saw drool come out of one of the guys mouths.
    “What is that?” Gigi asked disgustedly.
    “It’s chicken, have a bite you’ll like it.” Emily said always with a smile on her face.
    “I think I’ll pass.” Gigi got up and went to the refrigerator to find something else delicious to eat. Me and Emily met eyes and rolled them. Seth took Gigi’s seat and grabbed a chicken breast.
    “So Emily how do you like the room” Older Emily asked me, smiling.
    “Oh yeah it’s really great! Its so nice just to be here with you guys. . . Thanks for letting us stay here. We really appreciate it” I said answering for Gigi even though I bet she didn’t care at all.  
    “Quwil! Quwil! Where are you?” There was a small, tiny voice coming in from the backyard.
    “I’m right here Claire!” Quil yelled outside from the kitchen. Claire came running into the kitchen. Quil immediately jumped out of his seat to pick up Claire to throw her up in the air. It looked like Quil cared for Claire a lot considering the way he jump up out of his seat for her. But it also was a little strange at the sight of it. He stared at her like she was present on Christmas morning, like she meant the world.
    “Quwil who is that?” Claire asked in the air while her hair was above her. She came falling back into Quils arms, wiggled out of his strong grasp and came walking over to me.
    “Hi, I’m Claire. Who are you?”
    “I’m Emily. Nice to meet you, Claire” I said giving her my best smile.
    “And I’m Gigi” Gigi said walking back to the kitchen table. She looked at her spot that was now Seth’s.
    “Uh excuse me, that was my seat.” She said in a disgusted tone.
    “Oh yeah, sorry” Seth quickly retreated and took his dinner and awkwardly stood there eating. I felt bad for how rude Gigi was, she doesn’t even appreciate what these people are doing for us.
    I got out of my seat and grabbed a chair and pulled it to the table next to me. I then patted it for Seth to sit. He smiled and immediately sat down.
    “So Emily, Gigi, were are you guys from?” Quil asked stuffing his face with corn.
    “I’m from California” Gigi said, “And I’m from Chicago” I said with a shy smile. All the guys looked at us in aw.
    “You guys are from cities?” Embry said. We nodded.
    “Do you like it here then? I mean isn’t it too different?”
    “No I actually like it better, I like knowing everyone. In the city you don’t know anyone except a couple houses on you’re street.”
    “Yeah I totally know that feeling” Gigi said drawing the attention to her now. I looked at Emily and she rolled her eyes, the guys joined in too.

Dusk: Seth Clearwater Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now