No Matter What!

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I ran in with tears streaming down my face. I ignored the calls and stares everyone was giving me in the kitchen. I ran up the stairs to my bedroom and jumped onto my bed, trying to muffle up my agonizing sobs in my sheets and pillows.
    How could Seth do this to me?
    How could he be lying to me this whole time?
    How could he. . . ?
    Because he’s just another guy that doesn’t care who he rips a heart out Emily, and you believed him. You fell for his little tricks. Thinking everything me and Seth had was just a funny game made me cry harder.
    I never knew how much it hurt to cry. Specially when your heart was broken. . . Again. Only by a friend you thought you could trust. . . But couldn’t.  
    I lost track of time and fell asleep, tangled in my bed sheets and my tear dried pillow. When I woke up it felt like everything that happened was a nightmare, but when I walked downstairs and received the dirty looks from the guys I knew it wasn’t.
    I turned my back away from them and poured a bowl of cereal on the small countertop. I heard someone coming next to me going to the dull sink to rinse something off. I tilted my head so my hair was hiding my face. I peeked threw my hair to see who it was out of curiosity to find out it was Paul. I saw him eyeing my cereal and with a fast, swift, movement he took my cereal and started eating it.
    “Hey that’s mine” I said turning around, trying to sound tuff.
    He turned around from where he was standing with the guys eating my cereal and said, “Oh of course, a mutant dog monster shouldn’t eat human food right?”  he said with as much acid as an orange. He stared razors into me and I couldn’t find my words.
    Seth must have told them what I said.
     I let Paul keep my cereal and I walked out, I couldn’t take the stares and whispering remarks they were doing.  I quickly walked out the back door but instead of doing my dramatic exit I did a pathetic exit. . . I walked into a brick wall.
    That brick wall was Seth.
    I ran right into his chest with a thud. I looked up as he looked down. His eyes were red a puffy. . . It looked like he’s been crying.
    Because of me. It made me sick thinking this but it was true. My one true friend lied to me, and made me blow up in his face. But Seth had it coming, he cant just come in to some ones room and hear them pour all their secrets out for everyone to hear! Yeah It’s not my fault Seth is feeling like this its his own fault!
    I quickly looked back down at the hard wood floor and walked past him without another glance. I’m never, ever, ever gonna forgive Seth or any of the guys again. . . No matter what!

Hey everyone! sorry it took me so long to upload! but I'm gonna need ALOT of comments and votes for the next chapter! Thanks for reading! :P Oh and sorry this chapter was short!

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