Betrayal of the Pack

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I’m really mad at you guys! I thought as loud as I can to annoy them.
Oh come on Seth you have to admit it was pretty funny seeing Emily like that!
Yeah did you see her face? It was priceless!
    The pack started laughing their barky laugh while in there wolf forms.
Stop guys! You really hurt Emily tonight and I’m really mad. . .
Seth you cant be that mad at us.
Yeah we were just having a little fun!
Well I am mad. It killed me seeing Emily like that and knowing you guys did it on purpose makes it even worse! She’s my imprint and I’m suppose to be protecting her! But I cant do that while you guys are the ones putting her in danger! Imagine if you’re imprint was in trouble and you found out it was our own brothers. . . Our own flesh of blood that hurt them. Imagine what it would feel like! What if Rachel was in trouble Paul? What if she was in danger because we put her in it?
Well I would be mad I guess. . . .
Exactly! Now you know how I felt tonight.
Yeah but because of us you and Emily had a little alone time in the water Embry added in with a dog like grin.
Yeah and thanks but I don’t want to see Emily like that again. . . It killed me.
Don’t worry Seth. None of the pack will do it again. Right? Sam mentally asked turning around to face the pack with a glare in his eye.
    The pack agreed pretty quick after seeing how mad I was and the evil eye from Sam.
    I walked in to Older Emily’s and Sam’s house to find Emily and Gigi arguing about something.
    “Gigi, you are so stupid!”
    “I am not stupid!”
    “Oh yeah, coming from the blonde!” Emily said with acid in her voice. I walked into the kitchen and saw Emily and Gigi still arguing. I left them be and walked over to the pack sitting on the couch watching football.
    “What are they arguing about?” I asked Jake.
    “How should I know? Their teenage girls, their clueless.” Jake shrugged not taking his eyes off the game.
    “Why would you ever want Gino?” Emily asked Gigi in a calm and controlled voice.
    “Because everything you say about him is. .  .perfect!”
    “Maybe he is perfect. That doesn’t mean you can have him”
    “But shouldn’t people that are perfect be together?” Gigi asked with smile.
    “No, that’s what makes a relationship last. Having imperfections help you connect with the person and understand each other. So no, you should not be with him.” Emily said with a smile that always send chills through my body and ran upstairs to their room. I have never hated someone so much in my life. I wish Emily never met that stupid Gino.
    Gigi sighed loudly and walked in by the pack and flipped through the channels.
    “Hey we were watching that!” Paul shouted across the room to Gigi.
    “Yeah, so?”
    “So I want you to go back!”
    “No. You have a place, go watch it there.”
    “Fine! I‘ll see you guys later” Paul said and slammed the door to the house. Gigi didn’t even get scared of him. Wow I gotta give it to her, I’ve never seen someone stand up to Paul like that. But what’s tonight?
    “Hey guys what’s tonight?” I asked.
    “Don’t you remember? We are gonna hear some of the legends that Mr. Black, Old Quill, And your dad are gonna tell.“ Collin told me in a matter-of-fact kind of way. How could I have forgotten? My dads been telling me about this night for months! He’s been so proud of me and Leah. He couldn’t believe it when he found out we were both shape shifters. I love my dad so much. He’s my inspiration, I don’t know what I’d do without him.
    “Do you remember now?” Collin asked. He took my out of my thoughts when he said that.
    “Oh yeah, yeah I remember. But hey do you think I can invite Emily?” I asked Collin.
    “Well, she is your imprint, she has the right to know.” He was right, every imprint here knows the legends already except Emily, she does have a right to know.
    I ran up the stairs to invite Emily to the bon fire tonight. When I got to her door my head went blank. How do I invite her? What do I say? I don’t wanna sound like a dork or anything. . . Oh man what if I ramble? I knocked.
    “Oh hey, Seth, what’s up?”
    “Well, I um was uh wondering if you would maybe kinda like to go to this bon fire thing the guys and everyone are having tonight. I mean you don’t have to come if you don’t want to. . . I don’t want to push anyone into something they don’t want to do and if you don’t want to do this then that’s okay. I just thought it maybe fun and you‘d like to come but I mean I totally understand if-”
    “Sure Seth I’d love to go, and how could I say know to the guy that saved my butt last night?” I smiled my goofy smile at her, which made her do the same.
    “What time is it at? Because I have this lunch date with Gino in an hour” She smiled into space at the thought. Can I puke right now?
    “Don’t worry its tonight so you can have all afternoon with . . . with Gino” I said the last word almost silent.
    “Great. Thanks Seth.”
    “Thanks, Emily.” 
    She shut the door and I went back downstairs to the living room, only to find  out the rest of the pack is gone.

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