Telling Gigi. . . And the dogs

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“So what happened?” Gigi asked, sitting up on her bed.
“What do you mean ‘what happened‘?” I asked folding some cloths of mine.
“You know, when Gino broke up with you”
I froze. Why is she bringing this up? Tonight she was dancing with him, why is she wondering about the break up?
 “I-” I was about to answer but there was a loud, raspy, clawing at our wooden door to our bedroom. We looked at each other with curiosity, neither one of us said anything. I motioned Gigi to get the door but she said, “What if it’s a killer?”
“So you want me to open it?”
She shook her head in a ‘yes’ motion while kneeling on her bed hugging her pillow. I rolled my eyes at her and heard another claw like scratch at the door. I slowly walked to the door, opening it slightly and letting whatever is out there inside our bedroom. I turned around to see nine different, gigantic, bear-like dogs in our tiny humble room. I glanced over at Gigi, whose eyes were glued to the bear dogs. The dogs were making there way onto my bed and Gigis bed, which made her squeak and jump away from her own bed. I turned to a gigantic grey dog that was on my bed. I held out my hand to him and he snapped at it with a weird deformed dog grin. Immediately after that another dog leaped at him. I noticed this other dog had a sandy colored coat which was beautiful. After the beautiful one gave a warning growl to the big grey one he came up to me and licked my hand. I petted his fur coat as he jumped up putting his front legs on my shoulders and licking my face. I laughed at this happy, spunky, dog and Gigi saying I was dead meat to them.
    After a few minutes of getting to know these dogs me and Gigi started to like them. They had such unique characteristics that they seemed like real people. The big grey one was a hot head. The chocolate brown one was a clutz. The medium brown one just messed around with the big grey one and played off of his actions. The dark grey one with the spots on the back was pretty funny and did funny faces. The two smaller, but still huge, dogs were messing around with Gigi, which was pretty funny. And the beautiful sandy colored one wouldn’t leave my side. When I sat down on the bed, which was difficult with all of them on the bed with me, he sat next to me started licking my face again and again. I laughed and laughed and noticed the perfect dog grin I have ever seen. It wasn’t like the big grey ones earlier, this one was different. . . Its corners of his mouth pulled up and the front part drooped to make a perfect smile on a face of a dog. I smiled at his smile and laughed some more. . . Until Gigi brought up her question from earlier.
“Tell me!” She pleaded. Pictures of Gino clouded my mind again and I remembered what his eyes looked like and how his hair was always perfect no matter where he was. Then the break up made its way into my mind. I frowned thinking about it which apparently got the attention of the sandy colored dog because he looked at me with sadness in his eyes and he licked me once more. Patting his head I said, “Why do you want to know so bad?”
“Because tonight he was like a prince charming” She said with a smile obviously thinking about him. It made me sick.
“That’s all an act, Gigi. That’s what guys do. They draw you in and just when you think you have everything. . . They rip out your heart.” I answered from my bed and receiving another wet kiss from the sandy dog.
“But what did he do?”
    I remembered the night he broke my heart. It was the ‘special’ date I had with him on the day Emily told us that she and Sam were gonna get married. Now I understand why Gino called it a ‘special’ date. .  .he knew he was going to break up with me.
    I took in a deep breath and let it out, cant believing that I’m going to tell Gigi and these oblivious dogs the whole break up with Gino. I looked down at all of the dogs looking at me with curiosity. But the only one that wasn’t looking at me with curiosity was the sandy colored one. . . He was looking at me with sadness, regret, and guilt in his eyes.
“What he did was he invited me to go to the movies. . . It was like any other date that we had, so I didn’t think much of it. . . I remembered it started to rain and get cold so Gino held me close to him to keep me warm.” I frowned at what a fool I was. “ When we walked up to the ticket box, Gino stopped me. . . He looked at me and said I was a. . .  a pathetic piece of nothing and. . . and no one would ever want me.” I took in a deep breath to remove the shivers in my voice from the tears that wanted to come out. “I asked what he meant and he said how could anyone love you?. . .  Your an ugly, stupid, ignorant girl that no one would ever want. . . He told me to look in the mirror and I would understand what he meant by ugly. . . .” I looked up at Gigi who was holding back laughter.
“Well do you blame him?” Gigi asked. I looked to her with disbelief of what she just said. The sandy colored dog jumped off my bed and growled at Gigi. She screamed which made me laugh. The sandy dog looked in my direction for a split-second with a grin on then turned back to Gigi with a growl.
When Gigi was basically crying from fear I called the beautiful dog back to me which he  gladly came. 
“Now you know what it was like” I told her.
“I don’t believe Gino said any of that” I looked at her mortified.
“You don’t believe me?” I asked accusingly.
“Why not? How could you think I just made all that up?”
“Look at Gino. He has to be the nicest guy in the world. How could he say something like that?”
“Because he’s not what he seems. He lies to get you to like him and he tears you into pieces. If you were smart you would believe me” I tried to persuade her.
“Well I don’t.”
“Fine, be stupid. Just you wait till he rips you into pieces. And trust me he will.”
The dogs were following the argument by looking back and forth to me and Gigi. I probably would have laughed if I wasn’t so mad at her. I told her the huge break up and she doesn’t even believe me! She makes me so mad sometimes.
I looked over at Gigi who was gingerly petting one of the dogs and the rest of them were looking at me with something in there eyes. Sadness? Guilt? Amusement? I couldn’t read the expressions on their faces. . . I could only read the one that was leaning on my shoulder licking the side of my face softly. I looked over at him as he stopped licking for a second. Looking deep into his eyes all I saw was. . . Hope.

Hey Everyone! ok i know the dogs arent as huge as in the movie, but I always thought of them like this. So if you agree thats great! :) if you disagree im sorry but im makin my story original ;P So COMMENT and VOTE for next chapter! Love you all! lol :P

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