A Sad Ending to a New Beginning - Epilogue

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A Sad Ending to a New Beginning - Epilogue
Emily’s POV
    I watched out the window as the rain was beating hard on the ground. I tried looking into the far, dense woods for a sign. . . A signal that they might be back. My heart was pounding fast as I was thinking of the worst situations again, but Seth said that everything will be fine. . . He promised that much. 
    “Emily they’ll be okay.” Rachel said almost reading my thoughts.
    “You don’t know though, they could be dead right now.” My eyes stayed glued to the woods. Rachel stayed looking at me with understandment in her eyes. She took a seat next to me on the couch behind the window.
    “I use to be just like you; never letting Paul outta my sight.” She laughed at the thought. “I wouldn’t even let him go to the fridge without me beside him” She seemed to get lost in her memories but was brought back by my funny look I gave her. She laughed.
    “I was that bad, I know. But you know what I realized?” I shook my head. “I realized that this is their job, this is what they were meant to do. They’ve practiced and trained and know what their doing.”
    “But what if some freak thing happens?” I asked still having the image of Seth getting slaughtered.
    “This whole situation is a freak thing, but you just have to trust Seth like I learned to trust Paul”
    When I didn’t answer, she got up to leave. My eyes stayed glued to the woods where an outline of a person was. I squinted, trying to look closer, and saw my Seth running toward the house. Knowing that I was looking out the window, he gave me a wide grin. I jump off the lumpy couch that creaked underneath me and swung open the front door about to run to him.
    Although my excitement in me was uncontrollable, I looked over my shoulder at Rachel in the doorway.
    “Thanks Rachel, you really helped me just then”
    “No problem, I’m always here for ya” she said simply and left through the door way.
    I looked back out the door to Seth and noticed he was almost here. I to then darted out the door and hoped that I wouldn’t make a fool of myself slipping in the mud, but I ran into Seth’s arms successfully. His warmth engulfed me and I felt whole again.
    “See, everything went just fine” He said pulling me to him.
    “I know, I love you” I said, with him twirling me around like in one of those romance novels. I felt joyful with the rain beating down on my head and Seth holding me to him. Everything was perfect.

Later that night. . . .

Seth's POV

    I could hear Emily’s heartbeat slow and rhythmic as she cuddled closer to my side. The ocean tides we getting higher but we didn’t dare ruin the moment by getting up and leave. For past couple months Emily’s been through an emotion rollercoaster with me leaving, Sam hurting her, and the Volturi coming. I still hadn’t forgiven Sam for touching her in such a way, but I put the situation at ease for Emily.
    I looked down at her and couldn’t help but smile in adoration. She was the definition of beautiful and gorgeous. Her light brown hair covered half of her face and her face fell into peace as she slowly descended into sleep. I began shutting my eyes and was falling into a dream world when I heard something. It was a buzzing noise coming from Emily’s back pocket. I slipped my hand into the pocket and took out her phone. It read ‘New Message’ I opened up the text and felt my world crash down around me.
    No. This cant be happening.
    The message was from her Mom telling her that her flight leaves tomorrow at 6 pm. She cant seriously mean. . . .
    “Seth? What’s wrong? What are you looking at?” Emily slowly got up and asked with a groggy, raspy voice.
    “Is that my cell phone?” She asked looking at me questionably. I nodded leaning up and dropping the phone on the small blanket. She gave me a curious look and took back her phone. Slowly reading the message, her jaw dropped.
    “Oh my gosh . . . Seth I-” She whispered looking back up at me.
    “Your leaving” I stated, still shocked.
    “Seth I know and-”
    “How long have you known?” I whispered to her, still in disbelief but feeling it slowly seeking in that my imprint is leaving me.
    She looked down tears rolling up in her eyes, I wanted so bad to hold her in my arms and just keep her here with me.
    “Please Emily, how long?”
    “About two weeks” She said still looking down.
    “Two weeks and you never told me?!” I felt anger rush in to take the place of my sadness. My mind went spiraling and I felt my body begin to quiver.
    “ I didn’t know how to tell you Seth, I’m sorry” She said streams of tears on her face.
    “I could have done so much more with you! And now I have no time!” I was up and shaking at this point. I couldn’t control the violent shake rumbling in the depth of me.
    “It would have just been harder then ,Seth, please try to understand” She slowly stood and now I could see her face full on and how sad it looked. She looked tortured  that she was doing this to me.
    “Its just, every time I have you. . . Something just tears us apart.” I felt the anger evaporate when she rushed over to me and wrapped her arms around me.
    “I’ll be back” she said into me. 
    “When?” I looked down at her beautiful face once more, realizing this is one of the last times I’ll get the chance.

The Next Day. . . .

    “Well I guess I’ll see you all soon.” Emily said with a sad smile on her face looking at everyone. She held her duffle bags and Gigi was coming down the stairs with her bags and I knew she was going to make my Emily carry them all. I stepped in and grabbed all the bags Emily and Gigi were both holding. I looked down at my imprint and smiled.
    “It feels like just yesterday when I was helping you with these same bags” I told her and she smiled at the memory. The memory of us first laying eyes on each other. I felt my eyes slowly draw tears and I tried to blink them away, hoping that Emily wont see them.
    The weather was brewing up and the rain began to fall. I threw the bags into the bag of the taxi and Emily looked up at me from underneath her hood. She placed her hands on both side of my face wiped my tear away.
    “I’ll be back, don’t worry about me” She smiled her pearly whites at me.
    “And I’ll be here, waiting for that day” I kissed her and prayed that this wouldn’t be the last kiss we’ll ever have. I hugged her close to my chest one last time before Gigi came lumbering from inside with all her purses and shoes hanging from the laces and heels off of her.
    I took in a deep breath and opened up the door to the taxi, knowing that this will be the last time I’ll see her in who knows how long.
    “Promise we’ll stay in touch?” Emily asked before sliding into the seat.
    “Have I broken a promise yet?” I asked. She smiled at me and slid in with a slam of the car door. I looked down into the car to catch one last glimpse of my Emily. She smiled up at me and mouthed an ‘I love you’. I mouthed it back and placed my hand on the car window, she did the same and I immediately felt her warmth reach mine. I let more of my tears fall as I backed up from the taxi, and saw it slowly descend down the muddy road. I felt my body move forward wanted to take my imprint back, but I knew it was too late. I was invisible to her now. Just a fragment of her memory. 

     A memory that began with a smile and ended with a tear.

Emily’s POV
    “Do you think Gino will miss me?” Gigi asked beside me.
    “I really could careless” I murmured, straining my neck to look out the back window at the people I learned to love so much.
    Emily and Sam stood there hand in hand waving underneath the porch next to Mr. Black and Sue. The Pack were standing in the yard waving, but started to go back inside due to the hammering of the heavy rain.
    And then there was Seth, standing in the middle of the muddy driveway looking down at us. I felt a stab in the heart looking at his broken face. Tears were streaming down his face mixing in with the rain.
    I finally let my tears fall and remembered all the good times I had with Seth. All the kisses and the love he gave me. And now as I looked back at him I felt like this is only the beginning. A new beginning with happier times and better moments.
    I looked back one more time to see if Seth was still there, but I could only see his outline now. And eventually he became invisible. I sat back down and looked out the front window and felt the tears roll down my face, this time without big, warm, bear-like arms to comfort me.
     We drove down the road, rain falling in all directions and the patches of sunlight slowly fading, through the horizon into the dusk of the night. . . .

Hey Y'all! Hope you guys liked it! PLEASE CHECK OUT THE SEQUEL! ITS CALLED DAWN! :D

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